A comparative study of London and Paris in the works of Henry James and Emile Zola: with special reference to "the Princess Casamassima" and "L'Assommoir"
Published 1987“…The thesis contends that, through the detailed description of the role of the city in their fiction, there is a far stronger link between James and Zola than has previously been made; and that in this and other areas, both authors deal with similar subjects in similar ways. …”
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Thesis -
Sustainable supply chain management in construction: an exploratory review for future research
Published 2022“…The study’s findings suggested that due to the significance of long-term relationships between construction companies, suppliers and customers, smart technology could make it simpler to reach every supply chain link. After an exhaustive literature review 59 research questions were formulated for the future research. …”
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Article -
Blockchain technology and circular economy in the environment of total productive maintenance: a natural resource-based view perspective
Published 2023“…Originality - This research fills a gap in the literature by investigating the effect of BCT and TPM on CE within the framework of the NRBV theory. It explores the link between BCT, TPM, and CE under the NRBV theory's strategic capabilities and TPM mediation. …”
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Retention in second year computing students in a London-based university during the post-Covid-19 era using learned optimism as a lens: a statistical analysis in R
Published 2024Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Cloud Spark Cluster to analyse English prescription big data for NHS intelligence
Published 2024Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
The perceptions of employees of diversity management : a case study in a private organisation in Cyprus
Published 2014“…The business case has been used to rationalise the introduction of diversity management initiatives (Johns, Green and Powell, 2012); here, the research examines the situation in a specific organisation and attempts to link diversity policies to the perceptions of employees of organisational culture and effective diversity management. …”
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Thesis -
Exploring machine learning models for age recognition
Published 2024Get full text
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Sign language detection and translation using Smart Glove
Published 2024Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Experiences of Older Undergraduate Students in Higher Education: Constructions of Age and Gender
Published 2015“…The participant's stories reveal varied experiences of student life, and thus unsettle notions of the 'traditional student' in new ways, calling attention to the complexities of what being an undergraduate student is like in contemporary Britain. In uncovering links and contradictions between old age and undergraduate study, I seek to illuminate the experiences and concerns of older undergraduates and to contribute to debates in both the sociology of education and social gerontology.…”
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Thesis -
Barriers and leverage points for seeing alcohol differently in integrated care systems in England: a senior stakeholder interview study
Published 2024“…Conclusions: There is much to do to create a joined-up, system-wide approach to alcohol, and thus a strong case for a national NHS alcohol strategy to guide ICS decision-making, addressing links between NHS work and public health.…”
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Article -
Published 2024“…Creating an artist's archive is not only about preserving their works for the future, but also about exploring the life path that gave rise to these works, linking them together in various thematic itineraries. …”
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Show/Exhibition -
Building Capacity for Sustainability Education: An Analysis of Vocational Teachers’ Knowledge, Readiness, and Self-Efficacy
Published 2024“…Using a cross-sectional survey design, a sample of three hundred and seventy-five (375) vocational college teachers and structural equation modeling (SEM), the results indicate no significant link between teachers’ sustainability knowledge and their readiness for ESD. …”
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Parameters design optimization of grading ring based on electric field analysis through response surface methodology
Published 2024“…Additionally, leveraging the power of the response surface technique, an optimal link between the E-field and the geometrical parameters is modelled and optimized. …”
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Factors that contribute to obesity problem among UTHM catering student
Published 2021“…Thus, several initiatives or benefits had been made by the Government of Malaysia to attract more government link companies (GLC) and private firms to hire people from this group. …”
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Book Section -
Translation termination mutations naalysis using the protein truncation test on Exon11A of the BRCA1 gene in female breast cancer patients of Pahang, Malaysia
Published 2012“…Searching for a molecular link between breast cancer, early onset gene 1 (BRCA1) mutations and the development of early onset breast cancer has been of major interest over the past two decades. …”
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Article -
دراسات معجمية ولغوية تقابلية للدارسين في الجامعات الماليزية = Dirasat mu'jamiyah wa lughawiyah taqabuliyah lil-darisin fi al-jami'at al-Maliziyah. 2nd. ed...
Published 2016“…It tries to highlight the importance of linking the science of Arabic lexicography and lexicology with the learners in Malaysian universities, since the Arabic Malay bilingual dictionaries have contributed significantly to the development of civilization in the region throughout the centuries. …”
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Book -
Myths and realities of digital reference services: perspectives of libraries from developing countries
Published 2011“…A score of 1 is assigned to a country when libraries have begun providing email reference. An email link on the library website is an indicator of this level of virtual reference service. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Myths and realities of digital reference services: perspectives of libraries from developing countries
Published 2008“…A score of 1 is assigned to a country when libraries have begun providing email reference. An email link on the library website is an indicator of this level of virtual reference service. …”
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