Investigating stock market efficiency: a look at OIC member countries
Published 2016“…However,a dearth in literature is seen for this niche on Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC)member countries. …”
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Acquisition of english language prepositions in the absence of formal grammar teaching
Published 2015“…With respect to the progress made, in speaking tasks, most improvement was seen in the prepositions ‘for’, ‘in’ and ‘about’, while in writing tasks, the best results were with the prepositions ‘to, ‘of’ and ‘in’. …”
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CDR analysis using big data technology
Published 2016“…But CDRs has a huge volume, variety of data and high data rate, while current telecom systems are designed without these issues in mind. CDRs can be seen as Big Data source, and hence, it is applicable to use Big Data technologies (storage, processing and analysis) in CDR analytics. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Heat transfer enhancement in a triangular duct using compound nanofluids and turbulators
Published 2015“…A small deviation has been seen between the present numerical and experimental results…”
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Experimental investigation of the base flow from the nozzles with sudden expansion
Published 2015“…The length-to-diameter ratio of the present study was varied from 1 to 10. It is seen that, the relief and L/D combination results in control effectiveness at various Mach numbers taking the base pressure above or below the value of the without case. …”
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The inviolability of medical confidentiality:an analysis of the rules and exceptions
Published 2016“…Further, preserving confidentiality on the premise that the relationship between doctor and patient has been built on trust and confidence renders the duty to be seen as sacrosanct. The source for this duty can be found not only in the Hippocratic Oath, codes of ethics, religious tenets but also in the common law, principles of equity and statutory provisions. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
No-fault compensation scheme for obstetric injuries: a viable alternative?
Published 2016“…The expensive cost turns out to be a substantial burden on the family where majority of affected families find difficulty in making financial ends meet, and consequently this burden becomes detrimental to both their physical and psychological well-being.3 This often triggers the search for substandard care on the part of the medical provider in charge to have them assume part of the cost,4 and malpractice litigation is seen as a platform for justification and to some extent alleviates the emotional pain associated with the incident.…”
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An investigation of base flow control by wall pressure analysis in a suddenly expansion nozzle
Published 2016“…Hence, the control does influence the flow in the duct wall. It is also seen that when the jets are under expanded the control becomes effective; however, with further increase in the level of under expansion they do not give the desired result. …”
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Smart video surveillance system for vehicle detection and traffic flow control
Published 2011“…At present, one of the biggest problems in the main city in any country is the traffic jam during office hour and office break hour. Sometimes it can be seen that the traffic signal green light is still ON even though there is no vehicle coming. …”
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Optimal damper location for mid-high frequency vibration control on built-up structures: case study using VA one
Published 2012“…The fuselage model is developed using VA One software. Good agreement is seen for the optimal locations using the simple guide and result from VA One…”
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Transition of Islamic banks from debt-based modes to equity-based financing: issues and prospects
Published 2010“…Application of equity financing modes in Islamic banking is seen to be less developed, and configured in a manner that downplays their true potential. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Is the adversarial trial under the Malaysian Criminal Procedure Code compatible with Islamic Law?
Published 2006“…It can be ascertain whether justice is substantially seen to be done to both the opposing parties under both legal systems. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Small claims court's procedure for small claims business dispute
Published 2006“…Though, justice that is delayed is as good as justice is being denied, but in this case, justice is not simply delayed, instead, is not seen to be done. The purpose of procedural law has always been to serve the ends of justice rather than to defeat a person's substantive rights based on technicalities unless the omission in the procedures are those that are so fundamental as to cause a miscarriage of justice. …”
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Quantum of proof when case for the prosecution depends substantially or wholly on circumstantial evidence: irresistible conclusion test or reasonable beyond a doubt test?
Published 2011“…This apparent difference of judicial views is seen in Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand and India, all countries whose legal systems, rooted in history, is based on the common law adversarial system. …”
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Orienting students to higher education : a business example
Published 2003“…Business Skills (BX101) is a core module for all undergraduate students studying Business at the North campus of London Metropolitan University. It is seen as a key element in assisting new students to settle into, and prepare for, academic life. …”
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Role of China in Africa : three case studies of Angola, Ethiopia and Zambia
Published 2019“…This paper concludes Chinese engagement in Africa to be multifaceted in light of her varied ‘development partnerships’, seen through the Angolan, Ethiopian and Zambian case studies. …”
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Constructing Europe and the European Union via education contrasts and congruence within and between Germany and England
Published 2019“…Finally, we argue that the textbooks may be seen as contributing to a process of socialization rather than one of education when it comes to characterizations of Europe.…”
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Effects of online brand communities on millennials' brand loyalty in the fashion industry
Published 2021“…Grounded in understanding that loyalty is seen and understood differently by people who participate in online brand communities, this study is based on a constructivist perspective combined with hermeneutic methodology and embedded case study research strategy to examine how online brand communities activate multidimensional customer loyalty intentions. …”
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Finding common ground on the threshold: an experiment in critical urban learning
Published 2024“…Practices of Urban Inclusion is thus seen as a threshold space that attempted to bring different subjectivities and forms of knowledge into connection by foregrounding experiential knowledge, fostering collaborative learning, and connecting temporalities. …”
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Towards a broader approach to the community interpreter’s role: on correspondence between role perceptions and interactional goals
Published 2016“…Increasingly, conceptions of role are seen not as static and absolute, but as related to the differing (and subjective) viewpoints of the various participants involved. …”
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