Kitchen exhaust ventilation: promotion of the establishment on the integrated sustainable industry at R&D Halton Group Sdn. Bhd.
Published 2020“…Halton's aim is to create comfortable and safe indoor environments that have energy-efficient and sustainable life cycle. Halton Group Asia Sdn, Bhd, is the company’s branch in Malaysia. …”
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Book Section -
Integrating self-determination theory and theory of planned behavior to strengthen entrepreneurial intention among undergraduate students
Published 2012“…It directly affects the development of nations’ economies by creating jobs and transforming people’s lives through innovation and technology. It is observed that when nations promote entrepreneurship, they become more competitive and have advantage over other nations. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Preservation of cultural heritage: a joint effort between Iran and India
Published 2011“…The relations and exchanges between the great civilizations would contribute not only to the growth of the peoples of the involved civilizations but also to enrichment of lives throughout the globe. The cultural relations between Iranians and the inhabitants of the Indian Sub-continent have produced exceptional results, especially in the realm of art and culture. …”
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Book Chapter -
Putting leadership in its place: introduction to the special issue
Published 2022“…Events such as this highlight just how blind we can become to the places in which we live and the need to develop an awareness of the social, physical, cultural, historical and symbolic contexts that shape our individual and collective understandings and practices of leadership. …”
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Article -
Tribalism and democracy in the arab world: a sociological study of the Arab mind and its perception of democracy through the events of the Arab spring
Published 2015“…To understand the Arab mind set we have first to analyze the long and complicated cultural heritage which was formed throughout the history of Arabia and how it still plays a great role in the way Arabs perceive themselves and the world around them. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Novel opto-electronic and plastic fibre sensors
Published 1998“…Experimental results obtained confirm the long and linear operational range of the sensor (between 15 mm and 90 mm for a mirror target and between 20 mm and 100 mm for a matt white paper target). …”
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Thesis -
Impak pembangunan ekonomi terhadap komuniti Tanah Bencah Setiu, Terengganu
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Performance of cermet tools : applying negative rake angles high speed machining
Published 2010“…Cermet tools have been employed for high speed machining for a long time due to their high wear resistance and high hot hardness. …”
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Book -
Cointegration and causality between non-bank financial intermediaries and economic growth in Malaysia: an ARDL bounds testing approach
Published 2009“…The result shows evidence of a long-run causality running from nonbank financial intermediaries to per capita economic growth, but not vice versa.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Smoker desaturation during general anaesthesia: a case report
Published 2009“…We conclude that smoking cessation was necessary at long as possible even though in case of emergency to prevent potential hypoxaemia pre intubation and during extubation at the end of operation. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Proceedings against the government by members of the armed forces : a comparison in practice between the United Kingdom, United States of America and Malaysia
Published 2011“…However, as time goes by, the above doctrines seems cannot be sustained for long as more and more cases involving the government comes before the court of law. …”
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Article -
The parameters of uncertainty in revenue law
Published 2011“…However, uncertainty has a utilitarian role, leaving the courts latitude to find the appropriate legal solution, either in defining terminologies and concepts or in the application of legal rules as long as the courts approach is predictable.…”
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Article -
Effect of fiber length variations on mechanical and physical properties of coir fiber reinforced cement-albument composites (CFRCC)
Published 2011“…The experimental investigations revealed that increasing in length of fiber increase the tlexura1 strength. Incorporation of long fiber into the cement paste however, decreased the workability and thus introduced voids which resulted in low density. …”
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Article -
Wastewater treatment by immobilised cell systems
Published 2011“…An effective way of removing ammonia nitrogen from aqueous solutions is the utilization of immobilized cells because of high cell concentration, long retention time of biomass in the system, rapid separation of cells from liquid and ability to scale up the process. …”
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Book Chapter -
مظاههر الاتساق في النص القرآني : دراسة وصفية لغوية = Mazahir al-ittisaq fi al-nas al-Qur'ani : dirasah wasfiyah lughawiyah
Published 2011“…Cohesion is linguistic concept that has long been discussed by the traditionalscholars in their study of the Quranic text and its distinguished features. …”
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Article -
A portable myoelectric-robotic system to prevent muscle stiffness and numbness
Published 2010“…The problem of muscle stiffness and numbness occurs due to long period of muscle passivity. This is a major problem faced by individuals who are elderly, bedridden or wheelchair bound during their recuperation periods. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Critical analysis on the choice of Takaful (Islamic insurance) operating models in Malaysia
Published 2011“…Takaful and insurance have been compared long ago by many scholars around the world. Prior literatures of Takaful are mainly focusing on the concept and theoretical nature of takaful and its differences from insurance. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The phenomenon of meeting the Prophet in this world: the Malay Sufi perception
Published 2011“…The analysis made on the authentic traditions and opinions of some of the traditionalists (muhaddith) reveals that the meeting with the Prophet can only take place in the true dream or al-ru'yah al-sadiqah as the Prophet who died long time ago will not return to this world. Contrary to this, one of the alleged sufi group of Malaysia develops the idea that the Prophet would return to this world by citing the views of outstanding scholars such as al-Suyuti (d.911/1505), al-Sha'rani (d.973/1565) and al-Dihlawi (d. 1176/1762). …”
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Book Chapter -
The possible application of the Islamic principles of equity to Malaysian Land Law: a discussion
Published 2008“…It is possible to invoke all concepts of equity, either from English or other laws, as long as they conform to the objectives of the Shariah. …”
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Article -
Comparing better performing companies from lesser performing companies in successful new product development
Published 2012“… The contribution of new products to corporate growth and survival has long been acknowledged. However, not much is known about the new product development (NPD) activities conducted by better performing companies compared to the lesser performing companies. …”
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Proceeding Paper