The effect of different degree of compaction towards electrical resistivity value for cohesive soil
Published 2023“…The impact of different compaction degrees on electrical resistivity values were compared for the two soil samples. The findings showed that soil dry density increased with the increment of water content until it reached maximum dry density. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Simultaneous removal of turbidity, suspended solids and chemical oxygen demand from carwash effluent using aluminium electrodes in monopolar mode electrocoagulation
Published 2024“…The results of the study exhibit that the optimum conditions have been determined at a current density of 29 A/m2 , CWW initial operating pH of 8 and an electrocoagulation time of 70 minutes to achieve the highest level of uptake for turbidity (91.2% removal), SS (82.7% removal) and COD (64.8% removal). These findings underline the ability of this treatment method to remove targeted contaminants from CWW. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Future temperature for drought prediction in Bukit Merah, Perak by using SDSM modelling
Published 2024“…This project predicted the magnitude of drought over the next 60 years, and the data collected is aid hydrologic modelling in the Bukit Merah, Perak. The findings analysed and addressed to estimate the future drought that may occur in the next 60 years. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Influence of Post-Heat Treatment on the Characteristics of FeCrBMnSi Coating on Stainless Steel 304 Substrate Prepared by Twin Wire Arc Spray (TWAS) Method at Various Stand-off Di...
Published 2024“…The quality of the coating produced in this study was evaluated using thickness, hardness, wear, bond strength, micrography, and SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) testing. According to the findings of this study, specimens with a stand-off distance of 100 mm and a post-heat treatment temperature of 700oC produce the best coating qualities when compared to other specimens. …”
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Aerodynamic Effects of High-Speed Train Positions During Tunnel Exit Under Crosswind Conditions Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Published 2024“…Meanwhile, the flow structure revealed that the leading coach of the train experienced intricate flow patterns during crosswinds, characterized by vortices and flow separation. These findings indicate that aerodynamic instabilities can potentially affect the overall performance of the train. …”
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The effects of grass and rainfall pattern on the matric suction of acidic soil slopes
Published 2019“…The rate of changes in suction for bare slope surface is much faster as compared to grass-covered slope surface. The finding showed the hydromulching creates grass cover on top of acidic soil slopes and the grass influence the matric suction. …”
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Thesis -
The effect of performance based grant on research and development at Pakistani Public Universities
Published 2019“…This research study facilitates the HEC office (policy makers, finance officers etc.) regarding the validity, effectiveness and utilization of performance based grant to examine the effects on R&D performance in higher education sectors. Similarly, the findings of this research indicated that by decreasing the conflicts and uncertainties between the institutions under higher education commission of Pakistan for improving the quality of teaching and outcome based research.…”
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Dynamic key scheduling algorithm for block ciphers using quasigroup string transformation
Published 2018“…Based on the dynamic shapeless quasigroup and the proposed new string transformation, a Dynamic Key Scheduling Algorithm (DKSA) is developed. To validate the findings, non-associativity of the generated isotopes has been tested and the generated isotopes appeared to be non-associative. …”
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Housing demand prediction in Selangor
Published 2018“…Thus, a small error indicates the high effectiveness performances in develop model prediction housing demand in Selangor. The finding helps Lembaga Perumahan dan Hartanah Selangor (LPHS) and other government agency to plan constructions for all housing categories in line with the demand.…”
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Information technology adoption inhibitor-influencer model for SMEs in the construction industry
Published 2018“…Whilst questionnaire survey data was obtained from 187 respondents and the data were analysed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) to test the relationships between the exogenous constructs (inhibitor and influencer) to endogenous construct in order to validate and confirm the developed influencing factors for IT adoption model. The findings reveal that cost, government, and employees factors have significant influence on SME’s IT adoption, whilst, technology and practices factors were found to have a partial inhibiting effect on SME’s IT adoption. …”
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Real-time identification of an unmanned quadcopter flight dynamics using fully tuned radial basis function network
Published 2018“…The prediction performance of the proposed fully tuned RBF was compared with Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Hybrid Multilayer Perceptron (HMLP) and RBF networks trained with CT algorithm. The findings indicated that the fully tuned RBF with minimal resource allocating networks (MRAN) automatically selected seven neurons with 9.5177 % prediction accuracy and 5.89ms mean training time. …”
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Characterization of whole-body vibration for monorail passenger ride comfort
Published 2018“…This provides justification to standardization of proper priority seating zone. The findings of this study can assist in the standard specification for seating design of monorail. …”
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Thesis -
Developing a framework of non-fatal occupational injury surveillance for risk control in palm oil mills
Published 2018“…A framework of nonfatal injury surveillance in palm oil mills was developed based on the findings with integration of risk management process and injury prevention principles. …”
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Accident causation model for building construction sites
Published 2017“…The model indicates that the highest impact on construction site accidents with a path coefficient β (beta) value is unsafe equipment, followed by job site conditions, natural disaster, unique nature of the industry, unsafe methods, organization and management, and human elements. In conclusion, the findings through the ACM model of this study are reliable and very useful for construction organizations or stakeholders understand the significant root cause of the project site accidents. …”
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Oil palm leaf fibre and its suitability for paper-based products
Published 2016“…Due to the shortage of wood as origin materials for paper-based production, agro-residue materials have been explored in the quest of finding the best alternative fibre. Oil palm leaf (OPL) is one of agro-residue that has potential due to its comparable characteristics with wood fibre. …”
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Degradation of oil and grease from high-strength industrial effluents using locally isolated aerobic biosurfactant-producing bacteria
Published 2014“…The role of tryptone and lactose in complete biodegradation of O&G by A. hydrophila is significant as neither the addition of tryptone or lactose only resulted in enhanced O&G degradation, compared to E&E wastewater only. This finding showed the potential of using local aerobic bacterial isolates as an alternative solution to remove the presence of O&G in various industrial wastewaters.…”
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The development of an assesment framework for vocational education taining programmes in the noss based training system (NBTS) and the national dual training system (NDTS)
Published 2016“…Firstly, both systems NBTS and NDTS were considered similar although some of the sub dimensions were not. From this finding, a common assessment framework was developed for NBTS and NDTS approaches with special treatment for the differences. …”
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Thesis -
Causative factors of construction and demolition waste generation in Iraq Construction Industry
Published 2021“…These groups of factors should be avoided during construction works to reduce the waste generated. The findings of this study are helpful to authorities and stakeholders in formulating laws and regulations. …”
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Optimising of Scenedesmus sp. biomass production in chicken slaughterhouse wastewater using response surface methodology and potential utilisation as fish feeds
Published 2019“…Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopic analysis (EDS) indicated that the surface morphology and element distribution in biomass produced in BBM and CSWW were varied. The findings have indicated that the biomass produced in CSWW has high potential as fish feeds.…”
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Design and economic analysis of solar home system for urban areas of Mogadishu using homer software
Published 2019“…Therefore according to, the findings the cost of energy is 2.614 in $/KWh which is lower than the private sector. …”
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