Study of the reverse delta wing
Published 2011“…A six-component balance was used to obtain the aerodynamic coefficients for a reverse delta wing as well as a delta wing for comparison. A simulation of the streamlines, velocity vectors, and surface pressure contours was carried out using computational fluid dynamics software to show the characteristics of the flow over a reverse delta wing.…”
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Experimental investigation of wing tip vortex
Published 2009“…Particle image velocimetery was used in a low-speed wind tunnel to investigate and characterize wing tip vortex structures. A rectangular wing of a SWIM model was used as a vortex generator in two different configurations, (i) plain wing and (ii) flapped wing with trailing edge flap extended at 20 degrees. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Right-wing populism and religion in Europe and the USA
Published 2020“…The aim of this paper is to examine comparatively the growth and political effectiveness of right-wing populism in Western Europe, Central Europe, and the USA since 9/11. …”
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Experimental investigation of plain- and flapped-wing tip vortices
Published 2009“…Particle image velocimetry was used in a low-speed wind tunnel to investigate and characterize wing tip vortex structures. A rectangular wing of a subsonic wall interference model was used as a vortex generator in two different configurations: 1) plain wing and 2) flapped wing with the trailing-edge flap extended at 20 degrees. …”
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Experimental investigation of free wing IIUM-UAV configuration
Published 2010“…In this work, the IIUM first free wing unmanned aerial vehicle model (IIUM-FWUAV) was investigated experimentally. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Evaluation of aircraft wing-tip vortex using PIV
Published 2009“…The formation and development of a wing-tip vortex in a near and extended near filed were studied experimentally. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Induced rolling moment for NACA4412 plain and flapped wing
Published 2010“…Purpose – The paper aims to compute rolling moments on a follower aircraft wing due to vortices generated by a plain and flapped NACA4412 wing using experimental particle image velocimetery (PIV) data. …”
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Investigation of the vortical flow around a reverse delta wing
Published 2011“…A six component force balance was used to obtain the CL for a reverse delta wing and a delta wing for comparison purposes. A simulation of the streamlines, velocity vectors and surface pressure contours was carried out using CFD software to show the characteristics of the flow over a reverse delta wing.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Right-wing nationalism, populism, and religion: what are the connections and why?
Published 2021“…This collection focuses on right-wing nationalism, populism, and religion, both theoretically and empirically, with an emphasis on the following countries: Australia, India, Italy, Turkey, and the USA. …”
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Development of IIUM Free Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (IIUM-FWUAV)
Published 2010“…This research focused on the design, construction and testing of a free wing remote controlled aerial vehicle. The free wing concept allows the wing to move freely in pitch relative to the fuselage. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Drag analysis of an aircraft wing model and without bird feather like winglet
Published 2012“…This work describes the aerodynamic characteristic for aircraft wing model with and without bird feather like winglet. …”
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The development of a fixed wing aircraft analysis and design flight dynamic software
Published 2016“…Through the implementation of five types of aircraft models, the developed computer code represents a useful tool for flight dynamic analysis and control design for a fixed-wing aircraft.…”
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Thesis -
Experimental investigation of the vortical flow around a reverse delta wing using PIV
Published 2010“…Particle Image Velocimetry was used in a low speed wind tunnel to investigate the vortex structures of a slender reverse delta wing at various angles of attack and roll. This work investigates the characteristics of the vortices generated downstream in a plane perpendicular to the free stream direction and their dependence on angles of attack and roll angles at chord based Reynolds number.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Design, fabrication and experimental testing of IIUM free wing unmanned aerial vehicle (IIUM-FWUAV)
Published 2011“…In this work, IIUM’s first free wing unmanned aerial vehicle model (IIUM-FWUAV) was designed, fabricated, tested and investigated experimentally. …”
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Effect of differential spoiler settings (DSS) on the wake vortices of a wing at high-lift-configuration (HLC)
Published 2011“…Result of the outboard loading case 2 shows a limited effect in terms of the wing tip vortex structure. This can be due to the relatively large separation distance between the wing tip and the deployed spoilers, preventing the spoiler wake/wing tip vortex interaction in the near field.…”
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Avrupa ve ABD'de Sağcı Popülizm ve Din (Right-wing populism and religion in Europe and the USA)
Published 2022“…This article aims to examine the rise and political influence of right-wing populism in Western Europe, Central Europe and the USA after 9/11. …”
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The English wing spinet of the 17th and 18th centuries: with special reference to the extant Haward spinets indtroducing newly discovered evidence for Samuel Pepys' Haward spinet and Queen Anne's Haward spinet
Published 2021“…The wing spinet, evidently introduced to England in 1663 by its acknowledged inventor, Gerolamo Zenti, displaced the virginal in the 1680s and was, in turn, displaced by the square piano a century later. …”
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