Development of a counter-UAV system
Published 2022“…Upon testing, the firing pin mechanism was found to be unable to reliably puncture the CO2 canister, even after improvements. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
An empirical analysis of the expectations theory in Singapore
Published 2014Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Natural avian inspired ornithopter UAV
Published 2019“…Several prototypes and modular parts such as gear boxes and wings are explored to obtain varying results to obtain optimum flight worthy prototype.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Design and test of synthetic jet actuator for small UAVS
Published 2012“…Besides flow visualization demonstrates actuators’ capability to suppress flow separation on LS (1)-0421 wing model. This lays the foundation for its potential application on unmanned aerial vehicle.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Degradation of plastic waste due to wave action
Published 2019Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
PAS : balancing inclusion and tradition
Published 2011“…The Islamic Party of Malaysia is reaching out to non-Muslim voters by forming a new wing of non- Muslim supporters, promoting good governance and playing down the Islamic state. …”
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Commentary -
Structural performance of recycled aggregate concrete-filled stainless steel tube columns
Published 2020“…The experiment involved 12 RACFSST columns tested under pin-ended condition, as well as material tests and initial global geometric imperfection measurements. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Design and 3D printing of reconfigurable structures
Published 2021“…The structure is made up of single modular units being repeatedly fixed together, this leads to the structure to isolate single modular units that are damaged, allowing it to be easily pin-pointed and replaced by fabricating another similar single unit, this cut cost as the structure can be salvaged by replacing a single unit instead of the whole structure.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Tie the knot - a step by step wedding planner
Published 2018“…The creation comprises essential management tools such as wedding checklist, reminders, budget tracker, guestlist, online electronic invitation and RSVP system with SMS function, seating plan, calendar function, vendor list, pin board, wedding day scheduler and chat function…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
When Islamists play by the rules yet change the game
Published 2011“…The recent upgrading of the PAS Supporters Club to a legal entity, complete with party constitution amendments that recognize the new wing, not only makes the PAS promise of “PAS for all” selffulfilling, it provides the party an opportunity to lead the change away from race-based politicking.…”
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Commentary -
Fracturing Processes in Specimens with Internal vs. Throughgoing Flaws: An Experimental Study Using 3D Printed Materials
Published 2024“…This investigation showed that wing cracks appeared in specimens with throughgoing flaws, while wing cracks with petal cracks were associated with the internal flaws. …”
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Article -
Finite element analysis on post-buckling of thin-walled structures using ANSYS
Published 2015“…The results obtained were checked against experimental data and led to the development and the revision of design procedures for the pin-ended lipped column and hollow box section.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Digest: islands promote population differentiation in dispersive swallows
Published 2023“…They find strong population structure only among island populations and attribute this to a behavioral reduction in dispersal propensity following island colonization. However, wing shape remains consistent across populations, suggesting it might not accurately reflect dispersal propensity in this group. …”
Journal article -
Design and Implementation of Active Antennas for IoT-Based Healthcare Monitoring System
Published 2024“…Two dual-band (2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz) microstrip patch antennas, one with a PIN diode and one without, are fabricated using Rogers Duroid RO3003™ substrate. …”
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Article -
Design and Implementation of Active Antennas for IoT-Based Healthcare Monitoring System
Published 2024“…Two dual-band (2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz) microstrip patch antennas, one with a PIN diode and one without, are fabricated using Rogers Duroid RO3003™ substrate. …”
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Article -
NeuroTribes : The legacy of autism and how to think smarter about people who think differently /
Published 2015“…The narrative arc is roughly chronological, stretching across time and highlighting some of the Big Non-autistic Names in autism’s long, strange and often terrible trip: Hans Asperger, Leo Kanner, Bruno Bettelheim, Bernard Rimland, Ole Ivar Lovaas, Lorna Wing. Although some of these clinicians and researchers contributed critical insights about autism, they all brought their own psychological lenses to their work and interpretations, sometimes helpfully and sometimes to the terrible detriment of the people they thought they were helping.…”
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software, multimedia -
Global borders : power, fragility, and ‘a kind of fiction’ (Editorial introduction)
Published 2021“…With the gentlest wafting of pollen from a summer breeze or a bee’s wing, the fixed categories borders inscribe can blossom into hybridities.…”
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Journal Article -