Equitable distribution of low-cost houses : a Malaysian legal perspective
Published 2009“…It has been stated in the Ninth Malaysia Plan that continuous efforts shall be undertaken to ensure all Malaysians of all income levels shall have access to adequate, affordable and quality housing with greater emphasis on the lower income group with better urban services and healthy living. The Ninth Malaysia Plan also emphasised that the private sector shall be encouraged to build more low-cost and low-medium-cost houses in their mixed-development projects while the public sector shall concentrate on building low-cost houses as well as houses for public sector employees. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
‘A window to the world’: the challenges and benefits of transnational joint Masters programmes for internationalising the curriculum
Published 2015“…In this chapter I provide a glimpse into the ‘lived reality’ of staff and students involved in joint Masters degrees offered in two countries. …”
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Book Section -
The Second Annual Report from the Strategic Sanctuary for the Destruction of Free Will
Published 2018“…The Second Annual Report from the Strategic Sanctuary for the Destruction of Free Will is an installation and live performance that explore the construction of subjectivity. …”
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Show/Exhibition -
Book review : Competing fundamentalisms: violent extremism in Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism
Published 2017“…Often treated as a generic issue in the context of the world religions, ‘religious fundamentalism’ is often associated with conservative or rightwing understandings of the world, articulated by people who appear to believe that the world would be a better place if everybody lived by the word of God as articulated in their particular faith’s holy scriptures. …”
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The big menopause: the word just seems wrong! An interpretative phenomenological analysis of Christian women’s experience of the menopause
Published 2023“…Method: A qualitative study investigated the lived experience of six Christian women who were perimenopausal or up to five years postmenopausal. …”
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Thesis -
A review on seawater as concrete composites and its effects on the strength and durability
Published 2020“…In another report published by OECD, it is stated that a number of people living in river basins will be under severe water stress which is expected to be double in 2050 ..…”
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Book Section -
Anuran Of Taman Negara Johor Endau Rompin
Published 2016“…Conservation and preservation effort for the living things in this forest reserve especially the anuran has not been done, it will be extinct one day. …”
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Book -
The synthesis of gold nanoparticles and its extensive applications
Published 2019“…The lack of sufficient stability of GNP due to its facile aggregation, and its biocompatibility concern to be used within living cells have impeded development of its applications in the real world. …”
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Book Section -
Malaysia's palm oil exports: does exchange rate overvaluation and undervaluation matters?
Published 2011“…Hence, it is imperative that policy-makers avoid both overvaluation and undervaluation and keep the real exchange rate in line with the economic fundamentals. …”
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Article -
Pricing efficiency of the 3-month KLIBOR futures contracts: An empirical analysis
Published 2009“…The study spans the contract's entire 10-year history, June 1996 to June 2006. In line with findings in other markets, we find a pre-ponderance of overpricing. …”
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Article -
Ten gamat species in Malaysia’s seawaters for health-based industries
Published 2012“…The Langkawi Archipelago and Pangkor Island are the main produc=on sites of air gamat and minyak gamat. In line with the development of science and technology, modern-‐formularised gamat-‐based products sold by Malaysia’s companies e.g. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
'Cash waqf' and Islamic microfinance: untapped economic opportunities
Published 2009“…Given these shortcomings, the article explores the possibility of using ‘cash waqf’ as a new source of funding for Islamic microfinance and proposes a new concept and application of Islamic microfinance so that it is truly in line with the Islamic spirit of microfinance. It is hoped that with this new concept and application of Islamic microfinance, the use of microfinance genuinely caters for the needs of the poor as well as generating socio-economic growth of the Muslim ummah. …”
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Article -
Efficient lot batching system for furnace operation
Published 2003“…This implementation has resulted in much better material movement and has also made the manufacturing line more linear.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Treatment of a Symptomatic Forearm Muscle Herniation with a Wrap-Around Fascia Lata Graft
Published 2009“…This is a study of a 28-year-old man who had a symptomatic swelling on the volar aspect of his left forearm while working on a car-door assembly line that resulted in a significant decreased of his grip strength, work capacity and median nerve symptoms. …”
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Article -
Vibration energy harvesting using single and comb-shaped piezoelectric beam structures: modeling and simulation
Published 2012“…Researchers have been venturing into methods that can generate acceptable level of voltage since decades ago. In line with the spirit of green technology, energy harvesting will be a major contributor towards saving our environment in near future. …”
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Article -
Factors Affecting Speed of Adjustment to Target Leverage: Malaysia Evidence
Published 2013“…There are evidences of target capital structure and firms do adjust to be at their target from time to time with a considerably rapid speed of adjustment, in line with dynamic trade-off theory. Firms in Malaysia are found to be under-adjusted, being below the required adjustment to be at the target within a year. …”
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Article -
Shari’ah and ethical issues in the practice of modified wakalah model in family takaful
Published 2013“…However, Takaful has been acknowledged as insurance which is in line with Shari’ah principles. Due to the prohibited elements such as interest, uncertainty and gambling in the insurance practices, Takaful has been introduced by the Muslim scholars. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A calibration framework for swarming ASVs' system design
Published 2012“…Swarming robots work as a team, propelled by slim-line water pump with cylindrical shape of body hull. …”
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Article -
Design of dual band notched ultra wideband antenna using (U-W) shaped slots
Published 2015“…The antenna consists of rectangular patch, a 50 Ω Microstrip line and partial grounding. By etching a nested inverted U-Shaped and W-Shaped slots in the radiating patch, band rejection filtering properties for WiMAX and WLAN were achieved. …”
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Article -
Ranking of manufacturing attributes affecting bread quality: application of analytic hierarchy process
Published 2015“…The responses by the manager, supervisor, line leader and quality control inspector on pair-wise comparison scale are collected and analyzed by using Expert Choice software along with the verification of inconsistency value. …”
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