Çok Uluslu İslâm Bankası (Multi-National Islamic Bank)
Published 2011“…Batı’da yaşanan fâsılalı krizlere ek olarak yeni bir krizin kapıda olduğu haberlerinin ABD ve Batı dünyasında yayılmaya başlaması bu sahaya ilginin ne denli zorunlu olduğunun da bir göstergesi diye düşünülüyor. Amerika şu anda borç batağına geleneksel bankalarının ürettiği fâiz ile batmış durumda ve bu fâiz girdabı, görünen o ki Amerika’yı bitirecek. …”
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Dönüm Noktası –II-(A Turning Point-II-)
Published 2007“…Oysa o günlerde çok mutluydu. İstediği her şey bir anda sihirli bir değneğin tılsımlı dokunuşuyla gerçeğe dönüşebiliyor, bu denli arzularının gerçekleşiyor olması onu mutluluğun zirvesine tırmandırıyordu. …”
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An antenna array utilizing slotted conductive slab: inspired by metasurface and defected ground plane techniques for flexible electronics and sensors operating in the millimeter‑wa...
Published 2023“…The antenna array is excited through a single microstrip line. The radiating elements in the array are interconnected to each other with a microstrip line. …”
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Case report of huge cervical dumbbell tumor in neurofibromatosis. Give up surgery?
Published 2011“…Neurofibromas that arise from the spinal canal may be intradural or extradural and most commonly in the cervical spine (44%), followed by the thoracic spine (27%) and the lumbar spine (21%). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Spores that crush the spine in infancy: a diagnostic dilemma for an infant with special tuberculosis
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Copyright -
Functional electrical stimulation system and profile for walking
Published 2011“…Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) helps to restore muscle function for dropped foot correction in patients having neurological disorders such as cerebro-vascular accident or stroke, multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury by stimulating the tibialis anterior muscle or common peroneal nerve. …”
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Book Chapter -
Some applications of generalised linear models
Published 1990“…This technique is applied to standard link functions as well as to the family of composite link functions. …”
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Thesis -
EZ-arabic for children: a virtual learning resource tool for Malaysian primary schools
Published 2013“…It facilitates Arabic learning enhancement through a compendium and a variety of open-sources of learning tools such as e-book of Arabic text books, educational games, audio-video learning aids, online translator, online chat-box for discussion, link of Arabic keyboard for computer, and links of various websites in learning Arabic for children.…”
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Article -
Dilated Intercellular Spaces of Esophageal Epithelium among Malaysian With Nonerosive Reflux Disease: Transmission Electron Microscopic (Tem) Study
Published 2011“…The diffusion of refluxed gastric acid into the intercellular space activates chemo sensitive nociceptors whose signals are transmitted via the spinal cord to the brain for symptom (heartburn) perception as well as initiated a short reflex arc to esophageal (longitudinal) smooth muscle as means of precipitating a sustained esophageal contraction. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Paediatric cause of back pain in young adult. A case report
Published 2011“…Vertebral involvement has been frequently reported in approximately 10-15% of cases, but involvement of the spinal cord and roots remains a rare occurrence. Patients may present with progressive back pain, with or without neurologic symptoms. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Development of coated peanut separator and frying skillet machine
Published 2018“…The groundnut is sticking and become like a ping pong size ball and the time consuming to fry is longer. …”
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Integration of environmental performance in a virtual reality framework: case study of Putrajaya
Published 2008“…As the 'user' walks through the spaces in the VR, the line graphs on the gauges will change to indicate the variations in the environmental parameters such as light, air speed and temperature experienced in urban microclimates.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Nanoparticle-coated Vivaldi antenna array for gain enhancement
Published 2023“…This is achieved by loading the antenna with Complementary Split Ring Resonators (CSRR) and periodic array of open loop meander-line unit cells. The unit cells are designed to exhibit properties of anisotropic zero-index metamaterial (AZIM) over a frequency range of the antenna. …”
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Critical point study in the Sabah power grid for cascading failure blackouts
Published 2014“…Sabah System Grid is made up of 66kV, 132kV and 275kV which link up all major towns in Sabah and Federal Territory of Labuan. …”
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Thesis -
Kesedaran kognitif dalam aplikasi reka bentuk antara muka bagi pemantauan penyelenggaraan
Published 2019“…Lebih mudah, ia untuk mengetahui apa yang sedang berlaku di sekeliling anda. Ia dinamik, sukar dikekalkan, dan mudah hilang. …”
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Thesis -
Wireshark window authentication based packet captureing scheme to pervent DDoS related security issues in cloud network nodes
Published 2015“…As a result, the cloud node response is slow as usual and resource on cloud network becomes unavailable. Some Dos attacks are Ping of Death, Teardrop, Snork, Locking authentication, SYN flooding, Operating System Attacks etc. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Rain attenuation prediction of optical wireless system in tropical region
Published 2013“…The effect of rain on optical wireless link is expressed in term of specific rain attenuation. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Knots Verses Graphs
Published 2011“…It has been shown that the universes, LR-graphs and regions of reduced alternating knots (links) are path connected. Connected universe corresponding to reduced alternating knot (link) is unique. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Knots and colorability
Published 2012“…We have extended the notion of tricolorability to colorability of knot(link) and have shown that colorability of knot (link) is also an ambient isotopy invariant. …”
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