Sistem penilaian kemahiran kejuruteraan awam anjuran Majlis Latihan Vokasional Kebangsaan
Published 1996“…Pelatih-pelatih ini telah mengikuti latihan kemahiran selama lebih kurang dua tahun di mana sebahagian daripada mereka adalah terdiri daripada guru-guru iepasan Maktab Perguruan Teknik yang telah mempunyai banyak pengalaman dan kemahiran tetapi turut gagal apabila menduduki peperiksaan kemahiran tersebut khasnya pada Tahap Pertengahan dan Tinggi. Kajian ini dilakukan melalui kaedah soal selidek dan temubual terhadap responden yang terdiri daripada pengajarpengajar di mstitusi-institusi kemahiran. …”
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Penguasaan kemahiran generic hasil dari program pengajian yang diikuti di kalangan pelajar semester akhir jurusan perdagangan di Politeknik Ungku Omar, Ipoh: satu kajian kes
Published 2001“…Hasil kajian menunjukkan tahap kemahiran generic iaitu kemahiran untuk berkomunikasi, bekeIja dalam pasukan dan menyelesaikan masalah dengan berkesan di kalangan responden adalah tinggi. Walau bagaimanapun basil kajian menunjukkan tahap penguasaan bahasa lnggeris di kalangan responden lelaki dan perempuan masih perlu ditingkatkan agar selaras dengan keperluan dan kehendak industri.…”
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Group portrait with the Waterford Association banner
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Decisions of the Provisional Council
Published 1939“…Typescript letter sent to the Secretaries of each of the five Branches of the Anti-Partition League, dated 27 April 1939.…”
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Correspondence -
Young children retain fast mapped object labels better than shape, color, and texture words
Published 2015“…Retention of the mapping between the new word and the novel object or property was measured either five minutes or one week later. After five minutes, retention was significantly above chance in all conditions. …”
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Understanding online learning in Higher Education from practitioners' perspectives
Published 2018“…The purpose for using multi instruments was to achieve triangulation. Data from the five questions showed that participants had positive perceptions about online learning after they integrated online learning into their lessons. …”
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Computational study of shear strengthened of RC continuous beam using CFRP sheet with different wrapping scheme
Published 2011“…Five beams was analyzed by using ABAQUS software. …”
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Group of nine people with the Waterford Association banner
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Group portrait in front of the Kilkenny Association banner
Published 2018“…Colour group portrait photograph of five women and seven men (two in clerical dress) in front of the Kilkenny Association banner. …”
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D/D raffle 150
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Ephemera -
Annealing Treatment on Homogenous n-TiO2/ZnO Bilayer Thin Film Deposition as Window Layer for p-Cu2O-Based Heterostructure Thin Film
Published 2023“…Metal oxide semiconductor material has great potential to act as window layer in p–n heterojunction solar cell thin film owing to low production cost and significant properties in photovoltaic mechanism. …”
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Annealing Treatment on Homogenous n-TiO2/ZnO Bilayer Thin Film Deposition as Window Layer for p-Cu2O-Based Heterostructure Thin Film
Published 2023“…Metal oxide semiconductor material has great potential to act as window layer in p–n heterojunction solar cell thin film owing to low production cost and significant properties in photovoltaic mechanism. …”
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Annealing Treatment on Homogenous n-TiO2/ZnO Bilayer Thin Film Deposition as Window Layer for p-Cu2O-Based Heterostructure Thin Film
Published 2023“…Metal oxide semiconductor material has great potential to act as window layer in p–n heterojunction solar cell thin film owing to low production cost and significant properties in photovoltaic mechanism. …”
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Annealing Treatment on Homogenous n-TiO2/ZnO Bilayer Thin Film Deposition as Window Layer for p-Cu2O-Based Heterostructure Thin Film
Published 2023“…Metal oxide semiconductor material has great potential to act as window layer in p–n heterojunction solar cell thin film owing to low production cost and significant properties in photovoltaic mechanism. …”
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Annealing Treatment on Homogenous n-TiO2/ZnO Bilayer Thin Film Deposition as Window Layer for p-Cu2O-Based Heterostructure Thin Film
Published 2023“…Metal oxide semiconductor material has great potential to act as window layer in p–n heterojunction solar cell thin film owing to low production cost and significant properties in photovoltaic mechanism. …”
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Remote temperature sensing with low-threshold-power using erbium-doped fiber laser
Published 2021“…The EDFA is used because it can operate using low pump power owing to the high gain efficiency of the doped-fibers. …”
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Supporting our community across London. Pamphlet.
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