Published 2023“…The Lagrange approach is suitable to use when the potential and kinetic energy of a system could be easily identified. …”
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Durian Farm Threats Identification through Convolution Neural Networks and Multimedia Mobile Development
Published 2023“…Therefore, the Pro Durian application is proposed that allows farmers to identify durian threats through a camera phone with an alert feature activation when the system detects an animal to drive away those animals. …”
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Exploring Test Concept and Measurement Through Validity and Reliability Process in TVET Research: Guideline for The Novice Researcher
Published 2023“…The outcome of this research suggests that Cronbach’s Alpha is the best method to use when checking the reliability in terms of internal consistency. …”
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Characterization of chicken eggshells waste as oil adsorbent by using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Electron Dispersion Spectroscopy (EDS) and Fourier-Transform Infrared Spec...
Published 2020“…Somehow, they also have become one of the major sources that causes pollution to the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere when oil spills accidents occurred. Therefore, various methods have been developed to resolve this problem such as adsorption. …”
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The improved low cost grid connected EV charging station with PV and energy storage systems
Published 2024“…However, major disadvantages of EVs are charging time, range and overloading the grid, and the latter may lead to instability in the grid when a vast number of EVs are simultaneously charged from the grid. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The improved low cost grid connected EV charging station with PV and energy storage systems
Published 2024“…However, major disadvantages of EVs are charging time, range and overloading the grid, and the latter may lead to instability in the grid when a vast number of EVs are simultaneously charged from the grid. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
A review of biomechanical and psychosocial risk factors among workers
Published 2023“…The findings revealed that the biomechanical and psychosocial risk factors have a potential relationship when both can increase the susceptibility to MSD…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Exploring Test Concept and Measurement Through Validity and Reliability Process in TVET Research: Guideline for The Novice Researcher
Published 2023“…The outcome of this research suggests that Cronbach’s Alpha is the best method to use when checking the reliability in terms of internal consistency. …”
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A brief review of artificial intelligence robotic in food industry
Published 2023“…This paper provides a general view of food supply chain challenges when faced with labor issue, environmental disaster and production problems. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Application of Gamification Models with Virtual Reality for Learning Plant Cultivation Techniques
Published 2024“…The purpose of this study is to examine the significant differences in effectiveness between the control group and the intervention group when using gamification with virtual reality. The data used consists of test results from 50 respondents, divided into two groups: a control group of 25 students and an intervention group of 25 students. …”
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Determinations of nutrients and metals content in composted liquid waste
Published 2020“…High amount of food waste produced has been an issue for the municipal solid waste management system in Malaysia especially when there is no more landfill to cover for all the wastes. …”
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Book Section -
Comparison of lead and cadmium chloride poisoning on bovine haemoglobin
Published 2020“…The morphology of blood was change when lead and cadmium chloride was added and it affects the functionality of the blood.…”
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Book Section -
Cake monitoring system using Internet of Thing (IoT) for small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
Published 2020“…In this regard, the small and medium-sized industries (SMEs) of the cake and bakery sector have had most of the problems when it comes to monitoring and handling cakes in the chiller. …”
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Book Section -
Methodology to develop bottleneck-based heuristic for permutation flow shop scheduling
Published 2020“…Earlier studies found that the scheduling activity become complicated when dealing with machine, m greater than 2, known as non-deterministic polynomial-time hardness (NP-hard). …”
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Book Section -
The effects of absorber attachment location on vibration response of simply supported plate
Published 2016“…Numerical result also presented that when attached multiple absorber, the vibration reduction of plate provide larger suppression to SSP which average reduction almost 80% over the frequency modes. …”
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Accelerated mine blast algorithm for ANFIS training for solving classification problems
Published 2016“…It has outperformed Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and their variants when solving various engineering optimization problems. …”
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Optimal accelerometer placement for fall detection of rehabilitation patients
Published 2018“…The result found that the hip was the best location to record data for lower limb activities including when fall occurs.…”
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Mobile robot path planning using q-learning with guided Distance
Published 2018“…In the meanwhile, random direction decision making is added and activated when mobile robot gets trapped in local optima. This strategy enables the mobile robot to escape from local optimal trap. …”
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Contributing cost variation factors in highway projects
Published 2018“…Cost overrun is known as when the final cost of any project surpasses the sectioned cost of the project at the floating of tender. …”
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Fitting statistical distribution on air pollution: an overview
Published 2018“…This tool also will be useful to help the related government agencies for providing a better air quality management and it can provide significantly when air quality data been analyze appropriately. …”