Wear characteristics of Fe-C-Si and Fe-C-Al cast irons
Published 2011“…Its low melting point is characterized as unique combination of superior properties like good friction and wear properties and economic in manufacturing. …”
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The mechanisms of neuropathic pain: an overview for psychiatrists
Published 2002“…Results: Neuroplastic changes are described under the headings of: ectopic discharge, sensitizationof sensory terminals, cross-excitation, neurotransmitter change, coupling between the sympathetic and sensory nervous systems, spinal cord reorganization, spinal cord increased excitability, spinal cord decreased inhibition,supraspinal influences. …”
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Aslında Hepimiz Dört Eşliyiz (actually we all have four-wifes)
Published 2007“…Öyle dalmışım işte… “İlk eşine dikkat et, ihmal etme!” demesiyle bir anda irkildim. Ne demek istemişti bu ihtiyar. Bir anda sanki başımdan kaynar su dökülmüş gibi betim benzim attı. …”
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A case of an SMA child with a unique clinical and radiological manifestation
Published 2013“…Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive disorder with variable clinical severity. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Photonic controlled metasurface for intelligent antenna beam steering applications including 6G mobile communication systems
Published 2023“…The metasurface layer is a lattice pattern of square framed rhombus ring shaped unit-cells that are interconnected by PIN photodiodes. The metasurface layer essentially acts like a superstrate when exposed to RF/microwave radiation. …”
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Economic instruments for managing industrial waste in Malaysia
Published 2005“…The Government of Malaysia should consider that like many developed countries, the use of appropriate economic tools and incentives in order to achieve a resilient developed country. …”
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Bio-inspired snake robot locomotion: a CPG-based control approach
Published 2015“…Biological creatures perform their motion by using distributed spinal control system. Natural control generates motion instantly based on the feelings from the environment. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Bio-fuel-contaminated lubricant and hardening effects on the friction and wear of AISI 1045 steel
Published 1998“…A study has been made on the wear and fiction of hardened AISI 1045 steel using a pi-pin-ondisc type of fiction and wear apparatus. During the investigation the linear pin wear, coe@cient of friction and rise in pin specimen temperature were monitored and wear and fiction curues 'plotted. …”
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Syringomyelia in pregnancy - is caesarean section the best option for delivery - a case report
Published 2009“…Syringomyelia is a rare neurological disease, which is characterized by the formation of a cyst in the spinal cord. The aetiology of the disease still remains controversial. …”
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Analysis of electrooculography (EOG) for controlling wheelchair motion
Published 2015“…Persons suffering from extremely limited peripheral mobility like Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) usually have the ability to coordinate eye movements. …”
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Thesis -
Effect of adding global postural re-education to Kendall exercises for treating asymptomatic forward head posture: a single-blinded randomized controlled trial
Published 2025“…Conclusions: The added effect GPR technique to Kendall exercises significantly improved CVA, CROM, NDI, chest expansion, and spinal mobility in subjects with FHP.…”
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