Understanding the factors that contribute to the outcome of cognitive behavioural therapy as adjunct to medical treatment in a sample of individuals with psoriasis : a constructivi...
Published 2017“…In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine patients who had completed a course of CBT within the Psychodermatology Clinic of a hospital in England. …”
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Thesis -
Optimising retention success: a research team’s experience of following-up participants recruited to a pilot trial through community pharmacies in England
Published 2020“…Thirty-eight (81%) responses were provided by telephone and nine (19%) by post. Of the 38 follow-up calls completed by telephone, 17 (45%) participants were reached at first attempt; 16 (42%) at second attempt; and five (13%) at the third attempt. …”
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Sexual assault referral centres: developing good practice and maximising potentials
Published 2004“…For evaluation purposes, the projects were divided into nine packages, and projects with similar solutions or strategies, as well as those that were operating in the same contexts, were grouped together. …”
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Monograph -
An ethnographic study using the work of Heidegger to explore experts' use of information and communication technology (ICT) at work
Published 2012“…My arguments drawing on Heidegger's ideas, are supported by the primary data I gathered from a series of ethnographic interviews with my nine respondents and from participant observation with one respondent in particular (a commercial aeroplane pilot), who took me to an aviation base to fly on a small aeroplane, and also aboard a simulated aeroplane used for training pilots.…”
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Developing starter cultures for the optimisation of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) fermentation
Published 2010“…Fermentations using starter cultures of various combinations using 13 LAB, 12 softening and one odour producer bacteria were developed and assessed by studying their interactive effects on pH, softening, colour and odour of cassava. Thirteen LAB of nine species, 12 softening bacteria of three species and one odour producer were selected for starter culture development. …”
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Deconstructing the mole: a sociological narrative study that explores the mole concept experiences of science students and lecturers, in the context of social justice
Published 2021“…Twenty-five science students and three lecturers from London Metropolitan University responded to the questionnaire, which was also used as a recruitment tool. Nine students (5 in a focus group & 4 in a one-to-one) and three lecturers took part in narrative interviews designed to capture their experiences. …”
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Thesis -
Eggshell catalyst assisted palm biodiesel production for blending of B10 blended diesel fuel
Published 2020“…The transesterification method consists of varying parameters of molar ratios (9:1, 12:1 and 15:1) and catalyst content (2%, 3% and 4%), with fixed parameters of 65°C reaction temperature and 600rpm stirring speed. Nine samples were made, and each sample were tested for their physical properties in accordance to the ASTM D6751 standard. …”
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Competencies Needed for Improving Teaching Among Lecturers of Polytechnics in North-Western Nigeria
Published 2023“…The study is also to identify any difference of competency needed among the institutions. 122 electrical/electronic lecturers from nine universities were purposely selected as respondents for the study whose consisted of 55 lecturers from five state polytechnics and 67 lecturers from four federal polytechnics. …”
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Competencies Needed for Improving Teaching Among Lecturers of Polytechnics in North-Western Nigeria
Published 2023“…The study is also to identify any difference of competency needed among the institutions. 122 electrical/electronic lecturers from nine universities were purposely selected as respondents for the study whose consisted of 55 lecturers from five state polytechnics and 67 lecturers from four federal polytechnics. …”
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Competencies Needed for Improving Teaching Among Lecturers of Polytechnics in North-Western Nigeria
Published 2023“…The study is also to identify any difference of competency needed among the institutions. 122 electrical/electronic lecturers from nine universities were purposely selected as respondents for the study whose consisted of 55 lecturers from five state polytechnics and 67 lecturers from four federal polytechnics. …”
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Intruder localization wireless sensor network radar design with virtual reference tags
Published 2014“…The surveillance area of system is taken as 80X80 meters. Nine scenarios are checked with varying number of VRTs mapped over surveillance area. …”
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Leachate migration path estimations and groundwater quality analysis near a solid waste dumping site at Kampong Kelichap, Batu Pahat
Published 2004“…Groundwater level and water quality were monitored from August of 2003 to June of 2004 in nine wells (SI to S9) located upstream and downstream of the study area. …”
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Prioritization of conservation areas using species distribution modeling based on current data of butterflies in Johor
Published 2019“…MaxEnt was then used to model and map the potential distribution of butterflies based on land cover, vegetation indices, land use, elevation, and bioclimatic layers as variables. Nine models were formulated and compared based on the area under curve (AUC) for receiver operating characteristic (ROC) values, percentage of habitat suitability, and variable complexity. …”
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Thesis -
Identification of shift variation in bivariate process using pattern recognition technique
Published 2019“…In order to enhance its capability, this study aims at proposing an improved design of SPCPR scheme for enabling classification of nine bivariate patterns with high accuracy and reduced false alarm. …”
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Tumorigenic role of podoplanin in esophageal squamous-cell carcinoma
Published 2010“…The effects of podoplanin on the behavior of cancer cells were evaluated in ESCC cell lines in which podoplanin expression was knocked down. …”
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Diminishing partnership: bankers strategic response to Shariah compliance home financing
Published 2010“…Under DP home financing, customer and bank share profit based on the rental value of the house instead of predetermined interest rate where bank gains profit upfront .As such DP is claimed to be fairer and more flexible than debt financing which result in more justice, equality and cater for societal well being that is in line with the Maqasid al Shariah. This research adopted a mixed method by obtaining the perceptions of three stakeholders namely consumers, Shariah scholars and bankers. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Design of a compact printed band-notched antenna for ultrawideband communications
Published 2008“…The proposed antenna is fed by microstrip line, and it consists of square radiating patch on the top layer with a slotted-parasitic patch on the bottom layer of the antenna. …”
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Fiber break location technique utilizing stimulated Brillouin scattering effects in optical fiber
Published 2009“…This technique enables the utilization of a less-sensitive photodetector to detect the Brillouin Stokes line since its intensity increases with the fiber length in the detectable region. …”
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Testing a model of Islamic corporate financial reports: some experimental evidence
Published 2001“…Given the fact that religion stands at the core of some cultures, and that Islam is a significant force influencing the manner in which Muslims conduct their public and private lives, the influence of Islam on accounting may be significant. In line with this, Baydoun and Willett (1994 and 2000) suggested that the current value balance sheet and the value added statement would meet Islam’s objectives of socio-economic justice and accountability, thus satisfying the needs of Muslim users to a greater extent than would the traditional historical cost balance sheet and the profit and loss statement. …”
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A new automated compact substation for distribution system in Malaysia
Published 2010“…Microprocessor based Remote Monitoring Devices have been used for customized software to be downloaded to the hardware. Power Line Carrier (PLC) has been used as communication media between the consumer and the substation. …”
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Proceeding Paper