Prevalence of elevated aldosterone renin ratio in three main states of Peninsular Malaysia
Published 2016“…Only 7 (5.9%) of them were hypokalemic, one of them being hypertensive. The main clinical characteristics of subjects with raised ARR are shown in Table 1. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Estimation of stability derivatives of an oscillating hypersonic delta wings with curved leading edges
Published 2012“…In the present study hypersonic similitude has been used to obtain stability derivatives in pitch and roll of a delta wing with curved leading edges for the attached shock case. …”
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Induced rolling moment for NACA4412 plain and flapped wing
Published 2010“…Findings – Results obtained showed that the maximum induced rolling moment coefficient depends on the strength of the vortex produced by the generating aircraft wing and increases linearly with the increment of the angle of attack. …”
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Investigation of the vortical flow around a reverse delta wing
Published 2011“…A six component force balance was used to obtain the CL for a reverse delta wing and a delta wing for comparison purposes. A simulation of the streamlines, velocity vectors and surface pressure contours was carried out using CFD software to show the characteristics of the flow over a reverse delta wing.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Estimation of stability derivatives of a delta wing in hypersonic flow
Published 2012“…In the present study supersonic similitude has been used to obtain stability derivatives in pitch and roll of a delta wing for attached shock case. A strip theory is used in which strips at different span wise locations are independent. …”
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Right-wing nationalism, populism, and religion: what are the connections and why?
Published 2021“…This collection focuses on right-wing nationalism, populism, and religion, both theoretically and empirically, with an emphasis on the following countries: Australia, India, Italy, Turkey, and the USA. …”
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Exploration to find green building materials from recycled solid wastes
Published 2018“…This project therefore discussed mainly about theory of heat transfer which consist of conduction and radiation. …”
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Development of IIUM Free Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (IIUM-FWUAV)
Published 2010“…This research focused on the design, construction and testing of a free wing remote controlled aerial vehicle. The free wing concept allows the wing to move freely in pitch relative to the fuselage. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Administrative corruption and good governance in Iraq: finding and analysis
Published 2015“…It was found that job satisfaction is the main factor that contributes to the reduction of corruption. …”
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Effect of angle of incidence on roll damping derivatives of a delta wing
Published 2014“…In the Present paper effect of angle of incidence on roll damping derivative of a delta wing with curved leading edges with attached shock case has been studied. …”
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İslam Birliği: Orta yolu bulmak (Islamic Unity: To find the Middle Way)
Published 2011Get full text
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Main causes of civilian vulnerability in a non- international armed conflict: An appraisal of the legal factors
Published 2013“…There may be legal as well as non-legal factors that are the main causes of the civilian harm in a non-international armed conflict. …”
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A study of the legal effect of the main provisions of the income tax treaty between France and the United Kingdom
Published 1984“…This thesis analyses the taxation rules applicable to different classes of income and the respective rights to tax of both the state of source and the state of residence. Its main objective is to provide an exhaustive explanation of the rules of taxation, together with an illustration of their practical operation. …”
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Thesis -
Drag analysis of an aircraft wing model and without bird feather like winglet
Published 2012“…This work describes the aerodynamic characteristic for aircraft wing model with and without bird feather like winglet. …”
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Numerical simulation of a low aspect ratio wing at low Reynolds number
Published 2013“…In this work the numerical simulation of aerodynamic performance of low aspect ratio wings at low Reynolds numbers applicable to micro aerial vehicle is carried out. …”
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Proceeding Paper