Zinc-air battery – powering electric vehicles to smart active labels
Published 2012“…Emerging innovations in smart active labels - flat, flexible and functional devices, particularly in healthcare industry, instigated the authors to develop zinc-air battery as a prospective micro-power source for smart active labels. The thin battery technology developed, in collaboration between IIUM and BPPT, is of low cost, comprises of green electroactive materials, and able to operate in quasi-neutral electrolyte. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
ANT colony optimization for controller and sensor-actuator location in active vibration control
Published 2013“…This paper discusses on active vibration control of a simply supported thin plate excited and actuated by piezoelectric patches. …”
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Estimation of aerodynamic derivatives in pitch of a wedge in hypersonic flow
Published 2016“…The present method includes the thin wedge case as well, which was covered by Lighthill piston theory, and applies only for small amplitude and low reduced frequency case. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Characterization of composite plates using the virtual fields method with optimized loading conditions
Published 2008“…This paper deals with the direct identification of bending stiffnesses of thin homogeneous anisotropic plates. The idea is to determine the unknown parameters from a single test giving a unique heterogeneous strain field. …”
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The effects of absorber attachment location on vibration response of simply supported plate
Published 2016“…Vibration analysis of thin walled structure has been an active research in engineering fields. …”
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Titanium dioxide film based photocatalytic application for degradation of dyes
Published 2019“…In this chapter, the photocatalytic property of TiO2 thin film for degradation of dyes and the advantage of TiO2 film will be discussed.…”
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Book Section -
Cross-cultural perspectives of LGBTQ psychology from five different countries: current state and recommendations
Published 2019“…Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning psychology (LGBTQ psychology) is a branch of psychology that promotes inclusiveness in theory and practice across the science of psychology, affirming the lives of people with different sexual orientations and forms of gender expression in a non-heterosexist and non-genderist perspective. …”
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Internet influence on materialism among urban muslim women: Some challenges to the ummah
Published 2011“…Internet use is fast penetrating into the lives of urban women. The Internet can also influence materialism, due to the gratification of the medium, on the urban Muslim women in Malaysia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Phytoremediation of partially treated wastewater by chlorella vulgaris
Published 2012“…Excessive pollutants (including nutrients) affect aquatic lives and environment in various ways. There are certain plants capable of removing pollutants from water. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Understanding a Necessary Relationship between Individual and Society in Iqbal's Concept of the Self
Published 2011“…It is at this juncture that this paper also tries to discuss the nature of mutual relationship between the individual and society wherein man lives, moves, and exists. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
User-centered web development for GMI alumni website
Published 2010“…In addition, the World Wide Web (WWW)technology is an appropriate partner with the internet that brings pleasant facility in order to facilitate people's daily lives. However, recent situation is changing whereby the primary concern is more on developing usable website to ensure user's satisfaction. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Aerobic biodegradation of palm oil mill effluent (POME) using suitable consortium of microorganisms
Published 2012“…Palm oil mill effluent (POME) constitutes 60% of the wastes generated in typical palm oil mill and its environmental impact has been identified to be harmful to aquatic lives. This project examined the potential of degrading POME with microorganisms that are indigenous to POME. …”
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Monograph -
Children’s Participation in Custody and Access Proceedings
Published 2013“…Children’s right to express their views in all matters affecting their lives is regarded as one of the important factors that concern their welfare. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Achieving human development objectives through microfinance institution: the case of Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia
Published 2010“…Human development (HD), according to Ranis and Stewart (2000) is defined as the enhancement of the human situation so that people enjoy longer, healthier, and more meaningful lives. Some aspects of HD are related to people’s physical well-being, such as health, nutrition, and education. …”
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Waste disposal into water resources: Ethical evaluation from the Islamic point of view
Published 2013“…Recently, the need to protect and sustain the water resources has attracted many researchers’ attention on which every living thing depends on. Consequently, consumption of polluted water puts lives (human, animal, plants) at risk because water has no substitute. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Contributions of ordinary citizens towards development of a society: the case of Bangladesh
Published 2015“…Khondker Azizur Rahman was interviewed both in Dhaka, Bangladesh and Maryland, the United States, where he currently lives.…”
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Work- and family-related variables, work–family conflict and women’s well-being: some observations
Published 2003“…The proposed model appears to provide a better fit of the complex relationships that may exist between the many variables encompassing women’s work and family lives than previous ones that have considered only one set of variables. …”
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Impact of pubic access to computers and Internet on the connectedness of rural Malaysians
Published 2015“…Users perceive a heightened sense of connectedness and feel that this connectedness has had a positive impact in their lives. There appears to be room to expand the impact of RIC telecenters so that they foster greater collaboration and help nurture the development of positive social capital. …”
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Book Chapter -
Design and development of a hand-glove controlled wheel chair
Published 2011“…Wheelchairs are a way of reincarnating the purpose of life in the lives of disabled people. Effective and efficient ways of delivering a cost-effective and affordable wheelchair to the common masses, which is not only at par with the present day technology, but is much easier to use are presented herewith. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The relationship between happiness & religiosity among instead students through utilization of 'the happi-reli scale' and its validation
Published 2009“…This study attempts to investigate two constructs that are important in everyday lives. The constructs are "happiness" and "religiosity". …”
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Book Chapter