Gessel's concept of free-money eliminating interest through information-money
Published 2011“…Even though there are numerous organisations which are trying to create alternative systems, like the much developed Islamic banking which is growing rapidly, the evolutionary process of the monetary establishment is still stuck with in the current interest-based system. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Scenario of power distribution network in the City of Dhaka in the context of reliability
Published 2003“…This parameter for a developed country like France is only 0.82 hours. Failure rates for individual elements of the system have been evaluated and the rates for switchgear overhead line, underground cable, transformer are unusually compared to any developed nation. …”
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Tori-connected torus network and its derivative
Published 2012“…STTN and FTTN possess several attractive features like TTN. We further evaluate the longest wire length of FTTN and compare it with other networks. …”
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Metabolomics profiling of extracellular metabolites in CHO-K1 cells cultured in different types of growth media
Published 2013“…Samples were taken at 8-hourly intervals for routine cell counting, biochemical responses, insulin like growth factor—1 (IGF-1) protein concentration and global metabolite analysis (gas chromatography mass spectrometry, GCMS). …”
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Doctor-patient relationship in the light of the syari'ah: excerpts from the Fiqh Muamalat in Medicine Workshop 2013
Published 2013“…In this brief review, we would like to highlight more on the models of doctor-patient relationship and the syari'ah rulings related to it. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Workshop in Fiqh Muamalat in Medicine 2013: venturing further collaboration between Kulliyyahs of Medicine and lslamic Revealed Knowledge, IIUM.
Published 2013“…Some participants would like certain topics to be elaborated in depth which included issues on illegitimate child, terminally ill patients, and inheritance. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
µ-Patterning of Carbon Nanotube patterning of Carbon Nanotube (CNT) forest for MEMS applications
Published 2013“…However, this new processing technique causes the CNT surface to reflect light like mirror. A detail comparison between all proposed techniques (mechanical and reverse EDM) for patterning CNT forest is also included in this paper. …”
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Celecoxib as a neuroprotective agent in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion-induced neurodegeneration in rats
Published 2013“…Since neuroinflammation is thought to play a significant role in chronic degenerative neurological disorders like Alzheimer's disease, the present study was planned to,assess the neuroprotective role of celecoxib in Alzheimer's model of rats(2VO). …”
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Problem Based Learning: cultural diverse students' engagement, learning and contextualized problem solving in a mathematics classroom
Published 2013“…By doing that, students managed to cultivate skills like problem solving, critical thinking and communication skills. …”
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On the multi-agent learning neural and Bayesian methods in skin detector and pornography classifier: an automated anti-pornography system
Published 2014“…In the first stage, we proposes a multi-agent learning method that combines the Bayesian method with a grouping histogram (GH) technique and the back-propagation neural network with a segment adjacent-nested (SAN) technique based on the YCbCr and RGB colour spaces respectively, to extract skin regions from the image accurately with take into considered the problems of the light-changing conditions, skin-like colour and reflection from glass and water. …”
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Effect of electrical parameters on performance of Cu-TiC mixed ceramic compact electrode in EDM process
Published 2013“…Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is one of the most extensively used non conventional material removal processes to machine very hard material. Such materials like hardened tool steel, titanium and its alloy, Hastelloy which were hitherto difficult to machine can be easily processed with EDM. …”
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Adverse drug reactions reporting: knowledge and opinion of general public in Penang, Malaysia
Published 2013“…It is recommended that government agencies, like MADRAC needs to find ways to increase patient- reported ADR cases. …”
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Miftah Al-'Arabiyyah = مفتاح العربية
Published 2011“…After getting student’s feedback towards the new book, I would like to provide some recommendations which aim to improve the situation such as adding more language activities, providing more attractive pictures, replacing vague vocabularies and improving the lay out. …”
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The narrative of ‘al-ghraniq al-‘ula’ in the qur’an: a myth or reality
Published 2015“…The narrative was used by the famous Orientalists like William Muir, Joseph Schacht and others as a tool to dissociate the Qur’an from the divine origin. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Profiling of extracellular metabolites in CHO-K1 cells cultured in medium with different levels of serum and glutamine
Published 2016“…In this study, GCMSbased metabolomics (global metabolite analysis) approach was used to understand the effects of different levels of serum and glutamine on metabolite profiles associated with cell growth behaviour and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) protein production. …”
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Risalat/nabuwwat: current & eternal relevance
Published 2015“…Those Spiritual Luminaries, the chosen Messengers of our Creator included men like Adam, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa etc. the last among them being Muhammad (Divine Peace and Blessing be with him and all other Messengers of Allah swt). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Ruminating cultural legitimacy, contemplating internal obedience: proposing a more innovative approach to enforcing international human rights law
Published 2013“…In its final supposition, the paper invites proponents of human rights and the like to explore multiculturalism as a possible innovative approach that could improve the effectiveness of international human rights law enforcement. …”
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A comparative study of the effectiveness of β-glucosidase immobilized on CNT-nanoparticles and Ca-alginate beads
Published 2014“…Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on the other hand have excellent mechanical, thermal and electrical properties, as well as dimensional and chemical compatibility with biomolecules like DNA and enzymes, suitable for biosensor design. …”
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Identifying preface in the Qur’anic Surahs a new methodology of Qur’anic Interpretation”
Published 2014“…Yet, it is unbelievably surprising that most of the mufassirun (commentators of the Qur’an) right from the early periods of Islamic history until today ignored the task of identifying various components of Qur’anic Surahs and establishing link among them. Some commentators like Qazi Abd al-Jabbar, al-Haralliyy, al-Razi, al-Biqa’i, Syed Qutb, Syed Mawdudi, al-Farahi, and Islahi did attempt in their commentaries of the Qur’an to interpret the Surahs as thematically coherent by identifying link among various components of each and every single Surah. …”
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Development and validation of a LC- MS/MS Method for simultaneous quantitation of telmisartan and pioglitazone in rat plasma
Published 2016“…In majority of complex diseases like diabetes, multiple medications are essential to achieve the better therapeutic control, as several mediators are involved in their pathogenesis. …”
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