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Indicators of global climate change 2022: annual update of large-scale indicators of the state of the climate system and human influence
Published 2023“…However, successive IPCC reports are published at intervals of 5–10 years, creating potential for an information gap between report cycles.…”
Journal article -
Mendelian randomization identifies proteins involved in neurodegenerative diseases
Published 2025“…</p> <p>We tested 13,377 protein–disease associations, identifying 169 associations which were statistically significant (5% false discovery rate). Evidence of co-localisation between plasma protein abundance and disease risk (posterior probability >0.80) was identified for 61 proteindisease pairs, leading to 50 unique protein-disease associations. …”
Journal article -
Kesan keadaan tinggi karbon dioksida dan kandungan nutrien media terhadap pertumbuhan dan kandungan nutrien Wolffia arrhiza
Published 2024“…Wolffia arrhiza telah ditanam di dalam tahap CO2 normal (500 ppm) dan tahap CO2 tinggi (800 ppm) serta 5 kepekatan nutrien media penanaman yang berbeza iaitu N-media (kawalan), 3 kali kepekatan yang lebih rendah (A), 3 kali kepekatan yang lebih tinggi (B), 5 kali kepekatan yang lebih tinggi (C) dan 7 kali kepekatan yang lebih tinggi (D) berbanding N-media. …”
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A vehicle social distancing management system based on LiFi COVID pandemic: real-time monitoring for smart buildings
Published 2024“…The performance evaluation of the proposed work has been performed using MATLAB simulations. 100 vehicles were assumed in the presented scenario with 5% untested, 20% positive, 75% negative, 30% high temperature, and 70% low temperature. …”
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Differentiation of lard from other fat in pastry products using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy combined multivariate analysis
Published 2014“…DA and Coomans plot were successfully classified commercial baking fats and shortening to their respective axis of lard adulteration as lowest as 0.25ml (v/v) with high R2 and low RMSECV in normal data pretreatment of 4.36 and 0.97, respectively. …”
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Thesis -
Proposed Design for Electromechanical Telescoping Actuator to Replace Hydraulics in Extreme High Force and Long Stroke Applications
Published 2024“…Our group was able to successfully develop and evaluate the design and build a scaled-down prototype that could likely serve as a direct replacement for currently used long-stroke high-force hydraulics. …”
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Coseismic and postseismic slip of the 2005 Mw8.6 Nias‐Simeulue earthquake : spatial overlap and localized viscoelastic flow
Published 2020“…We also find that the viscoelastic flow in the mantle wedge following this event was likely localized beneath the downdip region of the coseismic slip, rather than uniformly layered across the area as assumed by forward models. …”
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Journal Article -
Invited perspectives : how machine learning will change flood risk and impact assessment
Published 2020“…Overall, machine learning is likely to drastically improve future flood risk and impact assessments, but issues such as applicability, bias and ethics must be considered carefully to avoid misuse. …”
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Journal Article -
Effects of user behaviors on accumulation of social capital in an online social network
Published 2021“…Additionally, the share of local friends, the number of received likes and the duration of SNS use are associated with social capital indicators. …”
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Journal Article -
Pollen geochronology from the Atlantic coast of the united states during the last 500 years
Published 2021“…Inconsistencies were likely related to the hyperlocality of pollen chronohorizons, mixing of salt marsh sediment, reworking of pollen from nearby tidal flats, misidentification of pollen signals, and inaccuracies in or misinterpretation of other age markers. …”
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Journal Article -
Causal attribution, benefits sharing, and earnings management
Published 2022“…In Experiment 1, we predict and find that managers are more likely to manage earnings when the firm's underperformance is caused by an external event and misreported earnings benefit other employees besides the reporting manager. …”
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Journal Article -
Design of a >500MHz current starving VCO/DLL with low phase noise for digital PWM control
Published 2023“…However, when frequency multiplication is not needed, a DLL offers an advantage in performance over the PLL as it does not suffer on-chip noise and it has better stability. It is also less likely to accumulate jitter from power-supply and substrate noise. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Functional analysis of a hypomorphic allele shows that MMP14 catalytic activity is the prime determinant of the Winchester syndrome phenotype
Published 2019“…This residual activity likely accounts for the mitigated phenotype observed in our patients. …”
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Journal Article -
Leveling the playing field: the selection and motivation effects of tournament prize spread information
Published 2019“…We predict and find that when employees can select into tournaments of varying prize spreads (which proxies for an environment where prize spread information is available), high-ability employees are more likely than low-ability employees to select into the tournament with a larger prize spread. …”
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Journal Article -
Cultured and popular literary circuits on Facebook: a case study of Singaporean print culture in social media
Published 2018“…Responses (comments and likes) were left out in the primary analysis, but were able to provide supplemental information that supported our initial investigation.Results. …”
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Journal Article -
Phytochemical and pharmacological activities of Commiphora gileadensis: A review
Published 2024Get full text
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Response of geostationary communications satellite solid-state power amplifiers to high-energy electron fluence.
Published 2017“…Building on the work of Lohmeyer and Cahoy (2013), we find that anomalies occur at a rate higher than just by chance when the >2 MeV electron fluence accumulated over 14 and 21 days is elevated. …”
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