Mercury (II) removal using CNTS grown on GACs
Published 2011“…Elemental (metallic) mercury primarily causes health effects when it is breathed as a vapor where it can be absorbed through the lungs, at higher exposures there may be kidney effects, respiratory failure and death. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Reducing medical complaints and ligitation in Malaysia: turning patients' voices into opportunities
Published 2007“…To reduce the number of complaints and risk of litigation, a more patient centred approach should be adopted. When patients voice their concern by making a complaint or inquiry, this should be seen as a unique source of information for health care services on why adverse events occur and how to prevent them. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Potential for improving vehicle fuel efficiency and reducing the environmental pollution via fuel ionization
Published 2012“…Each experiment was performed on ten separate vehicles from the Dubai Taxi Corporation fleet.When compared to the baseline data, reductions of 70 % for both hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions, and 68 % for oxides of nitrogen were recorded. …”
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Artificial neural network model for predicting wet scrubber performance
Published 2012“…Wet scrubbers have important advantages when compared to other air pollution control devices. …”
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Tool life prediction by response surface methodology for end milling titanium alloy ti–6al–4v using uncoated carbide inserts
Published 2007“…Further testing was stopped and an insert rejected when an average flank wear greater than 0.30 mm was achieved. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Study the heat sink potential of building ground floor slab integrated with ELT
Published 2013“…A hazardous waste, ELT or massive scraped tyre waste created environmental load to the local environment. Today, when researchers think of the environmental impacts of tyres, they mostly focus on the management of tyres at the end of their useful lives. …”
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Design of environmental friendly hybrid electric vehicle
Published 2012“…An HEV charges itself; it never has to be plugged in. When it does not provide power, the motor can run as a generator to transfer energy from regenerative braking and from the gasoline engine to the batteries.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Face recognition from single sample per person by learning of generic discriminant vectors
Published 2012“…After that, the resulting classification is used to recognize faces by combining it with the expressive ability of eigenface via a voting procedure. The proposed method when tested with FERET and YALE datasets suggests that in face recognition within the SSPP constraints, the performance of the proposed method is better than some state-of-the-art methods.…”
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Fabrication of micro cavities by micro electrical discharged machining
Published 2000“…The fabrication cost of a micro mold insert by this technique will be 20% of the cost when produced by the LIGA process.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The socio-religio and political roles of the Rushdiah Club in Colonial Riau
Published 2012“…Politically, this study will examine how printing activities were used as a non-violent form of resistance to Dutch colonialism in Riau-Lingga at the time when Riau people’s call for freedom was constantly and violently suppressed by the colonial regime. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Rehabilitation of abandoned housing projects of liquidated housing-developer-companies: a comparative legal analysis between the position in Malaysia and in The United Kingdom
Published 2012“…The real victims are the purchasers themselves. When a housing developer company is wound up, the affair and business of the company of the company are taken over either by the private liquidator or provisional liquidator or the official receiver ('OR') under the Department of Insolvency. …”
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Buying properties in Malaysia? Highlight on laws, policies and their implication on foreign land ownership
Published 2007“…Moreover, it is equally important to protect and to ensure that the people’s right shall not be sacrificed for the sake of development and especially when all the benefits will go to only a certain class of people. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
المصادر اللغوية في تخمين معاني المفردات: دراسة في قراءة النصوص العربية = Linguistic sources in guessing word meaning: a study in reading arabic texts...
Published 2012“…The study concludes with some findings that explain how students utilize linguistic sources when guessing the meanings of word while performing reading tasks.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Investigating key success factors in adopting knowledge management system
Published 2013“…The important of KMS could not be denied in this competitive era especially when the organization has to focus on their sustainability and to remain competitive advantage. …”
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Fuzzy model for detection and estimation of the degree of autism spectrum disorder
Published 2012“…The results show accuracy in range (70-97) % when using fuzzy model .Also this system is modeled to generate crisp decision; the results show accuracy in the range (80-100) %. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Diagonal control design for atomic force microscope piezoelectric tube nanopositioners
Published 2013“…Scanning rates of these microscopes are hampered by the presence of low frequency resonant modes. When inadvertently excited, these modes lead to high amplitude mechanical vibrations causing the loss of accuracy, while scanning, and eventually to break down of the tube. …”
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Liquidity, initial public offering (ipo) long-term return and government ownership: Evidence from bursa malaysia ipo stocks
Published 2012“…The results showed one proxy of liquidity that is average monthly turnover as able to explain the market-adjusted long-term return of IPO stocks when equally weighted returns are calculated. Further, the government shareholdings in the IPO stocks positively moderate the relation between liquidity and long-term return.…”
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Growth study of DF-1 cell line in microcarrier bioreactor
Published 2008“…Microcarrier culture has very large surface area to volume ratio, thus able to produce larger number of cells when compared to conventional monolayer cultures which uses multiple glass or plastic bottles. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Experimental investigation of chip tool contact process and determination of optimum cutting speed for steel of any composition
Published 1990“…In the present work an experimental method has been developed to determine the optimum cutting speed for a given set of values of feed and depth of cut, when cutting is performed with cemented carbide tool material of a given composition. …”
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Adaptive routing algorithms and implementation for TESH network
Published 2013“…It is found that the communication performance of a TESH network using these adaptive algorithms is better than when the dimension-order routing algorithm is used.…”
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