The role of chatbots in data analytics: an evaluation of functional abilities
Published 2024Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Development and evaluation of network utilities using Python for efficient management
Published 2024Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Comparative analysis of malware detection response times across Android versions: an emphasis on the "Hoverwatch" application
Published 2024Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Hybrid Optimization with Enhanced QoS-based Path Selection in VANETs
Published 2023“…Due to these characteristics, link failures occur, and delay and routing overhead is greatly increased, directly affecting the effectiveness, Quality of Service (QoS), and stability of VANETs. …”
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Article -
Correlation analysis on crash factor in Surabaya-Manyar toll road
Published 2024“…Surabaya-Manyar Toll Road has been the main link between Surbaya and Jakarta since 1993. There were 149 crashes between 2014 and 2018, with seven fatalities. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Influence of Eu3+ Ions on Elastic Moduli and Microhardness of Zinc‑boro‑soda‑lime‑silica Glass System
Published 2024“…Poisson’s ratio of the samples signifes their low cross-link density behavior. Moreover, the ZBS-3Eu presents the highest microhardness value of 4.776 GPa. …”
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Article -
A Review of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/Urban Air Mobility Potential Cyberattacks and Authentication Models: A Way Forward
Published 2024“…The elements onboard use a network of sensors to communicate with GCS via a wireless link and thus make the system susceptible to various cyber-attacks. …”
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Article -
Critical point study in the Sabah power grid for cascading failure blackouts
Published 2014“…Sabah System Grid is made up of 66kV, 132kV and 275kV which link up all major towns in Sabah and Federal Territory of Labuan. …”
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Thesis -
Modeling and simulation of standalone hybrid PV-wind renewable energy system base case study: Iraq
Published 2019“…The end of the project are proposed a hybrid modeling of both the PV and the wind systems by using DC link using Matlab 2017b Simulink software. The case study suffer huge shortage of electrical power production. …”
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Thesis -
Tribalism and democracy in the arab world: a sociological study of the Arab mind and its perception of democracy through the events of the Arab spring
Published 2015“…To understand the Arab mind set we have first to analyze the long and complicated cultural heritage which was formed throughout the history of Arabia and how it still plays a great role in the way Arabs perceive themselves and the world around them. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Varieties and in vitro seed production technique for growing potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) under harsh and problematic BRIS soil of Pahang
Published 2015“…Under those conditions, marketable tuber yields of around 19.1 ton per hectare can be achieved using clone 378597.1. Normally, potato is conventionally propagated vegetatively using seed tubers. …”
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Article -
Microencapsulation of gentamicin into biodegradable polymer as a novel drug delivery system
Published 2011“…Once infection is established, it requires multiple surgeries, prolonged antibiotic treatment, and long-term complications. It was estimated that the average cost of care for implant removal, 6 weeks of parenteral antibiotics, and re-implantation is approximately USD50,000. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Performance of cermet tools : applying negative rake angles high speed machining
Published 2010“…Cermet tools have been employed for high speed machining for a long time due to their high wear resistance and high hot hardness. …”
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Book -
Cointegration and causality between non-bank financial intermediaries and economic growth in Malaysia: an ARDL bounds testing approach
Published 2009“…The result shows evidence of a long-run causality running from nonbank financial intermediaries to per capita economic growth, but not vice versa.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Smoker desaturation during general anaesthesia: a case report
Published 2009“…We conclude that smoking cessation was necessary at long as possible even though in case of emergency to prevent potential hypoxaemia pre intubation and during extubation at the end of operation. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Proceedings against the government by members of the armed forces : a comparison in practice between the United Kingdom, United States of America and Malaysia
Published 2011“…However, as time goes by, the above doctrines seems cannot be sustained for long as more and more cases involving the government comes before the court of law. …”
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Article -
The parameters of uncertainty in revenue law
Published 2011“…However, uncertainty has a utilitarian role, leaving the courts latitude to find the appropriate legal solution, either in defining terminologies and concepts or in the application of legal rules as long as the courts approach is predictable.…”
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