1Malaysia's 'People First, Performance Now': Government public relations in multicultural, multireligious Malaysia
Published 2013“…The concept of national unity has been taken to the center stage since early independence to the time when Malaysia was formed in 1963 with the unity of Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Becoming 'NEET': an exploration of marginalised young people’s trajectories and experiences
Published 2019“…Significantly, all of the participants had been continuously NEET since the age of 18, with 12 of them NEET since the age of 16, and with none of them having been in employment since the age of 16. …”
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Thesis -
Performance characteristics on patch antenna with sar reduction using artificial magnetic conductor (amc) for wban applications
Published 2019“…Conventional patch antennas are adopted since they can be low weight, low profile and easy to integrate with the device. …”
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Thesis -
War for the peace in Pakistan
Published 2011“…Pakistan because of its geographical location became a front line state in the war against terror since the attack on the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Factors influencing smoking behaviours among male adolescents in Kuantan district
Published 2008“…Among smokers, 34.5% of them smoked since primary school and a majority (91.7%) smoked 10 or less cigarettes per day. …”
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Integrated solid wastes management for KL
Published 2010“…Issues on pollution and waste disposal problems have post a great challenge to manager and planner of Kuala Lumpur since the number of population and the growth of industry sector in Malaysia have been increased. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Enhancement of machinability of nickel based alloy - inconel 718 by induction preheating in end milling using ceramic inserts
Published 2010“…PCD tools are not recommended for machining this material since it contains iron which acts as a catalyst to convert diamond into graphite at temperatures in excess of 700 0C. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
BPE-P04: the effect of plant oils for submerged fermentation of Schizophyllum commune producing mycelium biomass and exopolysaccharides
Published 2012“…The best treatment containing 4.0% of corn oil was selected since it showed high production of MBS (23.44 g/L) and EPS (2.1 g/L) compared to other treatments. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Kashmir : colonialism and response
Published 2012“…Kashmir (formally and officially the state of Jammu and Kashmir) like Malaya ( now Malaysia) became a part of the Muslim World as late as 14th century C E when all its South Asian and the Central Asian neighbors had been the part and parcel of the Ummah for centuries together almost since the first Islamic century. Kashmir under the local Sultans (1325-1585), the Mughals of Hindustan (1586-1752) and the Pathans of Afghanistan (1752-1819) developed into a region, a state and a society with its own peculiar Islamic culture. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
War for the peace in Pakistan
Published 2013“…Pakistan because of its geographical location became a front line state in the war against terror since the attack on the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A critical comparison on the origin of cosmos in Islam, Christianity and modern science
Published 2015“…Hence, none can deny the contributions of theology represented by religion on the one hand, and that of modern science on the other, since time immemorial. Even though there are many important issues and questions in this discourse, this entry concentrates on just a few. …”
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Article -
Enhancing physical wellbeing of children: awareness on common disease and relevant health care activities
Published 2020“…Therefore, this paper will explore the characteristics of the most common diseases happen since birth to 6 years old as well as physiognomies of healthy children indicating assurance of good healthy symptoms in the same period. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Islamic cultures and the manifestation of faith in the Malaysian society
Published 2019“…It is argued that the cultural implications and experiences of Islam has not been speci�cally or substantively addressed, since most research focused on the broader role of Islam in Malaysian politics (The study is carried out in Peninsular Malaysia).…”
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Monograph -
Values in education policy-making with special reference to the FE Teachers' salaries structure and to the MacFarlane review of 16-19 provision
Published 1988“…The methodology is described at the outset, since it explains why the two major studies were selected as providing the best sources for the work. …”
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Thesis -
Building a family ontology to meet consistency criteria
Published 2015“…The proposed ontology also facilitates effective and efficient communication among all intended parties since shared vocabularies and standards are employed by the proposed ontology.…”
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Thesis -
Modified anfis architecture with less computational complexities for classification problems
Published 2018“…Since, ANFIS use fuzzy logic, the model accuracy is highly dependent on selecting the appropriate type of membership function. …”
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Thesis -
The criteria and potential adaptive reuse of pre-war shophouses
Published 2018“…This conceptual framework proposedly can be used by architects as the main actors in adaptive reuse process, building owners since they are the most entitle person to decide any conversion on their buildings, and government bodies since they are involved directly in preparing the guidelines for conservation of pre-war shophouse.…”
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Thesis -
Council of Europe withdraws from Chechnya
Published 2004“…Commentary on the Report by the Secretary General on the Presence of Council of Europe Experts in the Chechen Republic and overview of the situation since June 2000. SG/Inf(2004)3, 16 January 2004.…”
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