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Tailoring atomic chemistry to refine reaction pathway for the most enhancement by magnetization in water oxidation
Published 2024“…Here, using three model catalysts with distinguished atomic chemistries of active sites, we are able to reveal the atomic-level mechanism. We found that spin-polarized OER mainly occurs at interconnected active sites, which favors direct coupling of neighboring ligand oxygens (I2M). …”
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Journal Article -
Interplay of Transition Metals and Noncovalent Interactions in C–H Activation Catalysis
Published 2024“…Additionally, the ability of TMCs to exist in multiple spin states is often leveraged for practical applications, with one such example being spin crossover (SCO) complexes that exhibit a change in spin state as a function of external stimulus like temperature and are widely studied due to their increasing use in molecular switches. …”
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Thesis -
Electronic and transport properties of TMDC planar superlattices: effective Hamiltonian approach
Published 2023“…Interestingly, we found that main gap is not dependent on structural disorder and electron incident angle. …”
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Journal Article -
Searches for Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars at Two Harmonics in the Second and Third LIGO-Virgo Observing Runs
Published 2024“…For nine pulsars, their spin-down limits have been surpassed for the first time. …”
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Experimental Characterization of Iron-Sulfur Cluster Excited States and their Relevance to Electron Transfer Reactions
Published 2024“…The ground states for these systems have been extensively studied for several decades, and are understood to be the products of a confluence of super-exchange and spin-dependent electron delocalization interactions. …”
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Thesis -
Persuasive evidence for electron-nuclear coupling in diluted magnetic colloidal nanoplatelets using optically detected magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Published 2020“…The incorporation of magnetic impurities into semiconductor nanocrystals with size confinement promotes enhanced spin exchange interaction between photogenerated carriers and the guest spins. …”
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Journal Article -
Direct measurement of magnetic monopole charge and transport dynamics
Published 2024“…<p>Magnetic monopoles are magnetic excitations with quantized magnetic charge whose existence in pyrochlore spin ice materials has been studied widely. As a platform to study the hypothetical magnetic monopoles, classical spin ices have aroused fundamental interest. …”
Thesis -
Multiple scattering of light in cold atomic clouds in a magnetic field
Published 2014“…We show that, for atoms with nonzero spin in their ground state, the CBS interference contrast can be increased compared to its value when B=0, a result at variance with classical samples. …”
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Journal Article -
Report on industrial attachment with Siemens Medical Instruments Pte Ltd
Published 2010“…The main focus of my work is the supporting of Pendo project, where I learnt about the Product Lifecycle Management of a hearing aid project from conceptual to product release. …”
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Efficient circuit-designs using spintronic devices
Published 2019“…To be able to utilize the existing EDA tools for implementing spin-based logic circuits, it is important that the logic primitives in these data structures can be natively realized by spin devices. …”
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Thesis -
Numerical study of trapped vortex combustors characteristics in small ramjets
Published 2016“…Under some circumstances, the TVC may operate in a high-spinning motion. For example when it is installed in a spin-stabilized ramjet projectile, in which the spinning rate can be as high as 30,000 rpm. …”
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Thesis -
Reliability assessment of the collision between marine risers
Published 2014“…Hydrodynamic interference is found to be the main driver of riser collision. This thesis proposes practical approaches to evaluate the probability of failure due to riser collision. …”
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Thesis -
Van der Waals magnetic materials for current-induced control toward spintronic applications
Published 2024“…Spintronics, leveraging electron spin for information processing, promises substantial advancements in energy-efficient computing. …”
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Quantum Monte Carlo study of the phase diagram of the two-dimensional uniform electron liquid
Published 2024“…We present a study of spin-unpolarized and spin-polarized two-dimensional uniform electron liquids using variational and diffusion quantum Monte Carlo (VMC and DMC) methods with SlaterJastrow-backflow trial wave functions. …”
Journal article -
Superconductivity from repulsive interactions in Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene
Published 2024“…Intriguingly, superconductivity manifests only at nonzero magnetic fields, or when spin-orbit coupling is induced in BBG by coupling to a substrate. …”
Journal article -
Cold atoms laboratory in a hollow core fiber
Published 2021“…The long quantum spin coherence time opens up possibilities for various quantum experiments in HCF. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Cationic distribution, exchange interactions, and relaxation dynamics in Zn-diluted MnCo2O4 nanostructures
Published 2019“…Relaxation time τ follows the Power-Law variation with a dynamical critical exponent zν=6.17 and microscopic spin relaxation time τo=4.4×10−15s for xB=0.2 (for yA=0.1, zν=5.2 and τo=5.4×10−13s). …”
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Journal Article -
Nanosensors for regenerative medicine
Published 2014“…While genetic engineering techniques allow cells to express molecules with detectable signals (e.g., fluorescence, luminescence, T1 (spin–lattice)/T2 (spin–spin) contrast in magnetic resonance imaging, radionuclide), concerns arise regarding technical complexity, high-cost of genetic manipulation, as well as mutagenic cell dysfunction. …”
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Journal Article -
Collision analysis of top tensioned riser
Published 2011“…The deeper the water is, the more the oil risers are prone to collision. The main motivation of this final year project report is to present explicit results and analysis on the impact of two top tensioned risers under collision. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)