The impacts of tsunami on the well-being of the affected community in Kuala Muda, Kedah, Malaysia
Published 2013“…Approximately 250,000 lives perished, millions injured and suffered, while the destruction of property loss of opportunities cannot be accurately estimated. …”
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Swimming, grazing and social behaviour of rohu Labeo rohita (Hamilton) and common carp Cyprinus carpio (L.) in tanks under fed and non-fed conditions
Published 2008“…Results confirmthe general view that rohumainly lives and feeds in thewater column, while common carp is a bottomfeeder. …”
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Assessment of extracellular activities of novel microorganisms for biodegradation of palm oil mill effluent (POME)
Published 2012“…Palm oil mill effluent (POME) constitutes 60% of the wastes generated in typical palm oil mill and its environmental impact has been identified to be harmful to aquatic lives. This project examined the potential of degrading POME with microorganisms that are indigenous to POME. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Indispensability of enhancing palliative care and rebuttal of utilitarian autonomy argument for euthanasia
Published 2013Get full text
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Developing eFolio mobile (Android and iPhone-based) application: perspectives, experiences and challenges
Published 2013“…Advances in the mobile technology are ubiquitously a part of the lives among educators and students alike these days. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Overview of universal design application and accessibility in major cities of ASEAN countries
Published 2015“…If any of the government and private sectors of each countries are not prepared to facilitate their infrastructure with good facilities for PwDs, buildings typologies on various use such education, workplace, recreational and tourist spots, sports facilities, transportation hubs be it on sea, land and airport, and various types of physical facilities, thus users especially the people with disabilities (wheelchair users, vision impaired, hearing impaired, those who are walking using stick and those who have learning difficulties) at the end will lose their opportunity to be at par with other developed countries in terms to have better quality of life, work opportunity and others which able bodies should enjoy their lives. Most of ASEAN countries are members of United Nation Economic and Social Commission of Asia Pacific (UNESCAP) and most have signed Proclamation Decade for People With Disabilities 1993-2002, and 2003 – 2012, and therefore these countries should implemented all listed items written in Biwako Millenium Framework (BMF) for Action Towards and Inclusive, Barrier Free and Right Based Society for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and The Pacific, October 2002 and for the next current decade, the declaration on the Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities, 2013–2022, and the Incheon Strategy to “Make the Right Real” for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effects of unconventional (Material) filters on the quality of images produced by three Gamma camera systems in Tc-99m SPECT
Published 2016“…With nuclear medicine imaging technique, abnormalities in the human body can be detected at early stages and therefore an effective treatment planning is possible to make. Consequently, human lives can be saved and the health condition of patients can also be improved. …”
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Intersex, discrimination and the healthcare environment : a critical investigation of current English law
Published 2016“…For some, the condition lies dormant for many years, if not for the remainder of their lives, whilst others are born with genital differences to such a degree that it is not possible at birth to inform parents whether their child is ‘male’ or ‘female’. …”
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Thesis -
The great problems are in the street : a phenomenology of men's stranger intrusions on women in public spaces
Published 2014“…Secondly it explores reconnecting feminist research on VAWG to women’s ordinary experience of men’s intrusion, revealing how the necessary focus on policy has led to a steep rise in knowledge about some forms of VAWG to the detriment of investigating men’s violence and intrusion in women’s everyday lives. The third aim, to understand the consequences of men’s intrusion for how women live and experience their bodily-self, resulted in a theoretical framework which suggests possibilities in the work of Simone de Beauvoir for feminists looking to reconnect questions of women’s agency and autonomy to a context of structural power relations. …”
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What’s information got to go with it? (editorial)
Published 2011“…We participated in a workshop led by John Vincent and Anne Harding, and visited several other libraries that had won CILIP‘s Libraries Change Lives Award. In the end, though, what affected the students most deeply wasn‘t planned; the riots that erupted in the boroughs of London while we were there explicitly addressed the concepts of social exclusion in British society that we had been reading about. …”
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Online support and domestic violence : negotiating discourses, emotions, and actions
Published 2015“…The thesis aims to explore the role of an online support forum for women in the process of ending violence in their lives. Six aspects of online support are explored: forum-host’s goals, history and development of the forum; the experience of online support from the perspective of its members; exploring the themes and topics dealt with in the forum; how forum users perceive the impact and relevance of these themes; how members construct emotions, violence, victims and perpetrators in written postings; and how members use violence discourse in support processes. …”
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How do 16-18-year-old adolescents experience and respond to parental terminal illness and death? : an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Published 2018“…Four superordinate themes emerged from the data: 1) ‘Changing family dynamics’ 2) ‘grappling with adolescence and adjustment to loss’ 3) ‘Barriers to feeling/being supported’ 4) ‘Living with the consequences’. Participants relate the profound impact that PTI during adolescence has had and continues to have on their lives. …”
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Thesis -
Let's talk about sex : a critical narrative analysis of hetrosexual couples' accounts of low sexual desire
Published 2013“…Background: Low desire for sex is a common problem in the lives of women. It features in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; American Psychiatric Association, 2013) as Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder (FSI/AD) and often causes distress where there is a desire discrepancy in a relationship. …”
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The social dimension of chronic pain: problems of measurement
Published 1997“…The argument of this thesis is that current pain measurements do not assist us in understanding and assisting those who live with chronic pain.…”
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The Effects of Entrepreneurial Management and Entrepreneurial Orientation on the Women-Owned Smes Business Performance in Malaysia
Published 2023“…Implications /Applications: This study helps the women entrepreneur to improve their quality of lives and furthermore, reduce the issue of poverty among them by providing the better understanding on how EM and EO contribute to their business performance. …”
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Oppressed female protagonists and their survival strategies: An ecofeminist perspective in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye and Alice Walker’s The Color Purple
Published 2021“…Upon reaching a critical point of view in their lives, the female characters in both novels begin to display a tremendous realization of the importance of nature. …”
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Bioactivities of a-mangostin from Garcinia malaccensis Hk.f
Published 2010“…In antiproliferative assay, a-mangostin exhibited activity against K562 and showed different activity against HSC3 and H1299 cell lines. Against K562, it exerted the value of IC50 20ug/mL. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
In vitro evaluation of wound healing properties of fractions and extracts of Acrostichum Aureum Linné and A. Speciosum Willd
Published 2012“…NIH/ 3T3 cell lines were seeded at a density of 5 x 104 cells/ mL in 24-well plate and incubated at 37°C until reaching nearly confluence. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Defect in serine 46 phosphorylation of p53 contributes to acquisition of p53 resistance in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells
Published 2006“…To investigate whether dysregulation of p53 phosphorylation confers tumor resistance to p53, we analysed the effects of wild-type p53 on oral squamous cell carcinoma(SCC) cell lines carrying various mutations of p53. Introduction of exogenous p53 neither induced apoptosis nor suppressed colony formation in HSC-3 cells lacking any detectable p53 and HSC-4 cells expressing mutant p53R248Q protein. …”
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