Administrative Committee meeting minutes. 9 September 1986
Published 1986“…With minutes of the special meeting of the Administrative Committee held on 5th October 1986.…”
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Minutes -
Volume contracts and third parties: 'red hand' rule or red herring?
Published 2015“…This article explores the international sale contracts-carriage of goods by sea- volume contracts-Articles 1(2), 80(2) and 80(5) of the Rotterdam Rules - and the legal complexities for the international trade protagonists.…”
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Article -
Plasma and red blood cell n3 fatty acids correlate positively with the WISC-R verbal and full-scale intelligence quotients and inversely with Conner's parent-rated ADHD index t-sco...
Published 2022“…In the AS group, plasma phosphatidylcholine 22:5n3 correlated positively with verbal (r = 0.357, p = 0.019) and full scale (r = 0.402, p = 0.008) IQs, red blood cell phosphatidylcholine 22:5n3 with verbal (r = 0.308, p = 0.044), performance (r = 0.304, p = 0.047) and full scale (r = 0.388, p = 0.011) IQs and red blood cell phosphatidylethanolamine 22:5n3 with verbal (r = 0.390, p = 0.010) and full scale (r = 0.370, p = 0.016) IQs. …”
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o-Nitrosophenol complexes and their synthetic potential
Published 1980“…Interaction of triphenylphosphine with Ni(XqO)2 (XqOH = 2-nitrosophenol, X = 4-chloro, 4-bromo, 4-methyl and 5-methoxy) resulted in deoxygenation to give mainly bis(2-triphenylphosphiniminophenolato) nickel(ll), Similarly the interaction of triphenyl phosphine with Zn(qO)2 (qOH = 5-methoxy-2- nitrosophenol) involved deoxygenation and formation of bis(2-triphenylphosphiniminophenolato)zinc(ll). …”
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Thesis -
A new waveguide slot array antenna with high isolation and high antenna bandwidth operation on Ku- and K- bands for radar and MIMO systems
Published 2018“…With the slot isolators the antenna’s minimum and maximum gains improve by 53.5% and 25.5%, respectively. In addition, the radiation patterns are unaffected. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Members paid at Head Office and transferred to Stamford Hill
Published 1939“…With 'List of paid-up members in Stamford Hill' in four parts, dated 14 April, 5 May, 14 June and 11 July 1939.…”
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Ephemera -
Chemistry and biological activity of iron quinoneoximic complexes
Published 1990“…Infra-red spectroscopic studies have shown that in the solid state 5-hydroxy-l,2-benzoquinone 2-oxime (hqoH,), 5-hydroxy-3-methyl-l,2-benzoquinone 2-oxime (3-MehqoH2), 5-hydroxy-6-methyl-l,2-benzoquinone 2-oxime (e-MehqoH,) and H-acetyl-5-amino- 1,2-benzoquinone 2-oxime (N-AcqoH) and their sodium and potassium complexes exist in the oximic form rather than the nitroso form. …”
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Thesis -
Amalgamation of metamaterial and SIW technologies for realizing wide-bandwidth and high-radiation properties of on-chip antennas for application in packaging of terahertz component...
Published 2019“…The on-chip antenna is shown to have an average impedance match, gain, and efficiency parameters of -35dB, 8.5dBi, and 67.5%, respectively, over a wide frequency range of 0.20-0.22 THz.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Effect of multiple extrusions and influence of PP contamination on the thermal characteristics of bottle grade recycled PET
Published 2015“…The thermal characteristics of bottle grade recycled PET pellets contaminated with 5% PP prepared by multiple extrusions were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) at constant heating rate of 10 degrees C/min for various extrusion cycles. …”
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Article -
Calendar, 1990
Published 1990“…Calendar on folded A3 sheet accompanying 'Irish Heritage' magazine, no. 5, Winter/Spring 1990. Reverse features 'Mionna na Bliana: the months of the year' by Emrys Evans explaining the derivation of the Irish names for the months.…”
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Ephemera -
Catalpa (poster)
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Ephemera -
Home grown house
Published 2021“…An exhibition catalogue featuring the physical outcomes of the Home Grown House Research Project. This includes x5 building systems developed as a kit of parts made from locally sourced coppiced sweet chestnut timber.…”
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Show/Exhibition -
Triple-band planar dipole antenna for omnidirectional radiation
Published 2018“…Measured results confirm the antenna exhibits omnidirectional radiation with enhanced impedance match at 1.5, 4 and 5.4 GHz with corresponding average gain of 1.6 dBi, 3.4 dBi and 3 dBi, respectively.…”
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Article -
Mutual-Coupling Reduction in Metamaterial Substrate Integrated Waveguide Slotted Antenna Arrays Using Metal Fence Isolators for SAR and MIMO Applications
Published 2018“…The circular shaped reference SIW antenna is constructed from Alumina substrate with dimensions of 40×5×1.5 mm3. Embedded in the reference antenna is an array of 38 slots with dimensions of 2×1×1.5 mm3. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Characteristics of neodymium modified borate crystals and glasses grown via polycrystalline seed mediation
Published 2023“…Additionally, the optical band gap of NdLNB crystal was significantly lower than that of NdLNB glass which were 2.84 and 3.75 eV, respectively. The Judd‒Ofelt intensity parameters of all the glass samples followed the trend of Ω6 > Ω4 > Ω2 except for 5NdLNB glass, which followed the trend of Ω4 > Ω6 > Ω2 which similar to NdLNB crystal. …”
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Thesis -
Field Notes - Make good: rethinking material futures
Published 2023“…For the second iteration of Make Good: Rethinking Material Futures, the V&A museum collaborated with environmental charity Sylva Foundation to create the Field Notes summer school. …”
Show/Exhibition -
British Association for Irish Studies: notice of meeting
Published 1986“…Typewritten document advertising the first Annual General Meeting of the British Association for Irish Studies (BAIS) to be held on 5 July in London and setting out the agenda. Signed by Dr D W Cairns (Acting Secretary) and dated 23 May 1986.…”
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Ephemera -
Letter from J O Barry-Walsh to Denis O'Sullivan
Published 1939“…Typescript letter, with manuscript amendments, from the Organising Secretary of the Anti-Partition of Ireland League, regarding the establishment of a new branch of the League and enclosing a statement of aims and objects and a membership form (not included). Dated 5 May 1939.…”
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Correspondence -
Nanoencapsulation of oregano essential oil using cellulose nanocrystals extracted from hazelnut shell to enhance shelf life of fruits: case study: pears
Published 2023“…Pears were coated with gluten containing 0.5, 1.5 and 2 % encapsulated OEO (EOEO) and pure OEO and stored for 28 days. …”
Article -
Design of compact flexible UWB antenna using different substrate materials for WBAN applications
Published 2023“…The proposed antenna is miniature having dimensions of 22×28×1.6 mm3 and operates at dual band across 4.8–5.3 GHz and 7.0–8.6 GHz. It has a high gain above 5.5 dBi at both bands and radiates omnidirectionally. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item