Design and Validation of a Compact 3.5GHz Antenna for 5G-based IoT Applications
Published 2023“…The antenna was fabricated on an FR-4 substrate with dimensions of 40mmx32mm and a thickness of 1.6mm, with a microstrip feeding line. Simulation results showed a return loss of -42.287dB and a VSWR of 1.016. …”
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Fault detection tool for maintenance of wayside signalling and communication
Published 2019“…The Kelana Jaya Line (KJL) is the leading urban metro train operator in Malaysia and the eldest unmanned train operation system service use the automatic train-controlled system owned by Rapid KL. …”
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Thesis -
Ensemble Classifier for Recognition of Small Variation in X-Bar Control Chart Patterns
Published 2023“…This has attracted researchers to investigate improved procedures for monitoring and detection of small process variations to remain in line with such advances. Among these techniques, statistical process controls (SPC), in particular the control chart pattern (CCP), have become a popular choice for monitoring process variance, being utilized in numerous industrial and manufacturing applications. …”
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Comparative analysis of software reusability attributes in web and mobile applications
Published 2015“…The metrics are Coupling Between Object (CBO), Lack Of Cohesion (LCOM), Depth Of Inheritance (DIT), Number Of Children (NOC) and Line Of Code (LOC). The research results indicate that the same attributes and metrics are suitable for measuring the reusability components in both applications. …”
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Reliability evaluation of Sabah transmission and sub-transmission networks
Published 2014“…The most important features that are described concern the incorporation of value-based analysis, this often being of vital importance. In line with the new regulatory framework, Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd took the opportunity to enhance its planning methods and approaches by adopting value-based approach to achieve optimum total cost of ownership. …”
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The aerodynamics analysis of type UAV aircraft with pusher engine configuration by use of DATCOM software
Published 2011“…In line with the advancement of micro processor technology, availability small scale aircraft engine model, light weight material and also better understanding in the aircraft design process had brought a current attention to develop autonomous flying vehicles. …”
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Design of microstrip patch antenna for IEEE 802.16-2004 applications
Published 2011“…It was made of wood to separate between the two boards. The transmission line model was used to get the approximate dimension for the design. …”
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A compact triple-notch band ultra-wideband antenna
Published 2019“…The compact size of the antenna is in line with the miniaturization requirement of modern wireless communication devices but at the same time is able to support multiple wireless communication services. …”
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Development of tubular cardiovascular phantom system for pulse transit time simulation
Published 2019“…Plastic optical fibre (POF) sensors were used to measure the pulse signal on the flexible tube and the results were compared with an in-line pressure sensor. In this experiment, the delay time between two pulses were calculated offline using Matlab software and correlated with pulse pressure. …”
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Radio-ablative iodine therapy for Thyrotoxicosis: The Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) experience
Published 2013“…Data was analyzed using SPSS v.20. Results: Sixty-nine patients received RAI therapy in 2011. The mean age of the patients was 42.1 ± 12.4 years. …”
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No differences between RAI of less than 15 mCi or 15 mCi for Thyrotoxicosis: A Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) experience
Published 2013“…Data was analyzed using SPSS v.20. Results: Sixty-nine patients underwent RAI in the year 2011. Fifty-five patients received either 10 or 12 mCi and 14 patients received 15 mCui radio-iodine. …”
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Universal design for tourism towards sustainable built environment in Malaysia
Published 2014“…Malaysia falls number nine (9) ranking for tourism in the world, it is timely that design requirements in the built environment both inside and outside buildings to apply universal design concept to include various users and human abilities such as people with hearing impairments, visual impairments, mobility impairments, cognitive or learning impairments, people with hidden (such as strength, stamina, mental) impairments and people with diversities in age a stature (including frails persons). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Behaviour of foamed concrete-filled steel hollow column under fire
Published 2023Get full text
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Putting leadership in its place: introduction to the special issue
Published 2022“…In reviewing, editing and compiling the papers submitted for this special issue, we have been delighted to witness the diversity of perspectives and issues that have been covered. Each of the nine papers accepted for publication takes a fundamentally different approach, showing significant originality in terms of conceptual framing, methodology and implications for theory and practice. …”
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Ethical decision-making: a treatise into the role of ethics in 21st century policing
Published 2012“…It also identifies that the notion of 'the nine o'clock jury' is a consideration in police decision-making and that the desire to avoid scrutiny might lead an officer to make a decision they perceive to be acceptable to the organisation, rather than one that may be 'right' at that time. …”
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Thesis -
The significance of perceptions and cultural engagement in the evolution of a European commercial and soft power diplomacy with the emerging Asian giants
Published 2017“…The focus of my submission is on external perceptions of Europe from the perspectives of the two new great powers in Asia: China and India. It spans over nine years of research. When the work started in 2006, the EU was in deep crisis just a year after the uncertainty that was unleashed by the rejection in France and the Netherlands of the then Constitutional Treaty. …”
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Hybrid optimisation electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness:mechanical and physical performance of plaster mortar containing palm oil fuel ash using taguchi grey and t...
Published 2019“…Six factors namely POFA admixture percentage, topcoat powder /binder ratio (TP/B), water/binder ratio (W/B), latex agent content (LA), the particle size of POFA and curing condition are used to control the nine responses. Pre-experiment data is optimized based on Taguchi-grey and Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA) methods. …”
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