On the performance of MPI-OpenMP on a 12 nodes multi-core cluster
Published 2011“…At the end, we come to a conclusion that an MPI-OpenMP solution should be considered in such clusters since optimizing network communications between nodes is as important as optimizing local communications between processors in a multi-core cluster.…”
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Factors determinate customer shopping behaviour through Internet: the Malaysian case
Published 2009“…Factor analysis is used in this study to identify the salient attributes that have impact on consumers’ shopping behaviour about Internet marketing. Since, Factor analysis represents an analytical process of transforming statistical data (as measurements) into linear combinations of variables. …”
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Composting of food and yard wastes by locally isolated fungal strains
Published 2011“…The moisture content was 64%, and the percentage C/N decreased ranged between 4.73 and 7.60% while the produced compost C/N ratio was 16%, indicating its viability for large-scale production since the acceptable range for efficient compost is between ˃12%. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Multibiometric systems based verification technique
Published 2009“…Such systems are expected to be more reliable due to the presence of multiple independent pieces of evidence. Since security is one of the important concerns of twenty first century, multibiometric systems can play an important role in ensuring security. …”
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The process of gathering evidence in civil cases: its application in civil and shariah courts
Published 2011“…This process is very important since both parties must produce only relevant, reliable and authentic evidence in order to establish a reasonable claim or defence. …”
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Low income housing allocation system in Malaysia: managing housing need for the poor
Published 2010“…Since early 1990s, Malaysia experienced rapid urbanization in line with continuous economic growth. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Achieving human development objectives through microfinance institution: the case of Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia
Published 2010“…A survey was conducted to analyze AIM members’ evaluation about the achievement of certain goals of human development since becoming members of AIM. The study also analyzes various training programs and activities adopted by AIM to successfully achieve its target in human development among the rural poor in Malaysia. …”
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Fuzzy-PID hybrid controller for Point-to-point (PTP) positioning system
Published 2010“…The use of PID controller for motion control systems was proposed by many researchers. However, since the PID controller is developed based on the linear control theory, the controller gives inconsistent performance for different condition. …”
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Investigation of the riddle of sulfathiazole polymorphism
Published 2011“…Since the discovery of sulfathiazole as an antimicrobial agent in 1939, numerous works in the screening for its different polymorphic forms, which is an essential part of drug development, have been conducted and published. …”
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Concurrent validity of the depression and anxiety components in the Bahasa Malaysia version of the depression anxiety and stress scales (DASS)
Published 2011“…Objectives: The Bahasa Malaysia (BM) version of Depression Anxiety Stress Scales 21-item (DASS-21) has been widely used ever since the establishment of its validity. To consolidate the evidence of the BM DASS-21 validity by examining its concurrent validity. …”
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Antimicrobial activity of mangrove plant (Lumnitzera littorea)
Published 2011“…Additionally, Gram positive Bacillus cereus (B. cereus) appear to be the most sensitive strain while Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) and the yeast strains (Candida albicans (C. albicans) and Cryptococcus neoformans (C. neoformans)) appear to be resistance to the tested concentrations since no inhibition zone was observed. The inhibition of microbial growth at concentration as low as 0.04 mg/mL indicated the potent antimicrobial activity of L. littorea extracts. …”
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The effect of employing different raster orientations on the mechanical properties and microstructure of Fused Deposition Modeling parts
Published 2011“…Rapid prototyping (RP) fulfills the current need in manufacturing industry to shorten the design cycle while improving its quality. Since there are various methods of RP process, this study focuses on the mechanical properties and microstructure of fused deposition modeling (FDM) RP specimens between two types of raster orientation which are cross (0°/90°) and crisscross (45°/-45°).The method of investigation in order to compare the result is done by doing several tests. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Integrated mechanics for design of the hybrid electrical aircushion track vehicle for swamp peat
Published 2008“…The simulation results show that the vehicle load distribution to the air-cushion system would not be too high since the power consumption by the air-cushion drag motion resistance is affected significantly on the total power requirement as well as the propeller develops an additional thrust of 0.2 kN while the track system develops only 1.674 kN for the vehicle loading condition of 2.04 kN.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Diffuse choroid plexus hyperplasia: an under-diagnosed cause of hydrocephalus in children?
Published 2005“…Identification of choroid plexus hyperplasia is important since the neurosurgical management of hydrocephalus is not VP shunt insertion, but resection of the hyperplastic choroid plexus.…”
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Assessment of reactive oxygen species (ROS) status in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion-induced neurodegeneration
Published 2011“…Experimentally, a condition of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion due to reduced CBF can be induced by permanent bilateral occlusion of common carotid arteries (2-vessel occlusion, 2VO) in rats. Since oxidative stress, leading to neuronal apoptosis and death, is one of the mechanisms which is thought to play a significant role in chronic degenerative neurological disorders, the present study was planned to assess the alterations in oxidative and anti-oxidant mechanisms that might occur during chronic cerebral hypoperfusion. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Spiral scanning: an alternative to conventional raster scanning in high-speed Scanning Probe Microscopes
Published 2010“…These scan methods can be incorporated into most modern AFMs with minimal effort since they can be implemented in software using the existing hardware. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Divorce reform and family mediation in England: an overview of the relevant provisions of the Family Law Act, 1996
Published 2009“…In Malaysia, the current Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 has been enacted since 1976. Perhaps, we may learn from England in introducing a new piece of family law Act to the non-Muslims and to introduce mediation as an alternative means in resolving family disputes.…”
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Prospects of 3G service: a study on Malaysian customer perspectives
Published 2009“…Cluster 2 is comprised of a higher income group with the tendency to adopt 30 service since they have the earning capacity whereas cluster 1 is largely of middle income holders. …”
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The relationship between happiness & religiosity among instead students through utilization of 'the happi-reli scale' and its validation
Published 2009“…The constructs are "happiness" and "religiosity". Since the study of such constructs have been numerous in western literature and the idea of "positive psychology" is being embraced in most current educational field, the researcher felt compelled to embark on this study. 200 Institute of Education, IIUM students formed the sample of this study and they were given to respond to a questionnaire titled "Happi-Reli Scale" that consisted of 60 items. …”
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Book Chapter -
A note on Chinese stock market efficiency: fresh evidence from non-linear unit root test
Published 2011“…This also may explain why Qian et al (2008) failed to reject the null hypothesis of unit root, since TAR models assume instantaneous change in regimes rather than smooth, which is a characteristic of many financial variables.…”
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Proceeding Paper