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Adding spice to life : the influence of spicy food on group behaviour
Published 2017“…Eighty-three participants consumed spicy/non-spicy chicken wings in assigned groups, answered a series of questionnaires on feelings of affiliation and engaged in a series of social dilemmas. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Design of an exoskeleton for lifting
Published 2024“…Lower back injuries, caused by muscle strain around the lumber spine, are common in work involving manual labour. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Degradation of plastic waste due to wave action
Published 2019Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Fracturing Processes in Specimens with Internal vs. Throughgoing Flaws: An Experimental Study Using 3D Printed Materials
Published 2024“…This investigation showed that wing cracks appeared in specimens with throughgoing flaws, while wing cracks with petal cracks were associated with the internal flaws. …”
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Article -
Enhancing Roll Form Bending Processes through Experimentation and Informed Predictive Analysis: A Strategic Approach to Optimize Tooling
Published 2024“…These insights can be integrated within Novelis’ production line to boost production efficiency and roll performance. …”
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Thesis -
Experimental and numerical investigations of hot-rolled stainless steel channel section columns susceptible to flexural buckling
Published 2022“…A thorough testing and numerical modelling programme has been conducted to investigate the minor-axis flexural buckling behaviour and resistances of pin-ended hot-rolled stainless steel channel section columns. …”
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Journal Article -
Apocryphal Joyce: fuga per canonem
Published 2018“…This phrase, from his notes for Ulysses, is especially apt for Joyce given his early connection of the writer as craftsman and apostate with Daedalus, the mythic figure whose wings symbolized for Joyce the liberated intellect of the artist.…”
Thesis -
Wearable bio-adhesive metal detector array (BioMDA) for spinal implants
Published 2025“…Accordingly, herein, we report on the development and engineering of a bio-adhesive metal detector array (BioMDA), a potential wearable solution for real-time, non-invasive positional analyses of osseous implants within the spine. The electromagnetic coupling mechanism and intimate interfacial adhesion enable the precise sensing of the metallic implants position without the use of radiation. …”
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Article -
Deep learning approach to cervical segmentation from routine CT images
Published 2023“…To address the sequential and location-dependent nature of bone segmen tation information, the dissertation proposes a pre-training model for location information, and combines 2.5D image input and labeled multi-channel coding to semantically segment 3D cervical spine CT images. This method can accu rately extract the information of bone joint location of slices and incorporate it into image features in the form of channels, which can improve the accuracy of multiple bone joint segmentation and classification. …”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
Measuring membrane capacitance during a depolarizing stimulus
Published 2010“…It is critical to resolve the highly dynamic kinetic steps along the molecular cascade of exocytosis in order to pin down the specific actions of regulatory molecules and eventually decipher this complex and fundamental process.…”
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Research Report -
论致良知的公共伦理意涵 = Analysis of the value of Zhi Liang Zhi as public ethics
Published 2016“…对此,论文将扣紧明中叶的历史脉络,剖析阳明的思想与世界观;并进一歩从“公共伦理”角度,探究致良知的公共意涵。Wang Shouren (1472-1529), more commonly known as Wang Yangming, is an established Neo-Confucian Scholar during the Ming Dynasty. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Bach performance practice in the late French Romantic Organ School: a study of Welte organ roll recordings
Published 2024“…Organists in this pedagogical line comprised the French Romantic Organ School, which developed distinct aesthetics and performance techniques in their own compositions based on their ideas of Bach performance practice. …”
Thesis -
Indoor localization using Wi-Fi
Published 2020“…All models are evaluated using data collected from several reference points on block N4, North Spine, Nanyang Technological University. A simple Android application is developed to assist data collection. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Digest: islands promote population differentiation in dispersive swallows
Published 2023“…They find strong population structure only among island populations and attribute this to a behavioral reduction in dispersal propensity following island colonization. However, wing shape remains consistent across populations, suggesting it might not accurately reflect dispersal propensity in this group. …”
Journal article -
Development of a counter-UAV system
Published 2022“…Upon testing, the firing pin mechanism was found to be unable to reliably puncture the CO2 canister, even after improvements. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Harnessing Instability Mechanisms in Airfoil Flow for Data-Driven Forecasting of Extreme Events
Published 2024“…These extreme excursions may be seen as prototypical of the kind of unsteady and intermittent dynamics relevant to the flow around airfoils and wings in a variety of real-world applications. Here we investigate the instability mechanisms at the heart of these extreme events, and how they may be harnessed for efficient data-driven forecasting. …”
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Article -
Antielectric potential synthesis of plasmonic Au-Ag multidimensional dimers array for high-resolution encrypted information
Published 2024“…Experiments and theoretical simulations reveal that patterned 3D Au-2D Ag and 3D Au-3D Ag dimer arrays with line widths of 400 nm exhibit cerulean and cyan colors, respectively, and achieve fine color modulation and ultrahigh information resolution. …”
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Journal Article