Development of new data partitioning and allocation algorithms for query optimization of distributed data warehouse systems
Published 2008“…However, although data warehousing and on-line analytical processing (OLAP) are essential elements of decision support, the OLAP query response time is strongly affected by the volume of data need to be accessed from storage disks. …”
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Thesis -
Navigating the neoliberal discursive environment: an inquiry into the experiences of employees in the voluntary and community sector
Published 2020“…This doctoral thesis explores how neoliberalism as a mode of governance impacts on the experiences of front-line employees in the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS). …”
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Thesis -
Office space
Published 2015“…Citing the predominance of a service and information economy, as well as the rapidly dissolving line between pleasure and work among consumers and workers alike, Lazzarato describes “immaterial labor” as all the ways and means by which goods and services acquire their “informational and cultural content.” …”
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Show/Exhibition -
The carrier's liability under international maritime conventions (The Hague, Hague-Visby and Hamburg rules)
Published 1999“…The unification, clarification and simplification of national laws regulating maritime trade have always been targets of lawyers and business people who would like to be aware of their possible legal risks in their contracts performed by sea. …”
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Thesis -
Practical poetics: rhythmic spatiality and the communicative movement between site, architecture and sculpture
Published 2015“…Rhythm was traditionally seen as an aspect of measure - therefore invoking justice (cf. Plato's Divided Line in the Republic) and mediation; and these animate a rich geometric poetics that is more profound than the usual understanding. …”
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Thesis -
High-gain on-chip antenna design on silicon layer with aperture excitation for terahertz applications
Published 2020“…An open ended microstrip line, which is orthogonal to the metal slot-line, is implemented on the underside of the silicon substrate. …”
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Article -
A modified savonius turbine with moveable blades for higher efficiency
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
My youth and love...
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Ephemera -
Realizing UWB antenna array with dual and wide rejection bands using metamaterial and electromagnetic bandgaps techniques
Published 2021“…This essentially transformed the antenna to a composite right/left-handed structure that behaved like series left-handed capacitance and shunt left-handed inductance. …”
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Article -
A new viscoelastic damper for seismic protection of steel building frame
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
Wideband printed monopole antenna for application in wireless communication systems
Published 2018“…The antenna geometry can be approximated to a back-to-back triangular shaped patch structure that is excited through a common feed-line with a meander-line T-shape divider. The truncated ground-plane includes a central stub located underneath the feed-line. …”
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Article -
Group of five people holding a picture
Published 1984“…Presented to the Irish Centre, London, by B+I Line, 3 February 1984'. Photographer unknown.…”
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Photograph -
A comprehensive survey on antennas on-chip based on metamaterial, metasurface, and substrate integrated waveguide principles for millimeter-waves and terahertz integrated circuits...
Published 2022“…Other techniques described like SIW are shown to significantly attenuate surface waves and minimise loss. …”
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Article -
A study of microwave induced plasmas
Published 1987“…Two 'analytical' MIP's incorporating sample aerosol introduction have been used with the slab-line cavity. One being supported on an argon flowrate of 0.1 1 min-1 using a Babing!…”
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Thesis -
High selectivity UWB bandpass filter with a wide notched-band
Published 2015“…The proposed filter structure is composed of a U-shaped open-circuited line that is interdigitally coupled to the input/output feed-lines using high impedance lines. …”
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Article -
O flower of earth and heaven
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Ephemera -
My youth and love...
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Ephemera -
I woke and said in my joy...
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