Mosque decoration between acceptance and rejection
Published 2015“…Thus, the paper presents an objective, balanced and scientific account of the theme, steering clear of the sentimental aspects of the evidences often put forth by both the proponents and opponents of mosque decoration. The main thrusts of the paper are the issues pertaining to the legitimacy of decoration in general, the subject of the function of mosques vis-à-vis their decoration, as well as the broad guidelines that regulate mosque decoration emphasizing the decoration of the mihrab (praying niche) area and the qiblah wall. …”
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Ethics in engineering research: an Islamic perspective
Published 2016“…The important findings of this research paper are that the main misconducts in research are fabrication, plagiarism. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Bakun damned: Extinguishment of native customary land that went topsy-turvy?
Published 2016“…It was the lack of understanding of the natives’ origins and customs, their inherent rights over their ancestral communal lands that were the main causes for the setbacks faced by the State Government in its purported extinguishment of the natives’ communal ancestral lands.…”
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Rationalizing the permissibility of mosque decoration
Published 2016“…Thus, the chapter presents an objective, balanced and scientific account of the theme, steering clear of the sentimental aspects of the evidences often put forth by both the proponents and opponents of mosque decoration. The main thrusts of the chapter are the issues pertaining to the legitimacy of decoration in general, the subject of the function of mosques vis-à-vis their decoration, as well as the broad guidelines that regulate mosque decoration emphasizing the decoration of the mihrab (praying niche) area and the qiblah wall. …”
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An integrated approach to the Quran: Relection on objectives of the Quran in Sanod Norso’s views
Published 2015“…This scholar made MaqÉÎid al-Qur’Én the main subject matter of his grand work Risale-i Nur. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Optimizing media of lactobacillus rhamnosus for lactic acid fermentation
Published 2008“…The aim of this study was to optimize the main media components that affect the production of lactic acid by Lactobacillus rhamnosus fermentation. …”
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Assessing interaction quality in Arabic online discussion forums
Published 2011“…Results indicated that participants engaged primarily in processes related to “clarification and critical assessment”, and did not reach a satisfied stage of “critical discussions of contributions”. The main benefits of the proposed criteria are towards facilitators, as a way to assess learners’ online contributions, while students may use it to understand what is expected of them as participants in online discussion forums.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Improvement of powder management and recycling in laser sintering
Published 2011“…This paper reports on an experimental study of the deterioration of PA12 powder properties in the LS process. The main aim of this research is to develop a methodology for powder recycling and for controlling the input material properties that will ensure a good and consistent quality of the fabricated parts and a more efficient use of the LS material…”
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Developing an efficient DMCIS with next-generation wireless networks
Published 2006“…Early warning, response to the particular situation and proper recovery are among the main focuses of an efficient disaster management system today. …”
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Solutions of Emden–Fowler equations by homotopy-perturbation methods
Published 2009“…The homotopy-perturbation method (HPM) is a coupling of the perturbation method and the homotopy method. The main feature of the HPM is that it deforms a difficult problem into a set of problems which are easier to solve. …”
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Beat structure in spectrally resolved four-wave mixing under crosslinear polarization in GaAs quantum wells
Published 2000“…Under crosslinear polarization we observed a beating structure at higher energy region of the main spectral peak due to biexciton–exciton transition. …”
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MLP and Elman recurrent neural network modelling for the TRMS
Published 2008“…This paper presents a scrutinized investigation on system identification using artificial neural network (ANNs). The main goal for this work is to emphasis the potential benefits of this architecture for real system identification. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
New approach in cost structuring of high speed hard turning
Published 2011“…Cost modeling roadmap was proposed to guide the development of genetic cost model by integrating different cost estimating methods and supporting the optimum solution by using statistical technique in modelling the cost in high speed hard turning, then by building logical relationship between the different effective variables through three levels of cost drivers; main drivers, process and technical drivers and final drivers. …”
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Problem-based learning at Ahmad Ibrahim Kuliyyah of Laws and the inculcation of Islamic values
Published 2009“…Problem-based learning has proven to be a very effective complementary tool in achieving this educational aim. The main elements of problem-based learning (PBL) are the study of the real case problems, team work, time management, reflective journal writing and peer evaluation. …”
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Squatters and affordable houses in urban areas: law and policy in Malaysia
Published 2009“…Being one of the developing countries in Asia, squatters and housing are among the main subject of government focus in each development programmme in Malaysia. …”
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Benthic dinoflagellate diversity and mixotrophy: Prorocentrum
Published 2011Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Designing an efficient DMCIS with wireless sensor and ad hoc networks
Published 2008“…Early warning, response to the particular situation and proper recovery are among the main focuses of an efficient disaster management system today. …”
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Production of fine alumina from waste aluminum can
Published 2011“…The results showed that the process was mainly controlled by temperature and concentration. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Kompilasi syarahan sembelit: kenali penyelesaiannya
Published 2020“…It is a compilation of 4 main topics delivered during the workshop conducted on the 4th November 2019. …”
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Particle swarm optimization of air-launch vehicle and trajectory
Published 2011“…The optimization is conducted in three main steps. First, a mission analysis of ALV is performed using the required Delta-V predicted by trajectory optimization. …”
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