Hiding in plain sight: the 'irony' of sexism
Published 2021“…In mainstream media, women are often depicted as submissive objects for heterosexual male consumption and regular exposure to sexist stereotypes has been linked to depression, low self-esteem and eating disorders, as well as sexualised attitudes and behaviours in young people, primarily girls.…”
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Violence, abuse and mental health in England (REVA project, briefing 1)
Published 2015“…This research extends the evidence base by showing how mental illness is linked with experience of abuse and violence. It is based on a representative community-based sample rather than a patient population and examines experiences of both women and men across the life course.…”
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Erythrocytes derived microvesicles : their characterisation and potential role as delivery vectors
Published 2018“…In this study, the influence of erythrocyte derived MV (eMV) on the growth of THP-1 and Jurkat cell lines was observed. HeLa cells and those infected with Human Rhinovirus type 16 derived MV (HRV16iHMV) were used as parallel samples for all experiments. …”
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Thesis -
Interaction of phenol-formaldehyde condensates with isoprene rubber
Published 1983“…The results indicate that, in all cases, combination with the rubber occurs through chroman linkages and the crosslinks contain at least two phenolic nuclei joined by dimethylene ether or methylene links.…”
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Design for the environment: an ontology-based knowledge management model for green product development
Published 2021“…Selected DFX techniques are linked with strategies used in organizations. Following a literature analysis, a collaborative knowledge-based framework that addresses the design concepts needed to assess environmental, safety, and health concerns in the development of the green product is proposed. …”
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Pentecostalisation, the American Christian right, and civil religion in Ghana
Published 2024“…The second aim is to explain and account for the links between elements of the American Christian Right and prominent Pentecostals in Ghana. …”
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Dealing, music and youth violence: neighbourhood relational change, isolation and youth criminality
Published 2023“…The study considers the emergence of drill music, county lines and the lowering of the threshold of when weapons are used to explore the isolated social environments so many young people find themselves in. …”
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Laccase immobilization on polyethylene terephthalate based nanofiber mat
Published 2023Get full text
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‘Really putting a different slant on my use of a glass of wine’: patient perspectives on integrating alcohol into structured medication reviews in general practice
Published 2023“…This study explores early patient experiences of the SMR and views on the acceptability of integrating clinical attention to alcohol as another drug linked to their conditions and medicines, rather than as a standalone ‘healthy living’ or ‘lifestyle’ question. …”
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Assessment and feedback in post-pandemic healthcare provider education: a meta-synthesis
Published 2023“…Results: Findings highlighted two intersecting themes relating to the importance of “Scaffolding assessment and feedback” and how this linked to students’ “Engagement and perceived self-efficacy”. …”
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Fiscal spillovers in the Euro area
Published 2012“…The estimation of a multivariate, multi-country time series model (specifically a Global VAR, or GVAR) using quarterly data for the EMU period suggests that euro-denominated government yields are strongly linked with each other. However, financial markets seem to be able to discriminate among different issuers. …”
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Biological basis of child health 1: understanding the cell and genetics
Published 2020“…The aim is to provide children's nurses with an accessible introduction to cell biology and genetics linked to their clinical practice.…”
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Transitory microbial habitat in the hyperarid Atacama Desert
Published 2018“…Although microbial biomass and diversity decrease with increasing aridity in the Atacama Desert, we provide multiple lines of evidence for the presence of an at times metabolically active, microbial community in one of the driest places on Earth. …”
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The Emerging Pacific Asian Economies and the Financial Crisis
Published 2009“…Particular concerns centre on the sharp contractions of growth in China and Japan whose economies have become the principle drivers of regional growth and integration, and key links between Pacific Asia, the West and the rest of the global system.…”
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Institutional quality in the finance-growth nexus in Sub-Saharan Africa
Published 2021“…Total factor productivity is decomposed into two items: 1) pure technical progress; and 2) institutional quality linked efficiency gain, which captures financial development and institutional quality. …”
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Immigration, politics and violence in urban France: between fiction and facts
Published 2008“…Semi-fictional accounts of immigrants’ life in the banlieues are a privileged source of information about the social distress that nurtured the explosion of urban violence. Reading between the lines of these representations helps grasping what happens underneath the surface of an overexposed situation of inequality that periodically morphs into violence. …”
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Using assessment criteria to support student learning
Published 2003“…The discipline-based skills module combines generic and subject-specific skills teaching, links skills provision with the personal tutor system, and includes practical exercises to promote deep learning and improve study skills. …”
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The influence of cultural heritage on students' willingness to engage in peer assessment
Published 2006“…From this perspective the experience of assessment is productive, not merely reflective of learning and intimately linked with students’ sense of identity. The choice of assessment methods therefore determines not only what, but how the students learn. …”
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