Study of multiple half blades effect on the performance of savonius rotor: Experimental study and artificial neural network (ANN) model
Published 2018“…Moreover, the measured data were predicted using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Findings: The location of half blades effect the performance of the rotor. …”
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Assessing the level of community involvement in post-disaster housing reconstruction and current green design practices towards net-zero energy buildings
Published 2020“…Data collection was done through a self-administration of structured questionnaires to 257 flood victims involved in the reconstruction projects. Findings indicated that community involvement in resource mobilisation and reconstruction process was insignificant due to misplacement of reconstruction priorities. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Assessing the effectiveness of supply chain partnering with scalable partnering as a moderator
Published 2009“…Data are collected from a field research on a sample of 584 companies in Malaysia. Findings – The result of this research indicates that resource sharing have positive influences on SCP. …”
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Antibacterial activity of cycas rumphii miq. leaves extracts against some tropical human pathogenic bacteria
Published 2011“…EtOAc and MeOH extracts showed maximum antibacterial activity against most of the bacteria taken into account. Present findings are suggestive of antibacterial agents in the leaves of C. rumphii which can be used in future for formulation of broad spectrum herbal antibacterial products. …”
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Access audit on universal design: the case of Kota Kinabalu water front
Published 2009“…This research describes the procedures, process and findings of the access audit done in the city of Kota Kinabalu. …”
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Limiting business risks via limited liability partnerships (LLP); the Malaysian law and the Islamic law perspectives
Published 2009“…In all business, there will always be business risks, be it calculated or uncalculated risks. Other than finding the right investments or business, it is also important for businessmen to know the means to limit the liability in business. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Business assets as matrimonial property from the civil law and shariah perspectives; implication for national family policy
Published 2011“…This paper intends to look into approaches of both the civil and Shariah courts in determining the status of business assets/interest as a matrimonial property relating to business assets/interest. Findings of this research shall be useful in formulating the national policy on distribution of business assets as matrimonial property. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Biodiesel production from crude palm oil by transesterification process
Published 2009“…Optimization of the process was held for determining of the best possible yield of biodiesel at the end of the reaction which was 93.6%. This was carried by finding the optimal values of reaction time of 60 min, reaction temperature of 60°C, agitation speed of 250 rpm, molar ratio of methanol to oil of 10:1 (m/m) and dosage of the catalyst of 1.4 (%wt). …”
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Exploring the relationship between Internet ethics in university students and the big five model of personality
Published 2009“…The results of factor analyses confirm and refine the reliability of the scales for both big five personality variables and unethical Internet behaviors as conceptualized through Internet triggered academic dishonesty (ITADS). The findings indicate that personality traits such as (1) agreeableness, (2) conscientiousness and (3) emotional stability are significantly and negatively correlated with unethical Internet behavior in university students. …”
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Article -
Study of β2-Adrenergic Receptor Polymorphisms among Hypertensive
Published 2010“…Results: There were no significant evidence of association in allelic and genotypes distribution of Arg16Gly and Glu27Gln with elevated blood pressure and hypertension. These findings suggest that the variation within codon 16 and 17 of β2AR gene were unlikely to confer genetic susceptibility for hypertension in our population samples.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Information flows of reporting on terrorism attack by online news portal
Published 2017“…In terms of news sources used, majority of the news articles used official sources such as Minister, Police officer, spokesperson, media, leader, authorities and security forces. The findings also revealed several news themes such as suspected attackers, rescue efforts, security efforts and death toll are emerged in this analysis…”
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Article -
Management accounting systems,enterprise risk management and organizational performance: the case of financial institutions in Malaysia
Published 2009“…The research method involved administering a questionnaire to 106 financial institutions listed on the Malaysian Central Banks website and the respondents are the chief financial officer (CFO) or the most senior positions in the finance department of the institutions. 16 post-survey semi-structured interviews were conducted with selected respondents. The findings from the survey and the post-survey interviews show that MAS and risk management complement each other. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The study of the implementation of OHSAS : 18001 at Kulliyyah of Engineering (KOE)
Published 2011“…The problem questions are tested through the analysis. Findings- Data analysis shows that the department, years of experience and job category have direct effect of awareness towards the implementation of the system. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Online banking acceptance in Malaysia: a students' behaviour perspective
Published 2010“…Design/methodology/ approach - The approach takes the form of an empirical study with 303 usable responses on a questionnaire with five-point Likert scale. Findings - The results indicate that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are strong determinants of the students' behavioural intention to adopt online banking in Malaysia. …”
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Article -
The appointment of Muslim women as judges in the courts: a textual analysis from Islamic perspective
Published 2011“…Discussion would include implications of the research findings, shortcomings of the current study, and directions for future research.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Human pathogenic bacteria in sea fish - siakap (SEA PERCH, lates calcarifer) and ikan merah (RED SNAPPER, Lutjanus sanguineus
Published 2010“…In fact poor hygienic of fish handling practices and improper fish storage conditions have been observed to be the potential contamination sources of these bacteria. The present findings might be instrumental to aid both the food safety regulatory bodies and the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point System in setting up new standards and guidelines for the awareness on post harvest fish handling practices in the public fish market and sea food restaurants.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Tribological behavior of dual and triple particle size SiC reinforced Al0MMCs: a comparative study
Published 2008“…The wear morphology of the damaged surface was also studied using optical microscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM) in this investigation. Findings- The test results showed that heat treated composite exhibited better wear resistance properties compared to as cast composite. …”
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Article -
Contrecoup injury in patients with traumatic temporal bone fracture
Published 2011“…High resolution computed tomography scans of the brain and skull base were performed in indicated cases, based on clinical findings and Glasgow coma score. Patients with a one-sided temporal bone fracture were selected and subsequent magnetic resonance imaging performed in all cases. …”
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Article -
National integration in vision school: towards '1 Malaysia'?
Published 2009“…This paper reports preliminary findings of a larger study of the assessments of intercultural communication in selected Vision schools across Malaysia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The Islamic built environments perception in Malaysia
Published 2011“…The research method implemented is a Delphi method that uses structured and semi-structured interviews for primary data collection to achieve the objectives of this research include (1) to define the perceptions of experts from a variety of races and religions on the subject of Islamic built environments in order to ensure the appropriate implementation of the concept in Malaysian contexts; and (2) to evaluate and analyze the findings with regard to the degree to which the study area in Putrajaya are truly Islamic cities and are compatible with the criteria associated with an Islamic built environment in Malaysia. …”
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Book Chapter