Turkey and the Balkans: bringing the Europeanisation/de-Europeanisation nexus into question
Published 2022“…This article is about the main framework and the rationale of the special issue, which deals with Turkey’s increasing ethno-religious, pragmatic and complicated involvement and activism in the Balkans since 2002, under the Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi - AKP). …”
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Decision making framework for green hospital building development
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Sustainable tourism planning by local authorities : an investigation of the London Boroughs
Published 2013“…To achieve this, the research uses a comparative framework to examine how the London boroughs have integrated policies for sustainable tourism development into their main planning documents. This analysis is developed further through a discussion of the findings of an online survey conducted with representatives of the local authorities in London, and the results of semistructured interviews with representatives of public and private organisations involved in tourism development in the capital. …”
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Thesis -
After COVID-19: time to agree a biosecurity code of conduct under the biological and toxin weapons convention (book chapter)
Published 2020“…Largely out of sight of most people, States Parties to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) have been meeting at the United Nations in Geneva over the last two decades trying to find ways to strengthen the Convention following the failure to agree on a Protocol during the 1990s. …”
Book Section -
Qualitative network analysis for migration studies: beyond metaphors and epistemological pitfalls
Published 2021“…We draw upon the early roots of social network research, within anthropology, to find inspiration and consider the contribution of qualitative approaches to analysing dynamic social relationships and to including neglected aspects like meaning making and agency. …”
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Second generation South Asian Muslims' conceptualisations of religious and ethnic identity
Published 2003“…How do young South Asian Muslims find their place within British society? How can the indigenous population understand the particular issues? …”
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Thesis -
Reading suburban narratives
Published 2012“…The thesis discusses London's suburban fiction from the 1860s to the present day and each chapter focusses on different aspects of this struggle to see the truth of, and find meaning in, the suburbs. Suburban fiction presents a chronicle of compromised seeing. …”
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Thesis -
Paradoxes of ‘career’ and ‘progress’ in the neoliberal university: a self-critique and deconstruction
Published 2023“…Whilst aware of the role ‘progress’ plays in framing a ‘traditional career’, academics find themselves having to navigate the contours of the university – where matrices shout to the tide of ‘progress’ and where what gets measured supposedly gets done. …”
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Introducing computer-assisted assessment : considerations for the new practitioner
Published 2005“…This essay aims to outline the main considerations for individual lecturers wishing to embark upon the use of CAA. …”
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Religion, morality, and democracy in Ghana
Published 2024“…Second, the CoP’s influence on Ghana’s two main political parties seeks to prioritise power and control over all Ghanaians regardless of their religious affiliation and of the country’s commitment to democratic norms and institutions.…”
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Corporate governance practices and comprehensive income
Published 2018“…Design/methodology/approach Using a sample of 237 firms from the Standards & Poor (S&P) 500 index during the years 2004-2009, multivariate statistical analyses are conducted to confirm the authors’ main hypothesis. Findings The results indicate that having high levels of corporate governance culture has a positive impact on a measure of firms’ financial performance, namely, CI. …”
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Hydrodynamic interactions and relative motions of floating bodies in waves
Published 2024Get full text
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Dynamic effect of structural shocks on private investment in Iran
Published 2023Get full text
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Hysteresis effects on shear strength of an unsaturated laterite soil
Published 2023Get full text
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Enhanced cluster based trust management framework for mobile Ad hoc networks
Published 2024Get full text
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Imbalanced functional link between executive control network and reward network explain online-game seeking behaviors in internet gaming disorder
Published 2015“…Nucleus accumbens (NAcc) was selected as the node to find the interactions between these two networks. …”
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