An IPA exploration of women’s experiences of being undecided about motherhood in their late thirties
Published 2016“…These findings are discussed alongside existing literature in the field to suggest how Counselling Psychologists may support and empower women who are experiencing this stage of their lives as a challenging time.…”
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Mathematics learning and teaching : a student’s perspective
Published 2004“…Then we use mathematics in our everyday lives, sometimes without even realizing. In these situations, what we needed to learn - the ‘basic numerical concepts’ - was nothing but a way of expressing ourselves (in a language), in order to communicate with and relate to others. …”
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Situated perspectives on the city: a reflection on scaling participation through design
Published 2021“…Reflecting on this experience, we argue that the inclusion of a design-based, city-level perspective in localized upgrading initiatives can be a powerful conceptual and practical tool to support horizontal, vertical and deep scaling; and we highlight the importance of constructing this design tool in an embodied and situated manner, so that scaling processes remain firmly grounded in everyday lives and experiences.…”
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Czy Bóg to Gadzio? Religijność i konwersje polskich Romów w perspektywie elastycznych epistemologii romskości
Published 2024“…Through pioneering ethnographic work among transnational Roma communities, the article takes a critical approach to contemporary analysis of religious lives of Roma in Polish scholarship. Following the relational approach of Frederik Barth, Michael Stewart and participatory ethnography of Paloma Gay y Blasco, the article proposes an ethnographically grounded interpretation of new forms of religiosity among Polish Roma emphasizing individual agency, creativity and the so called by Marco Solimene and Stefanii Pontrandolfo flexible epistemologies, through which we can better grasp overall social changes in Poland. …”
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Intimate capitalism: political economy of labour and culture in creative industries
Published 2024“…The erosion of workers’ rights under intimate capitalism is examined to show how cultural industries seek to dominate the lives of those working within them, leading to an increased commodification of culture and institutionalisation of creative assets in the name of economic growth and development. …”
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Development of an Artificial Nose Using 3D Printing Technology for Patients with Tumors
Published 2024“…This prosthesis nose enables people to interact in their social and family lives, making them happier and more comfortable.…”
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Development of an Artificial Nose Using 3D Printing Technology for Patients with Tumors
Published 2024“…This prosthesis nose enables people to interact in their social and family lives, making them happier and more comfortable.…”
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Synchronization for different opinions in Malaysia Multiracial Society: a mathematical exploration study
Published 2017“…Malaysia is known for the multiracial and multicultural society who lives together harmoniously despite of the diversities. …”
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Space and place as constraints and resources in women’s strategies to escape domestic violence
Published 2011“…This paper will particularly explore three examples of such thinking about women’s spatial strategies: Foucault’s concepts of the spatiality of surveillance are used in understanding space as a constraint and appreciating what women are overcoming when they leave abusive relationships; Deleuze and Guattari’s concepts of rhizomic networks and lines of flight are used in understanding space as a resource on the journeys themselves; and Augé’s concepts of nonplaces are used in understanding space as place, and recognising what needs to be counteracted to create new homes and a sense of belonging.…”
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Architecture, sinon repression: a journey through the narrow layer where the State meets the land
Published 2011“…Striation is the result of the intervention of man who, while colonising a territory, drew lines on it like on a wax tablet. This intervention progressively created homogeneity and facilitated movement through the territory. …”
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Deconstructing institutional racism and the social construction of whiteness: a strategy for professional competence training in culture and migration mental health
Published 2022“…As institutional theory perspectives continue to develop, solutions to complex social problems such as racism require embodied knowledge if the lines of authority and basic occupational routines are to be meaningfully renegotiated. …”
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Selective and non-selective excitation/ionization processes in analytical glow discharges: excitation of the ionic spectra in argon/helium mixed plasmas
Published 2014“…The presence of added gases in the plasma gas can cause major changes in the number density of plasma gas ions and metastable atoms and so affects the intensities of spectral lines involving selective and non-selective excitation & ionization processes. …”
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Nanoparticle-coated Vivaldi antenna array for gain enhancement
Published 2023“…Furthermore, it is shown for the first time that by depositing a thin film of Graphene/copper nanoparticles onto the CSRR, the array’s gain is increased to 10 dBi at 180 degrees with sidelobe reduction of better than 15 dB.…”
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Laser-induced plasma and its applications
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Antibacterial polysulfone membranes: the effect of eugenol and zinc oxide as additives
Published 2016“…SEM result showed the formation of thin top and bottom layers with more porous structure for hydrophilic zinc oxide particle, while dense top and bottom layers with slightly smaller porous network for eugenol addition. …”
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Development of compact circular polarized antenna for WLAN application
Published 2019“…Microstrip patch antennas being popular because of light weight, low volume, thin profile configuration which can be made conformal. …”
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An exploration of women’s experiences of cognitive-behaviour therapy for the treatment of bulimia nervosa
Published 2018“…Aims: The study aimed to gain a detailed understanding of women’s experiences of CBT and its impact on their post-therapy lives. It also sought to provide clinicians and other professionals with helpful insights into how best support individuals with bulimic difficulties. …”
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Rewriting history: the information age and the knowable past
Published 2011“…History seems to slip away in the precession of simulacra accompanying mass media and digital computing: ever-present if inauthentic versions of the past overwhelm any sense of historical continuity. Arguably we live in an era of timeless time, or time without chronology in which the very patterns of our daily lives are disrupted. …”
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Maltese children's construction of identities through their engagement with the media
Published 2013“…This research was conducted with ten children who were aged between nine and ten at the start of the study and lived in Malta, a small bilingual island in the Mediterranean. …”
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Return migration and embedding: through the lens of Brexit as an unsettling event
Published 2024“…Moreover, using mixed methods, including longitudinal research, we advance a theoretical framework facilitating an examination of how returnees negotiate their lives in the origin society and whether they intend to stay, or migrate again, through the conceptual lens of embedding. …”
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