On being in the wrong place: the role of children’s conceptual understanding and ballgame experience when judging a football player’s offside position
Published 2016“…In the offside position, a player takes advantage of being behind the defence line of the opposing team and just waits for the ball to arrive in order to score a goal. …”
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Article -
General methods for analyzing bounded proportion data
Published 2017“…The generalized Tobit GAMLSS model relaxes the underlying normal distribution assumption of the latent variable in the Tobit model to a very general class of distribution on the real line. The thesis also provides likelihood inference and diagnostic and model selection tools for these classes of models. …”
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Thesis -
Fuzzy logic application to searchable cryptography
Published 2020“…Besides, some PEKS schemes are not secure mainly because they are vulnerable to Off-line Keyword Guessing Attack (OKGA). This research paper incorporates with Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System to PEKS for supporting Fuzzy Keyword Search. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Breaking the cycle: media representations of victim-survivors and child abuse
Published 2019“…Many people look to the media for information on complex social issues - particularly more ‘private’ events such as sexual violence - and too often, onscreen representations fall in line with negative societal stereotypes around abusers and victims. …”
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Article -
Wideband circularly polarized square slot antenna with an annular patch
Published 2013“…A semicircular stub is embedded in the feed-line to enhance its impedance bandwidth. The antenna exhibits CP bandwidth of 22.2% across 4.87–6.09 GHz, which incorporates the WLAN band. …”
Article -
Feasibility Study of River Bank Filtration (RBF) at Sg. Kampar, Perak Using Numerical Modelling Technology (Visual Modflow)
Published 2020“…The facts showed that increased of water demand in line with the increase of population [2].…”
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Book Section -
Potential impacts for monitoring sustainability: case study of hollow fiber membrane
Published 2017“…Sustainability should be balanced among Triple Bottom Line (TBL) aspects namely environmental, economic and social elements. …”
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Article -
Arrhythmia heart disease classification using deep learning
Published 2020“…Therefore, we have designed a model using supervised deep learning to classify the heartbeats extracted from an ECG into four (4) heartbeat classes which is normal beat, ventricular ectopic beat (VEB), supraventricular ectopic beat (SVEB) and fusion beat, based only on the line shape (morphology) of the individual heartbeats. …”
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Thesis -
Development of free neuromasts in larvae of mouse grouper, Cromileptes altivelis
Published 2006“…The polarity of the trunk neuromasts was usually oriented along the antero-posterior axis of the fish body, but a few had dorso-ventral orientation. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Legal and constitutional status of race-based and religious-based political parties in Malaysia and Nigeria
Published 2011“…In Malaysia, Islam is the state religion although the country is a modern nation state and not an Islamic state ran along strict Islamic lines. In Malaysia, electoral laws are silent on the role of religion therefore it is possible to form political parties which are aligned with religious ideologies. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Development of fuzzy logic controller for magnetorheological rotary brake system
Published 2009“…This effect is the result of changes in the fluid structure: the ferromagnetic particles of the fluid, being single domains, when subjected to an external magnetic field, become orientated and concentrated along the lines of forces of the magnetic Field. …”
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Article -
Malaysia's 2004 General Elections: spectacular victory, continuing tensions
Published 2004“…The spectacular victory, however, belied continuing tensions in Malaysian politics where the fault lines are being drawn less along narrow ethnic struggle, than between contending discourses of democracy, religious identity and economic development. …”
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Contemporary issues in human resource development
Published 2011“…Superior talent is being recognised as the prime source of sustainable competitive advantage in high performance organisations. Along with the need for a talented workforce, the knowledge base of the organisation has to be managed effectively and efficiently and this brings a need for better knowledge management in organisations. …”
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Book Chapter -
Electro-mechanically controlled continuously variable transmission system for passenger cars
Published 2009“…The function of power screw mechanism is for shifting movable sheaves axially along the shafts by the DC motor. Both the driving and driven pulleys’ moving sheave move at the same time exactly the same linear distance but in opposite directions. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Proposed research for optimization of the performance of cooling system in data center facilities
Published 2008“…Unfortunately, the power consumption of the cooling system increase along with the increasing of server density. Data center requires three to five times higher cooling capacity for the same space area than the cooling system for office building. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Design and implementation of an intelligent fuzzy logic controller (FLC) for Air Handling Unit (AHU) for smart house
Published 2011“…IBAS has been developed along with the rapid sophistication of the information and control technologies in this study. …”
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Article -
HRI for interactive humanoid head Amir-II for visual tracking and servoing of human face.
Published 2011“…The algorithm developed in this research utilizes the capability offered by scientific computing program MATLAB along with its Image Processing Toolbox. The algorithm basically compares the locations of the face in the image plane that is detected from the static face image captured from real-time video stream. …”
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Article -
A new approach of applying cryogenic coolant in turning AISI 304 stainless steel
Published 2010“…The next effective way was to apply liquid nitrogen along the principal cutting edge. It was found that application of liquid nitrogen coolant did not improve job surface finish, but all the three positions of the copper nozzle demonstrated almost similar effectiveness.…”
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Article -
The determination of 210Pb in the sediments: sedimentation rates from the Terengganu coastal waters, Malaysia
Published 2010“…The activities of natural radionuclide 210Pb along with the 208Po tracer were measured by Alpha Spectrometry to estimate sedimentation rate and mass accumulation rate. …”
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