The social dimension of chronic pain: problems of measurement
Published 1997“…There has been little research into patients own accounts of their pain and in particular how the measurements relate to their experiences. The findings in this study suggest that the pain measurements are both methodologically and theoretically problematic. …”
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The sexual politics of asylum: lived experiences of sexual minority asylum seekers and refugees in the UK
Published 2014“…Second, I elaborate on the structural discourses explored throughout the thesis by putting them into direct dialogue with the findings arising from the ethnography. Within this space respondents' biographical accounts highlight how being situated in liminal socio-political and legal interstices produc.es precarious forms of life. …”
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Corticospinal and peripheral responses to heat-induced hypo-hydration: potential physiological mechanisms and implications for neuromuscular function
Published 2022“…With the development of magnetic resonance imaging and neurophysiological techniques, such as electromyography, peripheral nerve, and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), the integrity of the brain-to-muscle pathway can be further investigated. The findings of this review demonstrate that heat-induced hypo-hydration impairs neuromuscular function, particularly during repeated and sustained contractions. …”
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An empirical analysis of European retail banking integration
Published 2011“…The results on integration depend crucially on which methodology and data is employed. In particular, the findings point to a more heterogeneous consumer credit market compared to the household deposit and mortgage market and the deposit and lending market to non-financial corporations. …”
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Heritage tourism and symbolic representation of national identity: an ethnographic study of Changdeok Palace, Seoul
Published 2007“…This study utilises a multi-method (qualitative) approach: ethnographic interviews with visitors and palace employees; observational accounts derived from `systematic lurking' situations; participatory techniques through active involvement in guided tours; utlisation of friendly conversations; and open evaluation of written (visitor) narratives. The findings indicate that a sense of `Koreaness' is firmly grounded in an emotional attachment to the nation, evoked during people's heritage encounters. …”
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A pilot study on peptidylarginine deiminases and protein deimination in animal cancers across vertebrate species
Published 2022“…Both PAD2 and PAD3 were the most predominantly expressed PADs across all of the cancers assessed, while PAD1, PAD4, and PAD6 were overall expressed at lower, albeit varying, levels. The findings from this pilot study provide novel insights into PAD-mediated roles in different cancers across a range of vertebrate species and may aid in the understanding of cancer heterogeneity and cancer evolution.…”
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Exploring behavioural bias affecting investment decision making: a network cluster based conceptual analysis for future research
Published 2022“…This study analyses the trends, the intellectual structure, and provides directions for the future of academic research. Findings: In the article, it was determined which contributed documents were the most significant in this particular subject area, along with the citations, publications, and nations that were associated with them. …”
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Sustainable performance through digital supply chains in industry 4.0 era: amidst the pandemic experience
Published 2022“…The study calls for firms to employ multiple DSCs once they have set clear strategic priorities. The overall findings of the work fill the literature gaps of studies in the digitalization of supply chains.…”
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Association between iron metabolism and SARS-COV-2 infection, determined by ferritin, hephaestin and hypoxia-induced factor-1 alpha levels in COVID-19 patients
Published 2023“…Further studies are needed to corroborate the findings, utilizing a broader range of markers to monitor inflammatory as well as iron status.…”
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Co-creating an art-based livelihood development in West Bengal: an actor-oriented ethnographic approach
Published 2018“…A key result of this study is that being positioned in between local and global networks means that social enterprises are well positioned to act as social change agents; however, co-created models reinforce top-down development structures rather than challenging them. The findings from this study make several contributions to the current literature. …”
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Development of citation measures and the socio-cultural factors affecting citation behavior in an emerging scientific community
Published 2009“…Finally, based on the experiences obtained from the empirical data collection, the findings from data analysis and the responses from the survey analysis, a number of policy recommendations and suggestions for taking these ideas further are proposed.…”
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Behavioral intentions of bystanders to image-based sexual abuse: a preliminary focus group study with a University student sample
Published 2023“…Finally, many participants indicated that their actions need to be well-informed. These findings highlight a wide range of bystander actions in IBSA contexts that have implications for the development of policies, educational materials, and measures of bystander intervention behavior in future research.…”
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Are emerging technologies unlocking the potential of sustainable practices in the context of a net zero economy? An analysis of driving forces
Published 2023“…An empirical investigation was conducted to validate the identified drivers and further understand the influencing relationship among the drivers, Pythagorean Fuzzy-Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (PF-DEMATEL) was employed. The findings of the study show that ‘high degree of automation’, ‘enhancing the flexibility in the manufacturing process’, and ‘real-time sensing capability’ are the main influencer drivers among all cause group forces. …”
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Research developments in sustainable supply chain management considering optimization and industry 4.0 techniques: a systematic review
Published 2024“…Numerous categories are considered throughout the examination of the literature, including year-wise publications, prominent journals, type of research design, concerned industry, and research technique used. Findings – The study demonstrates a deeper comprehension of the literature in the field and its evolution throughout numerous industry sectors, which is helpful for both practitioners and academics. …”
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Evaluating barriers to sustainable boiler operation in the apparel manufacturing industry: implications for mitigating operational hazards in the emerging economies
Published 2023“…After expert validation, thirteen barriers were finally selected to be analyzed utilizing the fuzzy DEMATEL method. The study findings revealed that ’Absence of water treatment facilities’, ’Fossil fuel burning and GHG emissions’, and ’Excessive consumption of groundwater’ are the three most prominent barriers to sustainable boiler operation. …”
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Psychological well-being of young adults during COVID-19 pandemic: lesson learned and future research agenda
Published 2023“…This study focused on different aspects, such as stress, resilience, and the mental health of young adults. The research findings of this study put forth the urgent need to provide preventive policies and intervention procedures to address the psychological health of young adults and proposed a conceptual framework.…”
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Dynamics of user-generated content and service failure recovery: evidence from millennials
Published 2023“…Drawing on multi-theoretical lenses, utilising actor–network and social influence theories, this study advances understanding through the development of a new conceptual model relating to individual characteristics. Findings: Utilising actor–network theory and social influence theory, this study developed a conceptual model of four customer groups’ responses to service failure based on the severity of service failure and the level of customers’ online response following service failure. …”
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Artificial Intelligence-partner relationships management for climate management in B2B firms to achieve sustainable competitiveness
Published 2023“…A mixed-methods approach was employed that involves in-depth interviews with senior managers from a diverse set of B2B firms, and the proposed hypothesis model was evaluated by analysing the collected B2B data of 142 responses using partial least squares structural equation modelling. The findings of the study show that information communication technology capability and technological readiness play a significant role in improving the performance of AI-based partner relationship management. …”
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How counselling psychologists address issues of race with clients from black Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds: a discourse analysis
Published 2024“…The first two discourses alluded to similar repertoires present in the discussions of white counselling psychologist participants, whereas the discourse challenging systemic racism was constructed by BAME counselling psychologists. Findings indicate that becoming attuned and open to discussing race-related difficulties supports favorable outcomes in practice when engaging with BAME individuals. …”
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Cross-reaction mediated by distinct key amino acid combinations in the complementary-determining region (CDR) of a monoclonal antibody
Published 2024“…This study explored the interaction characteristics of H1-74 mAb with three peptides: two natural peptides, LVLWGIHHP and LPFQNI, derived from the hemagglutinin (HA) antigen of the H1N1 influenza virus, and one synthetic peptide, WPFQNY. Our findings indicate that the complementarity-determining region (CDR) of H1-74 mAb comprised five antigen-binding sites, containing eight key amino acid residues from the light chain variable region and 16 from the heavy chain variable region. …”
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