Pendekatan coaching dalam meningkatkan prestasi pekerja dalam organisasi di Malaysia
Published 2020“…Dengan nasihat dan pandangan daripada pembimbing, pekerja dapat menyerlahkan bakat dalam kerja yang diberikan, seterusnya melahirkan pekerja yang berkemahiran tinggi. Kajian ini adalah membincangkan mengenai pendekatan coaching dalam organisasi di Malaysia bagi meningkatkan prestasi pekerja. …”
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Book Section -
Kesesuaian perniagaan kepada peniaga-peniaga kecil bumiputera : satu tinjauan pendapat perkembangan perniagaan peruncitan peniaga-peniaga kecil di luar bandar ke arah penyediaan ku...
Published 2001“…Hasil kajian menunjukkan kursus-kursus keusahawanan sebenamya amat penting dan diperlukan dalam usaha meningkatkan atau mengembangkan perniagaan ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi dalam dunia perniagaan yang semakin mencabar.…”
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Thesis -
Hubungan antara kepimpinan spiritual dan komitmen organisasi dalam sektor perkhidmatan di Selangor
Published 2020“…Peranan pemimpin amatlah penting bagi memacu organisasi ke tahap yang lebih tinggi. Untuk itu, pemimpin perlu memahami bahawa seseorang itu perlu mencari makna kehidupan melalui kerja mereka (Fairholm, 1997). …”
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Book Section -
Elucidating the role of Mitoferrin (Mfrn), Iron Regulatory Proteins (IRP1 and IRP2) and Hephaestin (Heph) in Iron Metabolism by tagSNP and Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) analysi...
Published 2014“…From the ANCOVA analysis of Mfrn tagSNPs it can be concluded that neither the haemoglobin levels nor the birth weight are dependent on the genotype, fetal sex, nor on their interaction. Owing to the significance in identifying the interacting partners of IRPs and Heph to understand more about their role in iron metabolism, protein-protein interaction studies were also carried out. …”
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Stakeholders’ perception on early briefing towards the reduction of strata disputes in Melaka
Published 2023“…However, the notion of living close to each other and shared facilities may induce inevitable strata disputes. Owing to the rising number, the government has taken more initiatives where Strata management Act 2015 (Act 757) guides stakeholders for better managing strata issues. …”
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Fliess’s Kappa: konsesus kesepakatan pakar bagi bakat bekerja pelajar TVET di universiti teknikal
Published 2020“…Bakat bekerja pelajar kearah negara berpendapatan tinggi merupakan cabaran besar kepada negara Malaysia menjelang 2020. …”
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Book Section -
An investigation of rhinovirus infection on cellular uptake of poly (glycerol-adipate) nanoparticles
Published 2020“…Where increases in NPs uptake were found, they were very modest compared to results previously reported for a hepatitis C/ Huh7.5 cell line model. An increase in RV dose (MOI) was not associated with any notable change of NPs uptake. …”
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Aerated blast furnace slag filters for enhanced nitrogen and phosphorus removal from small wastewater treatment plants
Published 2010“…Blast furnace slag (BFS) and limestone were selected for use in the ARF system owing to their high potential for P removal and their low cost. …”
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Experiential Learning: rationale, approaches and implications for practice in Events Management and Hospitality courses
Published 2014“…These five approaches will be used as a framework with which to analyse and discuss the different aspects of experiential learning…”
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Effects of Different Pre-Trained Deep Learning Algorithms as Feature Extractor in Tomato Plant Health Classification
Published 2023“…Five different pre-trained deep learning algorithms (i.e. …”
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Design a CVT lubricant test device
Published 2006“…Therefore, this report presents the work which has been carried out on designing a C V T Lubricant Test Device which capable to investigate the phenomena of f i lm collapse in a C V T mechanism. …”
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Time series predictive analysis based on hybridization of meta-heuristic algorithms
Published 2018“…This paper presents a comparative study which involved five hybrid meta-heuristic methods to predict the weather five days in advance. …”
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Emerging waste-to-wealth applications of fly ash for environmental remediation: A review
Published 2023“…The considerable increase in world energy consumption owing to rising global population, intercontinental transportation and industrialization has posed numerous environmental concerns. …”
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Emerging waste-to-wealth applications of fly ash for environmental remediation: A review
Published 2023“…The considerable increase in world energy consumption owing to rising global population, intercontinental transportation and industrialization has posed numerous environmental concerns. …”
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Potensi tanah gambut, batu kapur, zeolit dan karbon teraktif sebagai penjerap komposit untuk merawat larut resapan
Published 2017“…Tanah gambut dan karbon teraktif dikategorikan sebagai penjerap hidrofobik di mana nisbah optimum adalah 1.5:2.5. Batu kapur dan zeolit dikategorikan sebagai penjerap hidrofilik di mana nisbah optimum adalah 15:25. …”
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Untitled (Group of eight people)
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Photograph -
Mesin pemotong die
Published 2020“…Perkara penting bagi mesin ini adalah memiliki kekuatan motor arus terus yang tinggi dalam usaha menggerakkan batang besi. Mesin ini mampu memotong sehingga saiz A3. …”
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Book Section -
Sistem penilaian kemahiran kejuruteraan awam anjuran Majlis Latihan Vokasional Kebangsaan
Published 1996“…Pelatih-pelatih ini telah mengikuti latihan kemahiran selama lebih kurang dua tahun di mana sebahagian daripada mereka adalah terdiri daripada guru-guru iepasan Maktab Perguruan Teknik yang telah mempunyai banyak pengalaman dan kemahiran tetapi turut gagal apabila menduduki peperiksaan kemahiran tersebut khasnya pada Tahap Pertengahan dan Tinggi. Kajian ini dilakukan melalui kaedah soal selidek dan temubual terhadap responden yang terdiri daripada pengajarpengajar di mstitusi-institusi kemahiran. …”
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