Parit Raja sebagai destinasi pelancongan : satu kajian terhadap pengalaman pertama dan maklumat sedia ada pelajar sarjana pendidikan teknik dan vokasional
Published 2003“…Data yang dikumpul meiaiui borang soal selidik, dianalisis dengan menggunakan Statiscal Package for Science Series (SPSS) versi 10.0 secara kuantitatif bagi mendapatkan nilai peratusan dan skor min. Dapatan kajian mendapati bahawa, Pekan Parit Raja mempunyai potensi untuk menjadi sebuah destinasi peiancongan. …”
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Thesis -
Zn (II) removal from Sembrong river water by electrokinetic remediation
Published 2020“…The best performance of 88% efficiency can be achieved EK experiment run at a fixed voltage of 30 V at pH 5.14 after 60 min of the process operates. This technology may be exploited for faster and eco-friendly removal of heavy metals in the environment.…”
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Book Section -
Response surface methodology for modeling bisphenol a removal using ultrafiltration membrane system
Published 2018“…The optimization process of the model predicted optimum conditions of 99.61% BPA removal at 1 bar, pH 6.7, 10 μg/L BPA concentration, and 10-min filtration time. The predicted optimum conditions for BPA removal were consistent with the obtained experimental values, indicating reliable application of historical data design RSM for modeling BPA removal in UF membrane system.…”
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Pembangunan web CD prosedur kerja luar ukur teodolit makmal teknologi ukur pembinaan, KUiTTHO
Published 2004“…Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan soal selidik dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian Statistic For The Social Science (SPSS) Version 11.0 untuk mendapatkan peratusan dan skor min. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan penghasilan Web CD ini dapat membantu memudahkan proses pembelajaran terutamanya dari aspek peningkatan kefahaman dan motivasi. …”
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Thesis -
Feasibility study on utilization of palm fibre waste into fired clay brick
Published 2017“…Manufactured bricks were fired at 1 °C/min heating rate up to 1050 °C. The effects of manufacture bricks on the physical and mechanical properties of manufactured brick were also determined. …”
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Linerboard made from Soda-Anthraquinone (Soda-AQ) treated coconut coir fiber and effect of pulp beating
Published 2015“…Out of nine pulping conditions characterized, a pulping condition of 18% active alkali for 90 min cooking time was chosen. These conditions provided the highest screened yield (48.99%), a low rejection yield (0.27%), high viscosity (11.73 cP), and a kappa number (41) that is acceptable for unbleached linerboard production. …”
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Comparison of surface roughness in end milling of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V using uncoated WC-Co and PCD inserts through generation of models
Published 2011“…They investigated a first-order equation covering the speed range 30 – 35 m/min and a second order generation equation covering the speed range 24 – 38 m/min. …”
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Book Chapter -
The history of rainfall data time-resolution in a wide variety of geographical areas
Published 2020“…With a few exceptions, mechanical recordings on paper rolls began in the first half of the 20th century, typically with ta of 1 h or 30 min. Digital registrations started only during the last three decades of the 20th century. …”
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Article -
Biodiesel production from crude palm oil by transesterification process
Published 2009“…This was carried by finding the optimal values of reaction time of 60 min, reaction temperature of 60°C, agitation speed of 250 rpm, molar ratio of methanol to oil of 10:1 (m/m) and dosage of the catalyst of 1.4 (%wt). …”
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Wear characteristics of Fe-C-Si and Fe-C-Al cast irons
Published 2011“…The tests were carried out at a normal load of 5.0 N and a sliding velocity of 250 mm/s for 30 min. The Fe-C-Al cast iron showed a wear rate of 3.3203×10-5 mm3/m/N compared to 12.42×10-5 mm3/m/N of Fe-C-Si cast iron. …”
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Fatty acid compositions of fish oil extracted from different parts of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) using various techniques of supercritical CO2 extraction
Published 2010“…Fatty acid compositions of fish oil extracted from different parts of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) using various techniques of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) at optimised conditions (35 MPa, 60 �C, 2 ml/min) were analysed and compared to the results of Soxhlet extraction. …”
