Pembangunan video dokumentari pendidikan bagi mata pelajaran teknologi konkrit
Published 2004“…The data was analyzed using statistic method from Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 11.0 which include percentages, min score and standard devition. Research result are positif that is the min score for each item from section B exceeding 3.8. …”
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Thesis -
The post-Holocaust memoir: 20 years after 50 years later
Published 2017“…Nevertheless, Karpf claims, they are essential to maintain the post-memoir as a living text.…”
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Transnational foundations for ethical practice in interventions against violence against women and child abuse
Published 2016“…Professionals are stepping into the lives of others, which raises a set of ethical issues and dilemmas, which also are linked to power: of the state, of belonging and knowing. …”
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Monograph -
Go home? The politics of immigration controversies
Published 2017“…This book tells the story of what happened next. The vans were short-lived, but they were part of an ongoing trend in government-sponsored communication designed to demonstrate toughness on immigration. …”
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Monograph -
An IPA study of transgenerational trauma in the third generation of holocaust survivors
Published 2019“…This research aims to bridge this gap and explore the experiences of being a grandchild of a holocaust survivor and how this may influence the way they make sense of their lives. Method: Semi-structured interviews of six participants were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. …”
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Thesis -
A qualitative investigation of cabin crews' experience of long haul travel: implications for coping style, psychological health, and personal, professional, and social relationship...
Published 2007“…A model was developed to help understand the complex ways in which cabin crew members' experience of psychological disruptions were contingent on their abilities to adapt the demands of their personal lives according to work requirements. Moreover, cabin crew appeared to actively manage and moderate the extent to which the combined effects of psycho-social interruptions and sleep deprivation affected their cognitive, emotional, and physical wellbeing. …”
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Thesis -
Analysis of wireless power transfer using resonant inductive coupling method
Published 2020“…As wearable technology becoming increasingly integrated into our daily lives, an innovative electrical supply is required to ensure power is supplied in more manageable, comfortable and safe without charging using wires. …”
Book Section -
Assessment of heavy metals in Malacca river water using electrokinetic technique
Published 2020“…The optimal removal was observed at a voltage of 90 V, with an electrode distance of 10cm and operational time of 30 min. The pH water was acidic which below than 7 after the electrokinetic process. …”
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Book Section -
Penghasilan manual rjngkas penggunaan alat Total Station Sokkia Set5f dan Perisian Sdr Mapping & Design untuk automasi ukur topografi
Published 2002“…Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan perisian SPSS versi 11.0. Hasil analisis skor min menunjukkan kesemua responden bersetuju bahawa manual dalam bentuk buku ini menarik Min ( M ) ^ ^ dan Sisihan Piawai (SD) = .535 tetapi kurang interaktif (M) = 2.29 dan (SD) = 0.488. …”
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Thesis -
The mediatization of celebrity politics through the social media
Published 2014“…As there has been a commodification of digital media services, the lines between politics and entertainment have been blurred. …”
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Article -
Circularly polarised array antenna with cascade feed network for broadband application in C-band
Published 2014“…The array consists of 2 × 2 CPSSA elements and is fed by a novel feeding network consisting of the circuit stripline couplers and delay lines. The proposed feeding technique is applied to the 2 × 2 antenna array to increase the axial ratio (AR) bandwidth. …”
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Cross-cultural perspectives of LGBTQ psychology from five different countries: current state and recommendations
Published 2019“…Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning psychology (LGBTQ psychology) is a branch of psychology that promotes inclusiveness in theory and practice across the science of psychology, affirming the lives of people with different sexual orientations and forms of gender expression in a non-heterosexist and non-genderist perspective. …”
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An analytical study of the role of selected metal ions in bone and joint diseases
Published 1995“…The speciation of the titanium (III)/titanium (IV) complexes in the biological matrices was investigated with Fourier transform infra red (FTIR) spectroscopy and high field proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) with a Hahn spin echo pulse sequence. The chemical nature of non-protein bound iron present in knee joint synovial fluid obtained from RA patients was also investigated by use of NMR…”
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Thesis -
DNA extraction methodologies for ultra long nanopore sequencing to determine chromosome specific rodent telomere lengths
Published 2024“…Previous work in our lab shows that phenol/chloroform extraction damages DNA less than spin columns and magnetic beads and that extraction methods are crucial for accurate TL determination. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Development of Smart Chopper Composting Monitoring System
Published 2024“…A DC motor controlled by the Arduino Mega microcontroller was used to spin the chopper blades to shred the food into smaller sizes. …”
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