Editorial :WiMAX, LTE, and WiFi interworking
Published 2010“…Themain challenges in wireless interworking of connecting the cellular network with the other wireless networks include issues like security, seamless handover, location and emergency services, cooperation, and QoS. …”
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Experimental investigation of the flow over IIUM-MAV using six component balance test and particle image velocimetry
Published 2011“…The experimental model of Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) shaped like cropped delta wing was designed, fabricated and tested in low speed wind tunnel. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Islamic law: an introduction
Published 2006“…It is hoped that this work will shed some light for those who are interested in understanding the basics of Islamic law. The author would like to thank the International Islamic University Malaysia for ganting him sabbatical leave and financial assistance for the realisation of this work.…”
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Book -
The role of environmental impact assessment in addressing marine environmental issues arising from oil and gas activities: Examples from Malaysia
Published 2011“…This paper argues a strong case for the application of EIA in a developing country like Malaysia as a preventive approach against environmental impact with the aim of striking a balance between development and the conservation of the environment.…”
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System identification of parameterized state-space model of a small scale UAV helicopter
Published 2012“…However, application of this method to complex system like helicopter is not a trivial exercise due to inherent coupling in the system states and the challenges associated with parameter initialization in PEM algorithm. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Muslim women today : challenges in achieving their full potential in resource management
Published 2012“…Many Muslim women in countries like Oman, Pakistan, Indonesia, and other Islamic nations face these challenges. …”
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Book Chapter -
Economic performance of bio-gas plant in the context of Bangladesh
Published 1999“…For a country like Bangladesh large proportions of the rural population and the urban poor depend and will continue to depend on the low quality energy sources such as firewood for cooking and kerosene for lighting. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Designing an algorithm for bioloid humanoid navigating in its indoor environment
Published 2012“…This paper delineates the various gaits like walking, turning, obstacle overcoming and step up-down stairs for a humanoid system. …”
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Analytical evaluation of a new route optimization scheme for nested mobile network
Published 2012“…Supporting networks’ roaming that move as one entity is required in order to enable the transparency of Internet in mobile platforms, like cars, trains, planes, buses, etc. To accomplish this, NEMO Basic Support has been proposed and developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in order to provide an efficient communication. …”
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Internal human based threats and security controls in computerized banking systems: evidence from Malaysia
Published 2012“…Malaysia being a unique capital market, practices dual banking system to capture the disaggregation of conventional and Islamic banking systems. However, like most financial institutions, no bank is isolated from security threats, even if, it comes from within the organization. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Spiritual Intelligence (SI): A Quranic Approach
Published 2011“…What is meant by ‘spiritually intelligent’ and what does spiritual intelligence look like? What are the spiritual qualities and revealing indicators of spiritual intelligence? …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The Hague Service Convention 1965: Is it Shari‘ah Compliant?
Published 2012“…The issue of amenability of an international treaty, like the ‘Hague Service Convention 1965’, with the Shari’ah is crucial from a Muslim state perspective and it has to be settled before the State in question can ratify the treaty and thereby expressing her willingness to abide by its provisions. …”
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The association between landscape design elements and human activities in hot humid outdoor urban spaces - case studies in Kuala Lumpur city
Published 2004“…Outdoor urban spaces sustain urban living like oases in the urban desert (Winikoff, 2000). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Position control of a four link hyper redundant robotic manipulator
Published 2013“…Hyper-Redundant robotic manipulators like Serial robots, Snake robots, Tentacle robots or Continuum robots have very large number of degrees of kinematics redundancy. …”
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Policies and views of the UN and Western Nations on Al-Shabaab and its recruitment strategies
Published 2012“…In the current political epoch of the Muslim world, groups like al-shabaab, Taliban and al-Qaeda seem out of touch with the new breed of comparatively young Muslim generation.…”
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Project Success and Knowledge Management (KM) practices in Malaysian Institution of Higher Learning (IHL)
Published 2013“…As it is known the fact that the institutions of higher learning are dedicated in knowledge management business due to their nature of jobs like knowledge creation, learning and deployment. …”
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Investigation of three dimensional empirical indoor path loss models for femtocell networks
Published 2013“…Most of the available models are for long range communication like macro and micro cellular networks. Models for femtocell networks where the effects of walls and floors are appeared are necessary. …”
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Export performance of Malaysian Telecommunication products: market prospect and challenges
Published 2013“…This study tries to examine the export competitiveness of selected telecommunication products by using indicators like Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Constant Market Share (CMS)analysis and Shift-share method and these are used for identifying potential export markets. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Waste disposal into water resources: Ethical evaluation from the Islamic point of view
Published 2013“…One of the many ways in which water can get polluted is through waste discharge from industries like mining and construction, food processing, chemicals and radioactive wastes from power generating industries, domestic and agricultural wastes. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A study of noise transmission through cylindrical shell using modal truncation approach
Published 2011“…The study of the vibroacoustic behavior of cylindrical structure like aircraft fuselage requires the establishment of very large models, and the numerical results which can be obtained are often difficult to interpret. …”
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