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A farinograph study on the viscoelastic properties of sago/wheat flour dough systems
Published 2004“…Peak time for control wheat flours and sago/wheat flour mixtures increased with increasing protein content. Dough stability, 20 min drop and water absorption were found to decrease as the sago proportion in the mixture decreased. …”
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Sterilization and extraction of palm oil from screw pressed palm fruit fiber using supercritical carbon dioxide
Published 2008“…The studies were conducted at different temperatures (40, 50, 70 ◦C) and pressures (13.7, 20.7MPa) for 60 min of extraction period. The bacteria, gram negative (Bacillus), present in the sample was completely killed at 20.7MPa and 50 ◦C. …”
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Minimum chip thickness in machining MEMS structure using Tool Based Micromilling
Published 2011“…No chip will form if the depth of cut cannot achieve the minimum chip thickness value.The lack of control on minimum chip thickness often leads to the coarse machined surface, poor machining accuracy and difficult in chip removal from the machining zone which leads to burrformation.Hence, the chip formation mechanism should be studied deeply to avoid these problems.In this research WC was elected for tool material and Aluminium Alloy 1100 for work material for the investigation of minimum chip thickness.The experiment is being conducted on a miniature machine known as Microtools Integrated Multi-purpose machine modelled DT-110.The value of chip thickness produced by tool 4.8μmwith3mm/min feedrate,3000rpm cutting speed and 5μm depth of cut.The minimum chip thickness is useful for machining Micro electromechanical System(MEMS) and Bio-MEMSstructures.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Evaluation of maximum percentage glucose conversion for dilute acid hydrolysis of kenaf biomass using statistical analysis
Published 2012“…Thus, the lower the mass which is at 2 g, and at higher temperature which is 180 oC in longer time which is in 60 min results about 25.33% glucose conversion with the comparison of the predicted value obtained from the experimental design.…”
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Statistical approach to modeling & optimization of surface roughness in high speed end milling of silicon with diamond coated tools
Published 2012“…Spindle speed, depth of cut, and feed rate, ranges: 60,000 to 80,000 rpm, 10 to 20 μm, and 5 to 15 mm/min respectively, were considered as the independent machining parameters for the modeling process. …”
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Noble tool based micromilling for nanometric surface finish
Published 2011“…The optimized values of Ra, Ry, TWR and MRR were 0.04 μm, 0.34 μm, 0.044 and 0.08 mg/min respectively, which were obtained at feed rate of 4.79 μm/s, capacitance of 0.10 nF and voltage of 80 volts. …”
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Monograph -
Microwave-assisted synthesis of sec/tert-butyl 2-arylbenzimidazoles and their unexpected antiproliferative activity towards ER negative breast cancer cells
Published 2013“…A new series of N-sec/tert-butyl 2-arylbenzimidazole derivatives was synthesised in 85–96% yields within 2–3.5 min by condensing ethyl 3-amino-4-butylamino benzoate with various substituted metabisulfite adducts of benzaldehyde under focused microwave irradiation. …”
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Optimisation of arsenic adsorption from water by carbon nanofibres grown on powdered activated carbon impregnated with nickel
Published 2009“…The interactions of each parameters were considered during this analysis and the result indicated that the highest removal (97.25%) of As can be attained at pH 6, initial concentration of arsenic of 0.08 mg/L, contact time of 60 min and CNF dosage of 200 mg/L. Comparison between impregnated CNF and Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC) were also done and it is determined that impregnated CNF has better removal compared to PAC alone. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Development and validation of a high-performance liquid chromatographic method for bioanalytical application with rimonabant
Published 2009“…The mobile phase was a mixture of 10 mM phosphate buffer and acetonitrile (30:70, v/v) at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. The UV detection was set at 220 nm. The extraction recovery of rimonabant in plasma at three quality control (QC) samples was ranged from 84.17% to 92.64%. …”
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