The development of tool life estimation model based on volume loss method
Published 2010Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Influence of American family life telivision programs on the Muslim audience in Malaysia
Published 2012Get full text
Book Chapter -
Practices of insurance operators in Malaysia: conventional vs. unconventional life insurance.
Published 2012“…Risk is part and parcel of our daily life and we have been trying to find out the way to protect ourselves in the case of misfortune. …”
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Article -
Quality of Life among University Students in a Single Malaysian Institute
Published 2013“…Quality of life of university students in an important issue in order to tackle the physical, mental, social problems as early as possible to produce future leaders for the future developed nation. …”
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Efficiency of life insurance companies in Malaysia and Brunei: a comparative analysis
Published 2011“…The output-input data consists of a panel of 9 life insurance firms in Malaysia and 2 life insurance companies in Brunei that were chosen as the sample of the study. …”
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Protocol of Life Cycle Cost (LCC) data input requirements process
Published 2016“…Life Cycle Cost (LCC) is an important economic assessment technique that is applied in the beginning of the project to provide useful cost information to the Government, clients, cost estimators and researchers in facilitating them to make better decision in the process of determining the most optimum total ownership costs of an asset or in comparing the most cost-effective of mutually exclusive alternatives. …”
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Patent -
Islamic intellectual life in the Malay-Indonesian Archipelago: a preliminary observation
Published 1994Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi: an overview of his life and position towards globalization
Published 2005Get full text
Book Chapter -
Stages of change and health-related quality of life among employees of an institution
Published 2011“…Objective To examine the relationships between health-related quality of life (HRQoL) scores with the stages of change of adequate physical activity and fruit and vegetables intake. …”
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Environmental degradation assessment of biodiesel production using life cycle analysis
Published 2024Subjects: Get full text
Thesis -
The life and death of Section 44 (Stop and Search) Terrorism Act 2000
Published 2013“…This professional doctorate is about the life (inception), the utilisation (implementation) and ultimately the death (repeal) of a highly controversial and unpopular counter terrorism stop and search power (Section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2000) that was deployed within the United Kingdom. …”
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Thesis -
Impact of self-awareness life skill on effective leadership in the digital era
Published 2023“…The main drive of this study remained toward investigate the influence of self-awareness life skills on leadership effectiveness in the certain enterprises in the Kathmandu area in the digital era and also associated socio-demographic variables on leadership effectiveness. …”
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Lane keeping control algorithm using image processing
Published 2023Subjects: “…Lane lines (Roads)…”
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Thesis -
Co-production of surfactin and a novel bacteriocin by Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis H4 isolated from Bikalga, an African alkaline Hibiscus sabdariffa seed fermented condiment
Published 2013Subjects: “…570 Life sciences; biology…”
Article -
‘Medicine doesn’t cure my worries’ : understanding the drivers of mental distress in older Nepalese women living in the UK
Published 2018“…Data was collected using in-depth interviews with 20 older Nepalese women living in the London Borough of Greenwich. Grounded thematic analysis of women's narratives identified six overarching factors contributing to their emotional distress that pose potential risks to their mental health: absence of family, language barriers, housing problems, physical illness, lack of appropriate support, fears of death, and inadequate financial resources. …”
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The seen and unseen interior: how reflective practice enabled a live project with Sandys Row Synagogue, London
Published 2018“…The outcomes reveal how the cultural, personal and building history can be revealed and interpreted, through ‘living’ and ‘situated’ practice. This project was tutored by Janette Harris, Kaye Newman, Suzanne Smeeth-Pouras and Karl Harris…”
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Article -
An investigation into how first generation Nigerian mothers living in the UK experience postnatal depression: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Published 2019“…The study aimed to explore how FGNMs living in the UK experience PND, their experiences of available resources/treatment and the way they manage and cope with postnatal depression. …”
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Thesis -