Ijtihad by Ra’y: the main source of inspiration behind Istihsan
Published 2007Get full text
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Main analytical techniques used for elemental analysis in various matrices
Published 2016Get full text
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Flutter analysis of supersonic wing with external stores
Published 2013“…In the present paper, the simulation of supersonic wing equipped with external loads of missiles on the wing had been analyzed at high supersonic region. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Right-wing populism and religion in Europe and the USA
Published 2020“…The aim of this paper is to examine comparatively the growth and political effectiveness of right-wing populism in Western Europe, Central Europe, and the USA since 9/11. …”
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Analysis of Dijkstra’s and A* algorithm to find the shortest path
Published 2015“…There are so many algorithms used to find the shortest path such as Dijkstra, A* algorithm, Genetic algorithm, Floyd algorithm and Ant algorithm. …”
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Thesis -
Evaluation of aircraft wing-tip vortex using PIV
Published 2009“…Particle image velocimetry was used in a wind tunnel to measure the tip vortex velocity field and hence investigate the flow structure in a wake of aircraft half-wing model. The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the main features of the lift generated vortices in order to find ways to alleviate hazardous wake vortex encounters for follower airplanes during start and approach such that the increase in airport capacity can be achieved. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Finding and funding voices: the London experience
Published 2008“…This article argues the importance of community media, and particularly community radio, in providing such communities with opportunities to express their cultures and concerns. Its main focus is London, whose size and geography pose special problems for broadcast coverage, but comparisons are made with other European capital cities – Budapest, Cardiff and Stockholm - and the historical legacy of London’s problems, which has defeated other attempts in the past to use radio to meet the needs of London communities, is briefly summarised. …”
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Internet banking in Pakistan: finding complexities
Published 2011“…Out of the nine complexities identified, six are found significant. The findings of the research signify that 67 % of the proposed complexities, Familiarity with the technology, Concerns for Download Speed, Unfriendly Website Design, Fear of Government tracking transactions, Security and People Gaining Access/Misusing, hinder the users in accepting and adopting internet banking technology in Pakistan.…”
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Fact-finding missions : the Strasbourg experience
Published 2010“…However, where fundamental facts remain in dispute between the parties, the ECtHR has, in the past, conducted fact-finding missions. The basis upon which such fact-finding missions are conducted is to be found in Art. 38(1) ECHR which provides simply that the Court may, "if need be, undertake an investigation". …”
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Experimental investigation of free wing IIUM-UAV configuration
Published 2010“…In this work, the IIUM first free wing unmanned aerial vehicle model (IIUM-FWUAV) was investigated experimentally. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Experimental investigation of plain- and flapped-wing tip vortices
Published 2009“…Particle image velocimetry was used in a low-speed wind tunnel to investigate and characterize wing tip vortex structures. A rectangular wing of a subsonic wall interference model was used as a vortex generator in two different configurations: 1) plain wing and 2) flapped wing with the trailing-edge flap extended at 20 degrees. …”
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Development of educational software for stress analysis of an aircraft wing
Published 2012“…The developed software can be used to estimate load on a wing and to compute the stresses at any point along the span of the wing of a given aircraft. …”
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Flow visualization over a circular planform wing
Published 2013“…circular plan form wing at high Reynolds numbers has been carried out numerically. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effect of angle of incidence on stability derivatives of a wing
Published 2014“…In the Present paper effect of angle of incidence on pitching derivatives of a delta wing with curved leading edges of a attached shock case is been studied. …”
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Oscillating supersonic delta wing with straight leading edges
Published 2012“…A Supersonic similitude has been used to obtain stability derivatives in pitch and roll of a delta wing with straight leading edge for the attached shock case. …”
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The psychological and social factors of the main characters in D.H. Lawrence's Sons and Lover
Published 2023“…Lawrence's novel Sons and Lovers, which shows the development of the main characters in the novel. The study also shows the lack of communication among the family members as part of the new change in British society at that time. …”
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Thesis -
The psychological and social factors of the main characters in D.H. Lawrence's Sons And Lover
Published 2023“…Lawrence's novel Sons and Lovers, which shows the development of the main characters in the novel. The study also shows the lack of communication among the family members as part of the new change in British society at that time. …”
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Thesis -
Improvement of relationship between main contractor and subcontractor for successful construction project implementation
Published 2017“…On the other hand, the recommendation to improve the relationship between both parties are skill, integrity, trust, responsibility and communication application which is mutual in a contractual relationship between both parties. In conclusion, the finding can assist in the improvement of the main contractor and subcontractor relationship for successful construction project implementation.…”
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