Improved personalised data modelling using parameter independent fuzzy weighted k-nearest neighbour for spatio/spectro-temporal data
Published 2021“…The NeuCube architecture is a data processing architecture for spatio/spectro-temporal data which consists of four main modules: a spike encoding module, a recurrent SNN reservoir, an output module, and an optimization module. …”
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Thesis -
Islamization of the Southeast Asia : the role of Turks
Published 2012“…In this paper, especially the Turk-Malay relationship will be investigated which it would take three distinct historical stages: the beginning of the thirteenth century, the pan-Islamic era of Sultan Abdulhamid II, and after the Ottoman Empire was replaced by the Republic of Turkey. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Fuzzy control algorithm for educational light tracking system
Published 2010“…The fuzzy control algorithm for light tracking system is implemented using a webcamera as a vision sensor, two PC sound cards as output signal controller, and two DC motors as a pan-tilt driver mechanism. Two Fuzzy logic controllers are designed to control the camera panel angles of the proposed light tracking system. …”
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Forecasting future irrigation water sustainability in upper Bernam river basin Malaysia
Published 2009Get full text
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Irrigation of acacia and eucalyptus species with waters of different salinities in a semi-arid environment in Formentera, Balearic Islands
Published 1997“…Irrigation volume and frequency were calculated by evaporation pan and tensiometer balance. No allowance other than winter rainfall (approximately 300mm) was made for leaching. …”
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Fliess’s Kappa: konsesus kesepakatan pakar bagi bakat bekerja pelajar TVET di universiti teknikal
Published 2020Get full text
Book Section -
Salafism in Malaysia: historical account on its emergence and motivations
Published 2015“…The early brand of Salafism in pre-Malaysia Tanah Melayu, or Malaya, was the emergence of the early 20th century reformist Salafi movement, known as Kaum Muda, inspired by the Middle Eastern Abduh-Afghani Pan Islamism. Despite the differences between that and the current global Salafism they share the same roots. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Coumarins and chromanones from two Calophyllum species and their bioactivities
Published 2016“…Calophyllum is a pan-tropical genus belongs to the Guttiferae family and locally known by Malay local folks as'bintangor'. …”
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Business in the Qur’an and Sunnah: its importance and guidelines
Published 2011Get full text
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A study on thermal conductivity of six unexplored Nigerian clays for possible refractory and insulating materials
Published 2017“…Six clay deposit locations in Nigeria were selected namely Kpata, Riyom, Gombe, Aloji, Barkin-lade and Quan’pan. The samples were obtained through a two meters depth excavation method. …”
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Pembelajaran teradun dalam kalangan pelajar UTHM
Published 2020“…Dasar e-Pembelajaran Negara (DePAN) adalah kesinambungan daripada kajian semula PSPTN pada tahun 2007-2020 serta penyelarasan PPPM (Prasekolah hingga Pendidikan Lepas Menengah) pada tahun 2013-2025, yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan dan memartabatkan sistem pendidikan tinggi negara. …”
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Book Section -
Preliminary assessment of salvadora persica whitening effects on extracted stained teeth
Published 2017“…After brushing under standardized condition using a brushing simulator machine, it was found that the staining of teeth buccal surface was reduced at least one tone of shade according to the VitaPan® shade.…”
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Determination of spatial factors in measuring urban sprawl in Kuantan using remote sensing and GIS
Published 2013“…This research attempts to study the measurement of defining sprawl by using spatial factors indexes such as highway strip, land use segregation and leapfrog development through remote sensing and GIS approach. The IKONOS pan-sharpened and SPOT-5 with 1 and 2.5 meters resolution were used and combined with GIS database to analyze the geospatial indicators using these indexes. …”
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A pilot study on peptidylarginine deiminases and protein deimination in animal cancers across vertebrate species
Published 2022“…Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that CitH3 was strongly detected in all of the cancers assessed, while pan-deimination detection was overall low. Both PAD2 and PAD3 were the most predominantly expressed PADs across all of the cancers assessed, while PAD1, PAD4, and PAD6 were overall expressed at lower, albeit varying, levels. …”
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A computing task ergonomic risk assessment tool for assessing risk factors of work related musculoskeletal disorders
Published 2018“…However, the existing research that applied this method was mainly focused to a limited range of office components and computer accessories such as seat pan, keyboards, mouse, monitor and telephone. In addition, further testing of reliability and validity of the observational method was less reported. …”
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Thesis -
Evaluating the Brexit and COVID-19’s influence on the UK economy: A data analysis
Published 2023“…For instance, the unemployment rate displayed a downward trend until 2020 but experienced a spike in 2021, persisting for a six-month period. …”
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الخصائص العامة للشعر العربي في ولايتي هوسا ويوربا: نظرات مقارنة = General characteristics of Arabic poetry in the Provinces of Hausa and Yoruba: Some comparative considerations =...
Published 2015“…Thanks to the strong dedication of Muslims in both provinces to the Arabic language, the splendor of Arabic poetry has continued to shine and cope with the waves of life without stopping or stumbling. …”
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Cancer control and prevention in Argentina
Published 2019“…From the 1920s to the early 1980s, three distinct periods can be identified: first, an institutional approach, where the first cancer institute attempted to concentrate all the activities related to the control of cancer, that is, lay education, scientific research, diagnosis and treatment, patients’ support, and cancer statistics; second, a state approach, inaugurated by the arrival of Juan Domingo Perón to government, where the centralization of cancer initiatives became a state affair; and third, a long period characterized by the retirement of the state—marked by political unrest and a succession of military governments until the return of democracy in 1983—informed by decentralizing policies, the prominent role of civil society actors, such as voluntary organizations and medical societies, and the relative sway of the Pan American Health Organization. Throughout these three periods, all these actors played a role, and their ambivalent relationship and, often poor, interaction shaped the country’s efforts to control and prevent a disease that, since the 1940s, has steadily occupied the second cause of death. …”
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Book Section -
Novel opto-electronic and plastic fibre sensors
Published 1998“…Non-linearities in the form of a spike are shown to exist in the very short ranges resulting in a minimum operational range of about 15 nun Beyond this minimum range the sensor response is linear and depends on the reflectivity of the target, the accuracy of calibration between the two detectors, any offset voltage present in any of the detectors, possible errors on the detected signals and the X, separation which in principle can be used to scale the sensor. …”
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