Asian financial crisis and the evolution of Korean Banks efficiency: a DEA approach
Published 2009“…The study focuses on three major approaches, namely, intermediation, value added, and operating approaches. The results clearly bring forth the high degree of inefficiency in the Korean banking sector, particularly a year after the Asian financial crisis. …”
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Article -
Improvement of existing water quality index in Selangor, Malaysia.
Published 2009“…The proposed WQI seemed to be slightly more strict compared to the existing one, which is thought to bring benefit the river environment. The outcomes of this research can be applied to protect the rivers in Selangor.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The lived experiences of female educational leaders in higher education in the UK
Published 2022“…While several studies have reported on diversity management issues in HEI, this study highlights the facilitators of female educational leaders' advancement and indicates that the redefinition of capabilities of successful leaders and modern trends such as reverse mentoring and gender-neutral recruitment may assist to eliminate gender bias and highlight attractive traits that female educational leaders bring to the table.…”
Book Section -
Digital freedoms in international law: practical steps to protect human rights online: a report by Ian Brown & Douwe Korff
Published 2012“…It is an academic work designed to pose questions and bring others into a dialogue. It attempts to tackle some of the most difficult questions around protecting rights to freedom of expression and privacy in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector. …”
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Monograph -
Background subtraction challenges in motion detection using Gaussian mixture model: a survey
Published 2023“…In this context, we describe and bring together the most significant challenges faced by the background subtraction techniques based on GMM for dealing with a crucial background situation. …”
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Article -
Comparison of game development framework and model for parkinson disease rehabilitation
Published 2023“…However, this can be a problem when the caretakers that bring them to the rehabilitation center are unavailable due to work or other related issues. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Application of fuzzy logic approach for an aircraft model with and without winglet
Published 2011“…The potentials of an aircraft model with and without winglet and aerodynamic characteristics with NACA wing No. 65-3- 218 have been studied using subsonic wind tunnel of 1 m × 1 m rectangular test section and 2.5 m long of Aerodynamics Laboratory Faculty of Engineering (University Putra Malaysia). …”
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Article -
Effects of water-bath stunning on the death of poultry and myofiber apoptosis
Published 2014“…Td was recorded using a stopwatch timer, which started at the point of neck cutting and stopped when there were absence of wing flapping, pupil reflex, comb pinching response and heart beat in the chickens. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Book Review : Teresa Sacchet, Silvana Mariano and Cássia Maria Carloto (editors) Women, gender and conditional cash transfers: interdisciplinary perspectives from studies of Bolsa...
Published 2021“…Since the removal of the Workers Party from power in 2016, right wing governments have been cutting the programme. …”
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Article -
The hidden danger of usury financing system : a case of Turkey
Published 2012Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Phytotechnology: Macrophyte as phytoindicatot for unhealthy environment
Published 2010Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Identification of Cryptosporodium from Dairy Cattle in Pahang, Malaysia
Published 2016Get full text
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Article -
Advances in electromyogram signal classification to improve the quality of life for the disabled and aged people
Published 2010“…Examples of biosignals include Electro-Encephalogram (EEG), Electrooculogram (EOG), Electroneurogram (ENG) and (EMG). Approach: Among the biosignals, the research on EMG signal processing and controlling is currently expanding in various directions. …”
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Article -
Assessment of willingness to accept upgrading water supply system for rural indigenous settlement
Published 2023“…Thesis (EngD (Construction Technology and Management))…”
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Thesis -
The impact of the modified budgeting systems (MBS) on performance measurement in Malaysian central government organisations
Published 2007“…The introduction of the Modified Budgeting System (MBS) as one of the New Public Financial Management (NPFM) tools to bring the efficiency of private sector into Malaysian government organisations had its implication on these organisations' performance measurement systems. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Muslim powerlessness and the Nation-state
Published 2004“…This subsequently may bring about a degree of unity to the Muslim world that would enable them to check and counter other communities.…”
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Article -
Iqbal's theory of personality: a contrastive analysis with Freud
Published 2013“…His theory of personality is not only dynamic in nature but also inspires man to sink into his psyche to bring the best out of him. Iqbal believed that by actualizing the good elements of the psyche, man can transform this world into a better place for the benefit of humanity. …”
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Book -
Let’s move to “Universal Corporate Governance Theory”
Published 2013“…It is also believed that if the top corporate players are molded by this proposed theory, it will bring the social and economic justice what we are dreaming to achieve. …”
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Article -
Disclosure of organizational information on social media: Perspectives from security managers
Published 2013“…It reports the findings of a qualitative multiple-case study to unravel information security issues that OSN might bring to organizations. It also describes the security strategies employed by organizations and factors that influenced the strategy decision. …”
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Proceeding Paper