Practices of urban inclusion: designing an experiment in education
Published 2021“…This report outlines the process and initial findings from a collaborative EU funded project titled: DESINC LIVE – Designing and Learning in the Context of Migration (desinclive.eu). Since September 2019, the project has brought together a group of fourteen educators, researchers and practitioners from four Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and three Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) based in four European countries to jointly design, test and evaluate an experimental educational offer. …”
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Monograph -
Facial Physio - The North of Scotland Parkinson’s Research Podcast Series
Published 2024“…NoSPRIG member Neil Morrison, diagnosed with Parkison's in 2018, has been involved since the start.…”
Other -
Home Duino: A Smart Homes Concepts
Published 2020“…The smart home has been a feature of science fiction writing for many years but has only become practical since the early 20th Century following the widespread introduction of electricity into the home, and the rapid advancement of information technology. …”
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Book Section -
Mental health in workplace: the role of safety and health committee
Published 2020“…Safety and Health Committee services has been established since 1 January 1997 in Malaysia. According to Section 30 of Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 1994, safety and health committee need to be establish and it is compulsory to the employers who have more than 40 employees. …”
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Book Section -
Biodiesel production from crude palm oil by transesterification process
Published 2009“…This was carried by finding the optimal values of reaction time of 60 min, reaction temperature of 60°C, agitation speed of 250 rpm, molar ratio of methanol to oil of 10:1 (m/m) and dosage of the catalyst of 1.4 (%wt). …”
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Article -
Wear characteristics of Fe-C-Si and Fe-C-Al cast irons
Published 2011“…The tests were carried out at a normal load of 5.0 N and a sliding velocity of 250 mm/s for 30 min. The Fe-C-Al cast iron showed a wear rate of 3.3203×10-5 mm3/m/N compared to 12.42×10-5 mm3/m/N of Fe-C-Si cast iron. …”
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Article -
Minimum chip thickness in machining MEMS structure using Tool Based Micromilling
Published 2011“…No chip will form if the depth of cut cannot achieve the minimum chip thickness value.The lack of control on minimum chip thickness often leads to the coarse machined surface, poor machining accuracy and difficult in chip removal from the machining zone which leads to burrformation.Hence, the chip formation mechanism should be studied deeply to avoid these problems.In this research WC was elected for tool material and Aluminium Alloy 1100 for work material for the investigation of minimum chip thickness.The experiment is being conducted on a miniature machine known as Microtools Integrated Multi-purpose machine modelled DT-110.The value of chip thickness produced by tool 4.8μmwith3mm/min feedrate,3000rpm cutting speed and 5μm depth of cut.The minimum chip thickness is useful for machining Micro electromechanical System(MEMS) and Bio-MEMSstructures.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Comparison of alcohol free GSH production by ultrasonic and homogenizing method
Published 2008“…The disrupted cells suspension was then centrifuged at 12,000 rpm for 20 min and the GSH content in the supernatant was analyzed by taking the absorbance (A) value of the solution by spectrophotometer at 412 nm. …”
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Article -
Biodiesel production from sludge palm oil by ultrasonic energy
Published 2009“…The reduction of free fatty acids (FFAs) was measured at different sonication time from 30-300 min and the optimum time was determined. It is reasonable to conclude that the conversion of FFAs to fatty acid methyl ester by applying ultrasonic energy is related to long sonication time. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A new method for determining of gossypol in cottonseed oil by FTIR spectroscop
Published 2003“…The SD of the difference for repeatability and accuracy of the FTIR method were better than those for the chemical method. With its speed (ca. 2 min) and ease of data manipulation, FTIR spectroscopy is a useful alternative to standard wet chemical methods for rapid and routine determination of gossypol in process and/or quality control for cottonseed oil.…”
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Article -
Rapid method for determining malondialdehyde as secondary oxidation product in palm olein system by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Published 2002“…The results showed that the FTIR method is versatile, efficient and accurate, and suitable for routine quality control analysis with the result obtainable in about 2 min from a sample of less than 2 mL. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. …”
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Article -
Visually induced motion sickness can be alleviated by pleasant odours
Published 2015“…Sixty-two participants were exposed to a 15-min-long video showing a first-person-view bicycle ride that had successfully induced VIMS in previous studies. …”
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Article -
Utilizing Eco-Zno from green synthesis of Musa Acuminata peels and graphene oxide for removal of Cephalexin (CFX) antibiotic in water
Published 2024“…It is deduced that the optimization factors of adsorbent dosage to 100 mg/L, irradiation time to 120 min, and intial concentration of CFX to 100 mg/L could achieve the mean removal of CFX by 22.17 %. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Parameter optimization of debinding injection moulded Ti-6Al-4V mix with palm stearin and polyethylene
Published 2014“…Thermal pyrolysis process was done at optimum parameters: heating rate: 5°C/min; temperature: 510°C; and time: 90 minutes. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was employed to find the best signal to noise ratio (S/N) to express the contribution of the factors towards quality characteristic. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Pengetahuan dan kemahiran teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi di kalangan pensyarah jabatan perdagangan politeknik: satu tinjauan
Published 2003“…Data kajian telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Sosial Sciences (SPSS) dengan membuat pengiraan kekerapan, peratusan, skor min, sisihan piawai dan analisis varians (ANOVA). …”
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Thesis -
Latihan mengajar : Keberkesanannya terhadap pelajar Diploma Kejuruteraan serta Pendidikan di KUiTTHO (Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn) menurut persepsi pelajar
Published 2003“…Borang soalselidik diedarkan untuk mendapatkan maklumat dan seterusnya dianalisis untuk menghasilkan skor min dan peratusan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan kebanyakan responden memberikan reaksi positif terhadap keberkesanan program latihan mengajar. …”
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Thesis -
Optimization of double boiling condition for kelulut honey processing using response surface methodology
Published 2018“…Three-level factorial design employed nine runs with duplicates under different combination of temperature (30 – 60 °C) and time (10 – 60 min) was developed. Quality of Kelulut honey in this experiment was analyzed under six parameters which are physicochemical properties (pH, moisture content, total solids, and total soluble solids), and nutritional properties (brown pigment and antioxidant activity). …”
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Article -
Pembangunan dan keberkesanan kit penyongsang dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PDP) di kolej vokasional
Published 2019“…Data dianalisis menggunakan kekerapan, skor min dan ujian-t. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa pembangunan Kit Penyongsang dapat berfungsi dengan baik dan penggunaan Kit Penyongsang ini meningkatkan pencapaian pelajar dalam topik penyongsang. …”
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Thesis -