A principles-led approach to information assurance and governance in local government
Published 2022“…This practice-based paper explores a principles-led approach to cyber information governance for local authorities (LAs) in England and Wales, while linking it to a corporate information governance regime to support cyber security and resilience. …”
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Study of β2-Adrenergic Receptor Polymorphisms among Hypertensive
Published 2010“…Polymorphisms within Beta2-adrenergic receptor (β2AR) gene have been repeatedly linked to hypertension. Among the β2AR polymorphisms detected, Arg16Gly and Gln27Glu codons were considered the two most important variations. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Ethical hazards of modern, advanced medical technology in promoting euthanasia: a resolution from Islamic perspective
Published 2011“…This paper has basically two arguments: moral and preventive law arguments, and their links with Islamic perspective, leading eventually, to the Islamic perspective on the issue so as to suggest an ethically sound and rationally valid alternative. …”
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A panel data analysis on the relationship between corporate governance and bank efficiency
Published 2011“…Many studies have tried to link the effect of corporate governance on banks’ efficiency (Jain and Thomson, 2008; Chunxia, Shujie and Zongyi, 2009; Lensink, Meesters and Naaborg, 2008). …”
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A panel data analysis on the relationship between corporate governance and bank efficiency
Published 2011“…Many studies have tried to link the effect of corporate governance on banks’ efficiency (Jain and Thomson, 2008; Chunxia, Shujie and Zongyi, 2009; Lensink, Meesters and Naaborg, 2008). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An analysis of operationalization and acceptability of business to business transaction: a mixed method approach
Published 2012“…The data was found to fit the model well with all the hypothesized links exhibiting the correct signs and four out of six part coefficients statistically significant. …”
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Enhanced clustering routing protocol for power-efficient gathering in wireless sensor network
Published 2012“…It is shown by simulation that the novel LEACH-IMP performs better with respect to energy consumption, number of links faults, number of packets received, signal attenuation, and network lifetime.…”
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Metabolomics for bioactivity assessment of natural products
Published 2011“…Metabolomics allows a systematic study of a complex mixture such as a phytochemical preparation, which can be linked to observations obtained through biological testing systems without the need for isolating active principles. …”
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Arab navigation in the Indian Ocean before European dominance in South and Southeast Asia : a historical study
Published 2010“…From the very beginning Arabs and Persians were linked through the lucrative maritime trade with the people of East Africa,the Western Indian coast,even upto Southeast Asia upto the coast of China. …”
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Ibn Khaldun on the role of knowledge, skills and values in the rise and fall of civilizations : implications for muslim educators in the 21st century.
Published 2007“…An attempt is made to link this with his seminal idea of 'asabiyyah (group cohesion) and ethical living in urban dwellings.Ibn Khaldun emphasized, among others, the development of critical and creative thinking skills among Muslim students, the provision of enough job opportunities, justice and the respect of human rights by the rulers, and the proper matching of labor with the skills of workers for better productivity. …”
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Impact of packet size and node mobility pause time on average end to end delay and Jitter in MANET's
Published 2014“…Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a self-configuring infrastructure less network of mobile devices connected by Wireless and each node or mobile device is independent to move in any desired direction and thus link goes on changing from one node to another. In MANET's, routing is considered as one of the most difficult and challenging task and due to that reason, most of the studies have focused on comparing protocols with each other under varying network conditions. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The Differences of career self-efficacy in the selection of careers among Malay students at International Islamic University Malaysia
Published 2010“…This study was conducted to examine the link between career self-efficacy and career selections of university students. …”
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Promoting good public governance and environmental support for sustainable economic development
Published 2019“…Good governance promotes the fundamental grounds of participation and democracy in contemporary public administration, whilst institution building and the (in)effectiveness of public administration is linked to economic growth. This synergy brings forth sheer implications on the sustainable economic development. …”
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Mutual ‘App’reciation: co-production as a model for delivering digital capability within social work education
Published 2020“…The completed mobile app is cited as a key example within the Digital Capabilities for Social Work initial Stakeholder Report, which also emphasises the values which underpinned the app creation. The article is linked to a previous paper, describing original app development within social work education and forms part of a rapidly growing body of work, which attempts to address issues highlighted within the national Digital Capabilities project.…”
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Cultural localisation as a strategy to preserve the persuasive function in the translation of tourism websites from French into English
Published 2019“…Using Hall’s anthropological iceberg model and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions as the framework, a small sample of French source texts and their English translations are compared to demonstrate the link between the stylistic features of tourism language and the psychological motivations of tourists, highlighting the interplay between all levels of the cultural iceberg. …”
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Experience, skill and competence: boundary spanning capabilities for leadership and management of transnational education
Published 2020“…Despite the growth of TNE internationally, little detailed attention has been paid to these individuals, often called academic liaison (or link) tutors. They are good examples of “boundary spanners” (Williams, 2013, p. 17) or “third space professionals” (Whitchurch, 2008, p. 378). …”
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Book Section -
Responsible leadership and workplace deviant behaviour: modeling trust and turnover intention as mediator
Published 2020“…Originality: The study makes a unique contribution to RL literature by linking psychological contract theory and social identity theory. …”
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Loss of NnT increases expression of oxidative phosphorylation complexes in C57BL/6J hearts
Published 2021“…A number of studies have linked NNT dysfunction to cardiomyopathies and increased risk of atherosclerosis; however, biallelic mutations in humans commonly cause a phenotype of adrenal insufficiency, with rare occurrences of cardiac dysfunction and testicular tumours. …”
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Factors that contribute to hIAPP amyloidosis in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Published 2022“…HIAPP can misfold and form amyloid fibrils which are preceded by pre-fibrillar oligomers and monomers, all of which have been linked, to a certain extent, to β-cell cytotoxicity through a range of proposed mechanisms. …”
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