Energy efficiency and thermal comfort: a case study in Iraqi Government Hospitals
Published 2023“…It was also found that many slightly cooler than the acceptable thermal comfort range, indicating opportunities for energy efficiency in line with the proposed strategies.…”
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Thesis -
Energy efficiency and thermal comfort: a case study in Iraqi Government Hospitals
Published 2023“…It was also found that many slightly cooler than the acceptable thermal comfort range, indicating opportunities for energy efficiency in line with the proposed strategies…”
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Thesis -
Development and validation of a safety and health performance model for low cost housing
Published 2014“…In testing the validity of models, results found BSHP model had a good model fit with R 2 of 0.342 and in line with experts validation results. The BSHP model can inform the public of the relative risks regarding the safety and health of low cost housing. …”
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Thesis -
A study of 2-stroke marine diesel engine characteristic based on condition based maintenance
Published 2015“…Locating sources of energy waste, identifying failure conditions in electrical and mechanical systems all contribute to helping improve the bottom line. The ability of a vessel to operate depends on the ability of the ship main propulsion produces optimum power and translated through the transmission system to the propeller shaft. …”
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Thesis -
Housing demand prediction in Selangor
Published 2018“…The finding helps Lembaga Perumahan dan Hartanah Selangor (LPHS) and other government agency to plan constructions for all housing categories in line with the demand.…”
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Thesis -
Enchancing RFID data quality and reliability using approximate filtering techniques
Published 2018“…Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an emerging auto-identification technology that uses radio waves to identify and track physical objects without the line of sight. While delivering significant improvements in various aspects, such as, stock management and inventory accuracy, there are serious data management issues that affect RFID data quality in preparing reliable solutions. …”
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Thesis -
Development of passenger flow time (PFT) model for light rail transit (LRT) users at KL Sentral Malaysia
Published 2018“…Dwell time is a key parameter of system performance, service reliability and quality in any mode of public transportation and represents a significant portion of the total trip time along a serviced transit line. One major component of dwell times is the alighting and boarding time of passengers, also known as passenger flow time (PFT). …”
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Thesis -
A new direct viscous-inviscid interaction method for aerodynamics analysis
Published 2018“…This quantity describes the displacement of stream line due to the viscous effects. Through displacement thickness, modifying geometry is carried out, to allow recalculation by using Euler solver can be done. …”
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Thesis -
Characterization of whole-body vibration for monorail passenger ride comfort
Published 2018“…There were total of twenty-four experiments conducted in a two-car train monorail on its complete line from Kuala Lumpur Sentral to Titiwangsa stations. …”
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Thesis -
An impulsive noise analyser using amplitude probability distribution (APD) for broadband-wired communication
Published 2011“…However, there is no analyser available to perform direct measurement of the noise within the bandwidth of asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL2+) communication. This research presents a novel development of APD analyser for measurements of impulsive noise emission and its impact on ADSL2+ communication. …”
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Thesis -
Internet of things security implementation using blockchain for wireless technology
Published 2019“…All this data should arrange in cryptography order and chain together in a vertical line. A protocol called block and chain group the data into the block and then chain then. …”
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Thesis -
Evaluation on performance of square finned conformal cooling channel (sfccc) fabricated by selective laser melting (slm) on plastic moulded part
Published 2019“…However, the experimental results were in line with the simulative results, proving that the SFCCC design had better cycle times and acceptable quality for an industrial mould.…”
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Thesis -
Electric field emissions of FPGA chip based on gigahertz transverse electromagnetic cell modeling and measurements
Published 2016“…This research study also attempted analysis of the overall GTEM cell performance using transmission line theory. An FPGA chip was adopted as the IC under test because of its flexibility in configuration to any digital circuit. …”
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Thesis -
A modified weight optimisation for higher-order neural network in time series prediction
Published 2020“…The challenges in time series prediction are to provide a technique to better understand a dataset. In line with this, the Cuckoo Search (CS) learning algorithm, a kind of metaheuristics techniques employs high-level techniques for exploration and exploitation of the search space in which its step length is much longer in the long run. …”
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Thesis -
Nicotinamide Nucleotide Transhydrogenase as a novel treatment target in adrenocortical carcinoma
Published 2018“…Next, we generated a stable NNT knockdown model in the same cell line to investigate the longer lasting effects of NNT silencing. …”
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Article -
Economic integration among ASEAN countries: evidence from gravity model
Published 2009“…Relative development affects only food & live animals (SITC 0), crude materials (SITC 2), chemicals & materials (SITC 5), and manufactured goods (SITC 6). …”
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Monograph -
The three Abrahamic faiths and their roles in making peace, unity and co-existence
Published 2011“…However, throughout the history of religions, it has been observed that three faiths provoked people to live with peace, love, unity and co-existence but ideological divergence, religious extremism and political interest led people to involve with aggression, violence and destruction such as Crusades of Christian Europe against Muslims and Islam-phobia. …”
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Article -
The three Abrahamic faiths and their roles in making peace, unity and co-existence through moral and ethical, religious and socio-cultural transformations
Published 2011“…However, throughout the history of religions, it has been observed that three faiths provoked people to live with peace, love, unity and co-existence but ideological divergence, religious extremism and political interest led people to involve with aggression, violence and destruction such as Crusades of Christian Europe against Muslims and Islam-phobia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Fatty acid composition of Malaysian giant mudskipper (Periophthalmodon schlosseri) fish oil
Published 2010“…Background: The mudskipper (P. schlosseri) belongs to the Periophthalmin spp. within the family Gobiidae. They live in the mangrove swamps and intertidal habitats which are found only in tropical and subtropical regions. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Performance investigation of energy efficient hybrid engine towards green technology
Published 2011“…The disposal of batteries might make bio-dreadful condition which is the hannful for the humans and others living things. Advanced power systems and reduced vehicle road-loads are necessary in order to make significant gains in motor vehicles energy. …”
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Book Chapter