"Going forward" the changing facet of partnership base business structure; development of venture capital vehicles in Malaysia
Published 2011“…This paper shall discuss the new venture capital vehicle in Malaysia, namely LP and LLP which are based upon partnership structure. The main objective of this paper is to highlight the changes on legal attributes of the partnership structure in its due course of evolution; with special reference to the legal status and liability regime. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Adsorption of heavy metal from landfill leachate by wasted biosolids
Published 2011“…The results of this project indicated that the biomass generated from the laboratory experiments could be used, before discarding, to remove iron from leachate which is one of the main problems at the landfill sites. However, further studies are required to determine the appropriate doses and overall processes of treatment method. …”
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War for the peace in Pakistan
Published 2011“…Currently, the biggest threat to the state and citizens is the killing of innocent civilians in suicidal and other attacks. It’s a war whose main purpose is to save people from terrorism. But now lives of Pakistan own citizens are at stake. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A corpus-based lexical study of the frequency, coverage and distribution of academic vocabulary in Islamic academic research articles
Published 2011“…One of the main problems faced by both teachers and learners in English for Academic Purposes pertains to the question of which words are worth focusing during teaching and learning. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Implementing built environment research findings in developing countries - the case of east and Southern Africa the evaluation of implementing industrialized building system for co...
Published 2009“…The main objectives of this paper are to investigate the significant factors of the implementation of Industrialized Building System (IBS), and the relationship between quality, cost and productivity. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Phylogeny of Holothuria leucospilota (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) as inferred from cytochrome c oxidase I gene sequences
Published 2010“….: FJ223873 - FJ223880, submission date: 19 September 2008). Three main methods namely neighbour joining, maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood were used for phylogenetic tree reconstruction. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The importance of self-realization in human and societal development according to Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938)
Published 2009“…One of the main reasons for Muslims’ decadence was the philosophical system which inculcates self-negation and self-abandonment. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Prediction of power generation of small scale vertical axis wind turbine using fuzzy logic
Published 2009“…Therefore, the primary purpose of this work was to investigate the relationship between wind turbine power generation and wind velocity, and to illustrate how fuzzy expert system might play an important role in prediction of wind turbine power generation. The main purpose of the measurement over the small scaled prototype vertical axis wind turbine for the wind velocity is to predict the performance of full scaled H-type vertical axis wind turbine. …”
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Efficiency of zakat institutions in Malaysia and its determinants
Published 2011“…Zakat is one of the five basic pillars in Islam It is an obligation of Muslims to give a specific amount of their wealth (with certain conditions and requirements) to beneficiaries called al-mustahiqqin with the main objective of the achievement of socioeconomic justice. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Accountability of waqf management: insight from praxis of nongovernmental organisation (NGO)
Published 2010“…The study uses accountability as the main conceptual lens informing this relationship. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Impact of growing population in agricultural resource management: exploring the global situation with a micro-level example
Published 2011“…Accordingly, the demographers and environmentalists for that reason have come up with raising issues that main challenge for environmental management throughout the world is to determine our planet’s capacity to sustain such a huge amount of burgeoning human population. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
DNA isolation from whole blood using in-house method versus commercialized techniques: quality and cost consideration
Published 2010“…Result: Apart from being a relatively safe and cheap technique, we found that the optimized salting-out procedure was able to extract comparable quantity and quality of DNA from small volume of blood. Conclusion: The main advantage of in house DNA purifi cation method was its minimum costs. …”
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Intellectual property protection for agricultural biotechnology: a survey on the Malaysian Research Institutes’ experiences and legal policy
Published 2011“…As far as Malaysian IP system is concerned, there are two main regimes which are currently in force: patent law and plant variety protection law. …”
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Religion and global peace: the instrumental value of religion
Published 2010“…Economical, political, and social reasons amount to the main reasons of conflict in which any community, in certain conditions including a religious community, could engage. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Identification of instabilities of the chip formation and it’s prediction model during end milling of medium carbon steel (S45C)
Published 2010“…Typical instabilities of periodic nature, in the form of primary and secondary saw/serrated teeth, which appear at the main body and free edge of the chip respectively, have been identified. …”
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A study of learning environments in the Kulliyyah (faculty) of nursing, International Islamic University Malaysia
Published 2009“…Background: In a nursing programme, the main objective is to produce nursing graduates who can provide comprehensive care and treatment to the community. …”
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Intelligent control of grain drying process using fuzzy logic controller
Published 2010“…Controlling grain drying process is always a challenging task for engineers and researchers in food and agricultural sectors since many years ago. The main obstacles to obtain the best control system for the grain drying system are due to the long delay process, highly non-linear behaviour and parameter uncertainties exist in the plant. …”
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Response surface methodology approach for chip serration Frequency Prediction in milling
Published 2008“…Typical instabilities of periodic nature, in the form of primary and secondary saw/serrated teeth, which appear at the main body and free edge of the chip respectively, have been identified. …”
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Effects of workpiece preheating on surface roughness, chatter and tool performance during end milling of hardened steel D2
Published 2008“…Though initial average flank wear of the tool during preheated machining is found to be slightly higher compared to that of room temperature machining, the extrapolated tool life appears to be higher in the case of preheating. The main mechanisms of tool failure are found to be superficial plastic deformation, diffusion and notching. …”
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Strategy and policy statements on green ICT : an Islamic perspective.
Published 2011“…Islamic viewpoint on environment and its protection is considered since it offers comprehensive, stable, and fair viewpoint that is based on main Islamic sources; Qur‘an and Sunnah. Hundreds of Qur‘anic verses and prophet Hadiths clarify (directly or indirectly) the right manner in dealing and protection of environment resources. …”
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