Bioautographic profile as standard reference for qualitative analysis of the efficacy of herbs as antiseptic and antioxidant
Published 2008“…This study was designed to develop a standard reference for qualitative analysis of the efficacy of herbs as antiseptic and antioxidant. Its main aim was to validate the authenticity of the herbal materials and quality control of their pharmaceutical herbal preparations. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Development of a model of of energy efficient hybrid engine towards green technology
Published 2011“…The main focus of this study is to develop a fuel efficient hybrid engine to operate a designed and developed urban car of weight 1.42 kN. …”
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Histopathological evaluation of skin wound in rabbits treated by systemic dexamethasone
Published 2011“…The experimental group shows failure of epithelial wound edges to close and to be approximately in contact with absence of rete ridges. The main bulk tissue filled the incision gap is thick granulation tissue. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A low-complexity, hardware architecture for a parametric, real-time LSF speech decoder
Published 2011“…One of the main objectives of the widely used MPEG4 audio standard was to provide a technical framework for audio coding suited for low bit rate wireless communication. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Development of an intelligent air-cushion system for a swamp tracked vehicle
Published 2010“…Based on the total motion resistance and driving force analyzing for IACTV, the load distribution for the intelligent air-cushion system and propulsion system are investigated respectively for minimizing the total power consumption. Two main issues are studied in this paper. First, a theoretical model is developed for optimizing total power consumption of the vehicle and the effects of load distribution on vehicle tractive effort and motion resistance. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Study of Fuzzy Controller to control vertical position of an air-cushion tracked vehicle
Published 2011“…To accomplish this task, it is required that the error between the actual position and the desired position equal to zero, and the differential position rate also be equal to zero. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to develop an appropriate control strategy for an air-cushion system by using fuzzy logic expert system. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Remedies for breach of implied guarantess in a contract of supply of services under the Malaysian Consumer Protection Act 1999
Published 2011“…The inclusion of provisions relating to a supply of services in the Consumer protection Act 1999 (the CPA) is very significant in the development of the law of services which previously has been left behind compared to the law on sale of goods. With the main aim of protecting consumers against sub-standard, defective or ineffective services, the CPA creates a number of statutory implied guarantees. …”
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Isolation and characterization of lactic acid bacteria from clarias macrocephalus (African Catfish) for potential probiotic purposes
Published 2010“…Bacteriocins are proteinaceous antimicrobial compounds that exhibit bactericidal activity against species closely related to the producer strain. The main screening method that has been used to screen for the antimicrobial activities of bacteriocin is disc diffusion assay. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Linear quadratic regulator (LQR) approach for lifting and stabilizing of two wheeled wheelchair
Published 2011“…This research is aimed to help disabled people who are using the wheelchair as the main transport for mobility but cannot stand on his own due to permanent injuries on the extremities. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Production of gelatin replacers from Malaysian tuberous plants
Published 2011“…Two level full factorial design was used TO invesTigaTe The process. All main effecTS and interactions were found TO have significanT effect on prolein content in the e.xtractcd STarch, The viscosity of The starch was affeCTed by the three mam effecls and the three two-factor interaction effects. …”
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Book Chapter -
Kinetic study on vinegar production using star fruit juice
Published 2011“…The star fruit juice with optimum glucose concentratIOn (20%) was used and growth kinetic study of the cultures to optimize operational conditions ( agitation speed and inoculums size) in 2L bioreactor for production of star fruit vinegar was conducted .An experimental design using the Central Composite Design by Design Expert software, where the main factors Impeller speed(rpm) and moculums sizes (% inoculums) were optimized affecting the production of acetic acid in fruit Juice during fermentation. …”
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Book Chapter -
Identification of the major project management issues in oil and gas industry in Malaysia
Published 2011“…The study contributes to the body of knowledge in three main ways. The first finding of this study indicates that by allocating sufficient resources, the project could be completed on schedule. …”
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Corporate governance and risk management information disclosure in Malaysian listed banks: panel data analysis
Published 2011“…Furthermore, it is undeniable that the banking sector is the heart of the economy in any country and it cannot be separated since it is the main source in mobilizing the monetary system. Thus, this study investigates the impact of corporate governance on risk management information disclosure of Malaysian listed banks by using a panel data analysis. …”
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Drying characteristics of banana: theoretical modelling and experimental validation
Published 2005Get full text
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“Stego-analysis chain, session two” novel approach of stego-analysis system for image file
Published 2009“…Stenography systems has too many approaches, it has a lot of applications and different ways, too many type of attackers have been tried to attacked the information that already embed in the carrier, however there is not yet a real stego- analysis system offered, the goal of this chain is to have too many investigations on the stego analysis systems, this paper will focus on the image file, the earlier tests showing that we may use the histogram habits to classify the image in to image carried data hidden and original image, the study will focus in to two main idea, the first idea, on the colour image, the colour start become grouping parallel with the increasing of the data hidden and the second feature on the gray level image, the histogram in the original image was pure without colours, after the embedding method has been applied there are many colour start to appears as shown down in the histogram, we will try through this paper to offer a new stego-analysis system though study the habits of the histogram.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Accounting regulatory issues on investments in Islamic bonds
Published 2003“…The main objective of this paper is to examine contemporary accounting regulatory issues on investments in Islamic bonds or sukuk. …”
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Environmental and social performance disclosure and shareholders’ wealth- a perspective from Malaysian companies
Published 2012“…There a declarative about CSR activities in all Malaysian companies but number of sustainability indicators and the quality of disclosure are different among different companies. Since the main goal of each business is to maximize its shareholders’ wealth, and CSR practices would occur costs for companies, this paper amis to find any significant relationship between level of CSR disclosure and companies share price and net profit. …”
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Academic excellence as selection criteria among Malaysian employers
Published 2012“…Originality/value – This paper illustrates that academic excellence, which is the main selection criterion used by most employers, is not a determinant of employees’ performance.…”
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Are there prospects for future economic integration among Muslim countries? Evidence from selected OIC countries
Published 2011“…Since mid-1980s, trade has been one of the main agenda among the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) member countries as a means towards achieving higher economic development. …”
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The crystallinity and hardness properties of Al-Cu/SiCp new composite materials
Published 2012“…The main aim of this paper is to investigate the crystallinity and hardness properties of Al-Cu/SiCp matrix composite (AMC) materials. …”
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