Young children retain fast mapped object labels better than shape, color, and texture words
Published 2015“…The results also highlight the importance of comparing short- and long-term retention when studying children’s word learning.…”
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Article -
The lived experience of HIV positive immigrant African mothers in the UK: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Published 2020“…This study might inform counselling psychologists about the background beliefs and cultural norms that influence these women when attending therapy and offers an insight into the areas of work that may need to be addressed therapeutically. …”
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Thesis -
Developing a transfer point location problem considering normal demands distribution
Published 2021“…A mathematical solution is employed when demand points follow normal distribution, with some points of demands being in regions. …”
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Article -
Using Padlets as e-portfolios to enhance undergraduate students’ writing skills and motivation
Published 2021“…However, students expressed their wish for more support when using IT tools and e-portfolios and asked to be guided to develop their writing and reflective skills and engage even more with their e-portfolios.…”
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Article -
Income inequality and wealth concentration as a root cause of the subprime crisis
Published 2013“…The crisis that broke out in August 2007 was caused by the fact that the market for collateralised debt obligations (CDOs) had grown to a size sufficient to wreak general havoc when it suddenly collapsed. One of the unresolved questions arising out of the subprime crisis concerns the precise role played by economic inequality. …”
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Thesis -
The role and development of the intelligence function in the Nigeria police
Published 2011“…It is strange, therefore, that the NPF is attempting to fly, when it has not learned to run. The project concludes by examining some ways the NPF would not only run, but fly on the wings of ILP.…”
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Thesis -
A theoretical investigation of an averaged-structure eddy viscosity model applied to turbulent shear flows
Published 1987“…With the usual no-slip conditions at the wall, numerical solutions to these non-linear equations are obtained for various values of the flow parameters. For the special case when the pressure gradient related parameter n=-1, it is described how an approximate analytic solution can be obtained, by extending the existing solutions of the Falkner-Skan equation.…”
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Thesis -
Insight with stumpers: normative solution data for 25 stumpers and a fresh perspective on the accuracy effect
Published 2022“…When people solve a problem, they can do in one of two ways - analytically or through insight. …”
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Article -
The use of student-generated videos and intercultural group assessment to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in higher education
Published 2022“…The current study explored students' perceptions of intercultural group assessment and videos as a form of assessment when student-generated videos are used to increase students' other-awareness and intercultural competence in HE and increase their engagement by using a technology-enhanced approach to allow students to develop a range of skills. …”
Book Section -
Ferocious Marys and dark Alessas: the portrayal of religious matriarchies in Silent Hill
Published 2021“…Feminist critics have noted that “the norm for women is absence and silence” in ancient religious texts and that when women do appear, they tend to be framed in binary terms as passive devotees or monstrous demons, virginal mothers or seductive whores, innocent lambs, or corrupt sinners (Stanton 1993; Daly 1973). …”
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Book Section -
A systematic review examining alcohol dependence and sexual dysfunction across genders
Published 2022“…With an overall general shortage of research on alcohol dependence and sexual dys/function, psychosexual services remain limited when supporting dual-diagnosed and sex and gender diverse groups.…”
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Cohomology and extensions of representations of groups with normal Engel subgroups
Published 2023“…Aiming at applications to double extensions and the theory of J-unitary group representations on indefinite metric spaces, we describe (λ, U)-cocycles when G = D n N is the semidirect product, D is an Engel group and the restrictions of λ, U to N are χ1 for some character χ on N (such pairs of representations form in a sense a base class in the variety of all pairs of representations). …”
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Exploring lean team development from the Tuckman's model perspective
Published 2025“…The adjourning phase evokes mixed emotions: satisfaction with transitioning to a permanent team and sadness when the team disbands. The findings extend the Tuckman model to explain a lean team development lifecycle…”
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Article -
Comments on selected topics in the draft EU data protection regulation
Published 2012“…If therefore I have at times (indeed quite often) used “we” in the text, this is merely in anticipation of the text possibly being used by EDRi etc. At other times, when I am clearly referring to my own ideas and work, I have used “I”. …”
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Monograph -
Power relations in advocacy approaches in family group conferencing with children and young people
Published 2015“…This approach is viewed as good practice when working with young people in promoting their rights, agency, and participation in statutory social work meetings and processes where decisions are being undertaken that directly affect them. …”
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Thesis -
The ideational approach
Published 2024“…At all three levels, we argue that populism has a distinct impact that hinges on the intensity of populist beliefs of actors, particularly when these are in power. We juxtapose this impact with the influence of other factors such as the host ideology of popul…”
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Book Section -
Finding logical vulnerability in policies using three-level semantic framework
Published 2024“…Finding the gaps in such policies is challenging. We explore the cases when operations become accessible to the user because of flawed or missing authentication methods. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Schopenhauer on idealism, Indian and European
Published 2015“…Although he traced the origin of the “fundamental” viewpoint of idealism to the ancient ṛṣis of India, he also maintained that it had not received its properly philosophical articulation and defence until Kant. But when we probe beyond Schopenhauer’s effusive estimations of Kant’s achievements and seek out his conception of idealism’s epistemological and logical bases, they appear rather flimsy and insubstantial. …”
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Article -
LQR and genetic algorithms: an effective duo for assessing control expenditure and performance in dynamic systems
Published 2024“…The results show a reduction of up to 30.36% in the energy of the controller and a reduction of 20.27% in its maximum value when choosing to prioritise the energy expenditure of the controller over other performance metrics, without significantly compromising the convergence of the system states. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Malware detection and analysis in Android applications with mobile security framework (MobsF) using a permission-based approach
Published 2024“…It was also noted that background permissions potentially pose a great deal of risk to security when granted without proper rationale as this increases attack surfaces within the application itself.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item