Need to address digital divide
Published 2020“…THE Covid-19 outbreak has affected the lives of individuals in many different ways. United Nations secretary-general Antonio Guterres has called the pandemic the world’s “greatest test since World War II”. …”
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Article -
A summarization of image and video databases for emotion recognition
Published 2020“…In the past decades, human-computer interaction has become increasingly signifi-cant in our day to day lives. Many kinds of research have been conducted in the area of memory research, depression detection, and behavioural insufficiency identification, lie detection (covered up), and emotion recognition. …”
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Book Chapter -
Dataset for TPB, Data Security and Perceived Benefits
Published 2023“…Repeated actions and behaviours are characteristic of people’s daily lives. However, there is a dilemma when this repeated action is associated with mobile phone recycling since convincing mobile users to recycle sustainably is challenging. …”
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Dataset -
Virtual realities in the business world
Published 2018“…The growing importance of digital environments in our lives has made the separation between the virtual and the real ever more palpable. …”
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English diaspora in North America: migration, ethnicity and association, 1730s–1950s
Published 2016“…While the transplanted cultural lives of the Irish, Scots and continental Europeans have received much attention, the English are far less widely explored. …”
Monograph -
At whose cost? Racialised differences in how domestic violence and sexual violence advocates adapted to COVID-19
Published 2024“…An unanticipated but revealing finding was that the conjunction of the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement made visible and visceral the daily work that Black women do to manage everyday racism, including in the VAWG sector. …”
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Making of intimate capitalism: from cultrural economy to creative and cultural industries
Published 2024“…Intimate capitalism creates conditions where the market economy interacts with the objective and subjective realms of the everyday lives of people within intimate social, religious, and cultural contexts. …”
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Book Section -
ABC: android botnet classification using feature selection and classification algorithms
Published 2017“…Smartphones have become an important part of human lives, and this led to an increase number of smartphone users. …”
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Sanitation and safety while conducting a practical class among Undergraduate Vocational Education (Catering), UTHM
Published 2021“…Food is a necessity for humankind in gaining the energy and substance to live their normal lives. According to Maslow (1955) through his pyramid hieraki he developed that food essentially serves as an essential core to meet hunger and to meet the biological needs of humans for survival. …”
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Book Section -
Transitory microbial habitat in the hyperarid Atacama Desert
Published 2018“…Although microbial biomass and diversity decrease with increasing aridity in the Atacama Desert, we provide multiple lines of evidence for the presence of an at times metabolically active, microbial community in one of the driest places on Earth. …”
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Isolation and anticancer evaluation of mangostin from garcinia malaccensis
Published 2011“…The research investigated chemical constituents from the stembark of G. malaccensis together with their cytotoxic activity against human cancer cell lines. Purification was carried out by chromatography technique on silica gel and the structures were established by various spectroscopic techniques. …”
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Monograph -
Micromolding of three-dimensional components
Published 2001“…Limited success was found for predicting weld lines and surface finish. The molded microcomponents producing by this technique possessed features that were compatible with those fabricated by the LIGA technique, i.e., surface finish ~10 nm, accuracy < 1 μm, and aspect ratio >10.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Study of cells attachment using impedance spectroscopy technique
Published 2011“…In this paper we report on the electrical impedance spectroscopy characterization of the attachment of two mammalian cell lines: endothelial cells (RFPEC) and fibroblast cells (V79). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Study of cells attachment using impedance spectroscopy technique
Published 2011“…In this paper we report on the electrical impedance spectroscopy characterization of the attachment of two mammalian cell lines: endothelial cells (RFPEC) and fibroblast cells (V79). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The immigrants
Published 2017“…In the first four films, through a series of small actions undertaken by costumed performers in different locations across the UK, an installation of filmed vignettes posits the futility of the border as a means of demarcating boundaries of identity, power and resources in an age of global capital flows, migrant labour forces, and environmental destruction that does not stop at abstract lines on a map. Masks drawn from sources as diverse as Romanian folklore and riot police spit masks, combined with props suggesting checkpoints and rafts, invert the hierarchies of border guards and asylum seekers, refugees in boats and Brexit flotillas. …”
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Show/Exhibition -
Immigration, politics and violence in urban France: between fiction and facts
Published 2008“…Semi-fictional accounts of immigrants’ life in the banlieues are a privileged source of information about the social distress that nurtured the explosion of urban violence. Reading between the lines of these representations helps grasping what happens underneath the surface of an overexposed situation of inequality that periodically morphs into violence. …”
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Article -
Lombok, Indonesia Earthquake: What Happened and Why?
Published 2020“…Earthquakes occur most often along geologic faults, narrow zones where rock masses move in relation to one another. The vital fault lines of the world are located at the fringes of the huge tectonic plates that make up Earth’s crust [1]. …”
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Book Section -
Transaction cost theory, political theory and resource dependency theory in the light of unconventional aspect
Published 2013“…Thus, the purpose of this paper is to examine whether the prevailing corporate governance theories such as transaction cost theory, political theory and resource dependency theory are in line with Shari’ah. It has been found out that none of them are completely in line with Islamic teachings. …”
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Article -
Achieving human development objectives through microfinance institution: the case of Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia
Published 2009“…Human development (HD), according to Ranis and Stewart (2000) is defined as the enhancement of the human situation so that people enjoy longer, healthier, and more meaningful lives. Some aspects of HD are related to people’s physical well-being, such as health, nutrition, and education. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Modern democracy and ethical leadership in the Muslim world:A critical strategy from Tawhidic paradigm
Published 2012“…The well established theories of democracy argued that democracy is a form of government that recognizes that all adults have equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. This paper examines how the pragmatic democracy creates ethical leadership in the governments of the Muslim world. …”
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Proceeding Paper