Periodic extreme Gibbs measures with memory length 2 of Vannimenus model
Published 2011Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Intergating multiple metrics to improve the performance of a routing protocol over wireless mesh networks
Published 2009“…This approach implicitly assumes that links either work well or don't work at all. While often true in wired networks, this is not a reasonable approximation in the wireless case; since many wireless links have intermediate loss ratios, interference problem, low throughput etc. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Tourism destination quality and the UN sustainable development goals: Tourism Agenda 2030
Published 2022“…This is followed by examining potential links between destination quality and the SDGs, using results of a recent empirical research on tourism destination quality (henceforth the TDQ study)…”
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Article -
Human values, personality and religiosity on green products purchase behavior
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
Network performance of pruned hierarchical torus network
Published 2009“…We have explored the network diameter, average distance, bisection width, peak number of vertical links, and VLSI layout area of different HTN. It is shown that the pruned HTN possesses several attractive features including small diameter, small average distance, small number of wires, a particularly small number of vertical links, and economic layout area as compared to its non-pruned counterpart. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The use of horizontal and inclined bars as shear reinforcement
Published 2005“…The results show that the shear capacities of the beams with additional horizontal and independent bent-up bars larger than 1.2% of their cross-sectional area are higher than that of the conventionally designed beam with vertical links. It may therefore be suggested that these types of shear reinforcement be used to ease the congestion of links near the supports.…”
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Thesis -
Damage intensity class for reinforced concrete beam-column joint subjected to lateral cyclic loading
Published 2021“…These damages were caused by lack of shear links confinement and insufficient anchorage length, particularly on the RC beam-column joint (BCJ) of the buildings. …”
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Thesis -
Review of rain attenuation studies in tropical and equatorial regions in Malaysia: an overview
Published 2013“…Therefore, designing terrestrial and Earth-to-satellite microwave links is very critical and challenging. The raindrop-size distribution and the rain-rate distribution are two important parameters used for attenuation prediction. …”
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Article -
Free space optic communications – a review of quality parameters
Published 2011“…Considering that FSO Technology uses optical signals, the performance of FSO links happen to be highly dependent on weather conditions more than microwave radio links…”
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Book Chapter -
Availability evaluation of scalable complex networks
Published 2012“…Two formulas are developed for the availability evaluation of the n-tuple bridge complex network, one for arbitrary link availability and a second for identical link availability.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Modeling and control of a multi degree of freedom flexible joint manipulator
Published 2009“…Since lightweight materials are employed in the construction of manipulator, the assumption that negligible link deformation no longer applies. A nonlinear passivitybased control method for rigid flexible joint as well as flexible link is proposed here. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An experimental approach to determine the critical depth of cut in brittle-to-ductile phase transition during end milling of soda lime glass
Published 2016“…Due to its favorable thermal, corrosion resistance and fine chemical properties, its common applications are in the manufacture of products like mirrors, lenses, semiconductor, and optical, bio-medical and microelectronics components. …”
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Article -
Reconfiguration and Yield of a Hierarchical Torus Network
Published 2013“…Thus, we provide redundant hardware to reconfigure the faulty nodes, switches, and links to healthy nodes, switches, and links. The results indicate that with a 25% redundancy the yield of the HTN is satisfactory. …”
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Article -
Transnational Family Networks and Ethnic Minority Business Development: The Case of Vietnamese Nail-shops in the UK
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Other -
Phase diagrams of a Potts Model with competing binary and ternary interactions
Published 2010Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
The problem of the public good and the implications for researching educational policies for social justice
Published 2021“…Chapter 1 opened a discussion on what is meant by social justice in education, and the issues involved in defining this, and what research directed towards this would look like. We identified different types of potential injustices, and the subsequent chapters examined various of these in turn, in a range of educational contexts, through the prisms of research directed towards finding policy initiatives that might counter the effects of particular inequities. …”
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Book Section -
How do gay men experience ruptures in the relationship with their therapist? An interpretative phenomenological study
Published 2020“…The study also found that rupture overlaps with the difficulties commonly experienced as part of the therapeutic process, making it difficult to define rupture. The researcher links the findings to minority stress theory, and suggests that an over-emphasis on the transferential relationship in therapy, and rigidity in therapeutic approach, can impede the collaborative process that is more likely to lead to reparation with this client group, especially when they are at an early stage in their gay identity development. …”
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