Emission characteristic of small diesel engine fuelled by preheat biodiesel
Published 2015“…For gas emission analysis, it found NOx, smoke opacity was decrease compare to diesel fuel as preheat temperature rise at 60oC. There are increase in CO2 emission level as biodiesel blending ratio increase due to oxygen content in biodiesel and its blend.…”
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Thesis -
Development of web application package to design AC substation grounding system based on IEE STD. 80-2000 for continuous education and professional training
Published 2016“…Substation grounding is a very important aspect in a substation design which forms a safe grounding grid system besides functioning as a means of dissipating currents to the surrounding ground during normal and fault conditions, also prevents the ground potential rise during a fault from creating dangerous potential gradients on the substation ground surface that can endanger a life of a person in the vicinity of the grounded facility. …”
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Effect of intrapartum pethidine on the neonatal outcome: is it duration related?
Published 2012“…All neonates delivered with good Apgar Score (AS), 8 at 1 minute and 9 at 5 minute except 1 with AS of 5 at 1 min and 7 at 5 min which delivered more than 4 hours after pethidine. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Nanoencapsulation of alpha-tocopherol via microwave heating technique
Published 2024Get full text
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Olahan air sisa pusat penyembelihan ayam menggunakan elektrod keluli tahan karat dan aluminum melalui proses gabungan elektro-penggumpalan dan pengelompokan dan penggumpalan dengan...
Published 2017“…Nilai optimum ketumpatan arus elektrik, jarak antara elektrod, pH awalan, masa tindak balas dan masa enapan masing-masing adalah 25 A/m2, 5 cm, 5, 75 min dan 40 min. Manakala, peratusan penyingkiran yang diperolehi bagi COD, SS, NH3-N, warna dan kekeruhan masing-masing adalah 90.03%, 94.46%, 62.03%, 95.68% dan 94.96%. …”
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Effect of temperature and time to the antioxidant activity in Plecranthus amboinicus Lour
Published 2010“…Results: The antioxidant activity increased with the rise of temperature from 45-100[degrees]C but dropped when the extraction temperature was raised to 120[degrees]C. …”
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Conservation of urban environmental corridor in Kuala Lumpur as a method to safeguard the environment
Published 2008“…As more areas are built there is now an imbalance of hard and impermeable surface in the cities, giving rise to hotter urban microclimate - a phenomenon called "heat island". …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Dementia : prevalence and risk factors
Published 2012“…Dementia is increased in certain population and the trend is on the rise. A number of risk factors associated with dementia are modifiable and may have potential as strategies useful in preventing or delaying dementia among elderly subjects. …”
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Accounting regulatory issues on investments in Islamic bonds
Published 2003“…Investments on Islamic bonds (sukuk) give rise to a number of accounting and reporting issues related to recognition, measurement and disclosure. …”
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Research perception from layout plan and facilities for government low cost housing in Klang Valley, Kuala Lumpur
Published 2012“…Furthermore, to determine the suitable ratio for car parking in government low cost high-rise housing. Besides, this research will propose recommendation to improve the aspects of size of the space for both normal unit and disabled unit and car parking provision. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Using the web for critical learning of al-Qur’an’s language: an exploratory case study
Published 2012“…Since it is obligatory for all Muslims to recite the Qur'an in Arabic during regular prayers, an extraordinary social phenomenon has taken place in some parts of the Muslim world: in schools, children are only taught the complex phonetic rules of the Arabic language in the context of the Qur'an. This has given rise to a demographic segment of adult learners who are interested in a Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) curriculum that would help them learn a closed set of syntactic rules and vocabularies in the context of the Qur'an, so that they can recall an idiomatic translation in their native language while they recite or listen to the Qur'an. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Children of Isaac or Ishmael? a critical examination of Abu Hurayrah’s narration on the conquest of Constantinople
Published 2012“…In his Sahih, Imam Muslim narrated that Abu Hurayrah spoke about the conquest of Constantinople based on a prophetic tradition attributed to the Prophet Muhammad in which he said: “The Hour will not rise until seventy thousand people from among the descents of Isaac conquer Constantinople.” …”
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Improving students’ comprehension on the theory of law (nazariyyah al-hukm) through action research
Published 2011“…In recent years, it is being observed that the medium of instruction in the Academy of Islamic Studies has moved from the strictly local language to a multi-lingual education system that includes Arabic and English beside Malay. With a considerable rise of the rank of the University of Malaya at the ladder of the world academic ranking, the academy has introduced serious developments similar as in other faculties of the University. …”
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Environmental impacts of infrastructure upgrading as transportation hub: a case study of KLIA 2
Published 2013“…The paper describes the malaysian experiences with airport expansion. In malaysia, the rise of low cost air travel has had the government revising the current capacity of the international airport provision. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Shari`ah objectives of marriage: the significance in stabilizing families
Published 2013“…The very fact that the rate of divorce -with its attendant devastating effect on children, among Muslims, the world over is staggeringly on the rise and even our Islamic family laws are incapable of containing its wreaking havoc on our home is symptomatic of such loss of vision on our part. …”
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An overview on rare earth management in Malaysia
Published 2015“…This demand is projected to rise to 185,000 metric tons annually by 2015. Currently, China is the global supply of the REEs. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Analysis of the impact of Arabic-Malay bilingual dictionaries in Malaysia
Published 2015“…This effort continues from generation to another until modern times which gave rise to the production of different types of Arabic Malay bilingual dictionaries. …”
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